This month’s Computer Society function is a presentation on the impact of Internet connectivity through the submarine optic fibre by PowertTel. The presentation will be made by PowerTel Sales and Marketing Manager, Willard Nyagwande and will be held at the Harare Club at 1730hrs today.
In March, PowerTel became the first telecoms operator to connect to high speed submarine optic fibre cable through through Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC). In the agreement between the two telcos, PowerTel is getting direct international undersea connectivity through a SynchronousTransport Module One (STM1) at a maximum of 155Mbps. The capacity is understandably limited and is not expected to significantly lower Internet connectivity costs in Zimbabwe.
We’re looking forward to getting more details about the connectivity options and possibilities the PowerTel fibre network has to offer. The Computer Society holds such monthly functions where topical issues in the Zimbabwe ICT industry are discussed. They have confirmed that non-members are welcome to this month’s function.
See you there!
UPDATE: You can view the feed of live-tweets of the event on our twitter profile:
I am the chief Engineer for
I am the chief engineer for Powertel, i can contribute significantly on the technical articles side.
Can i have computer society membership application forms
Hey Tarugarira,
This blog is not run by the Computer Society of Zim. To get CSZ membership forms please visit their site
Anyone with an idea hw much is a pwertel modem