Google Switches On Street View in South Africa

Google Street View South Africa
Google Street View South Africa
Inside the Peter Mokoba World Cup stadium in Google Street View

It’s official, you can now walk around South Africa right from your computer.

Today Google officially made Google Maps Street View publicly available through it’s Google Africa blog in a post titled “Elephants and Soccer Stadiums as Google launches Street View and 3D Buildings in South Africa

Using Google Maps Street View, you can get a 360° street level view the equivalent of  physically touring  South Africa. Street View is enabled in about 33 South African cities and towns. The view itself is so high definition it’s addictive. It really feels like you are there, moving around, zooming in on interesting features etc!

You can try it here: Navigate the map to Johannesburg, or any other place that interests you. Zoom in until the streets are marked in yellow. The coloring means there’s Street View for the street. Grab the little man at the top left corner and drop him onto the colored streets.

Or just click on these links to view the World Cup soccer stadiums: Soccer CityMoses Mabhida, and Peter Mokaba.

South Africa is the first country in Africa to get Street View. The benefits that come with hosting the World Cup!

More images we viewed below:

Google J'burg road

Google Street View Johannesburg City Centre


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