Nhava To Launch Tablet Device In A Couple Of Days

Tinashe Shangwa
Tinashe Shangwa
Mr. Tinashe Shangwa, Nhava CEO

Back in May this year when we last visited the Nhava offices, the Nhava CEO Mr. Tinashe Shangwa told us the company was about to launch a new tablet device named the Maestro in a matter of weeks. Well, the Maestro didn’t exactly come in a matter of weeks. But a couple of days ago, we had an opportunity to chat with Mr. Shangwa at the Nhava Avenues offices and he had some news for us.

The Maestro is here. The CEO says the device will go on sale in a matter of days with a price tag of US $499.

On features, the Maestro spots the typical tablet look and netbook brains; some 1GB RAM, Intel Atom N270 processor running at 1.60 GHz, a 160GB hard drive, a 1.3 megapixel front facing webcam, 3G connectivity and multi-touch.  The device will ship with a any flavour of Microsoft Windows 7 depending on the buyer’s needs.

We played with a Maestro for about an hour and were left with somewhat mixed feelings. We loved the portability and the multi touch obviously. The experience leaves you wondering if we still need netbooks. We also loved the ultra-light weight, it’s easy on the hands.

What we found a bit on the negative is the heat that comes out from the left underside of the device. Holding the tablet with the left hand while operating it with the right in the most natural position to hold any tablet meant putting up with a lot of heat on the left hand. It was uncomfortable.

Other than that, we can’t say we used it long enough to give a fair opinion on the other things so we just won’t.

Here’ are some images of the Maestro tablet:

Nhava Maestro

Nhava Maestro

Nhava Maestro

Nhava Maestro

Will you consider getting yourself the Nhava tablet? Share your opinions in the comments below.


62 responses

  1. John Jajiso Avatar
    John Jajiso

    Haa it looks more like one of the G-TIDE products, but being a Zimba I would like to support these guys (patriotism yakapa Munya Mari kuHouse). I know these guys are trying to be as African as possible but honestly brand name rinonzi NHAVA, i think its off the mark, hameno asi ini i feel its such a bad bad name for a potentially good product. Ko uneipi mazuva ano? then i say ‘Ndine nhava’

  2. mobiVenture Avatar

    All the best guys I support such innovative designs. One day you brand will be big! Keep on the good works!

  3. Takunda Avatar

    Hey i like the idea but cld you explain more on things like weight and battery life. How many hours it runs on 3g, Wireless and Movies smthing like tht… This will really tell us if this gadget will be worth it.

    thanks in advance

  4. Takunda Avatar

    thinking out side the box does the tablet offer voice calls like the tablets dell streak or the samgsung galaxy??

  5. JamesM Avatar

    Mobile devices such as tablets are exploding worldwide and it’s good to see local players bring such innovative products closer to home. However tablets sporting Google’s Android operating system are ones dominating this segment of the market globally, and it’s a pitty Zim consumers don’t often see this distinction as we have long been fed a diet of Microsoft products. I hope techzim will do its readers a service and publish more articles on hardware and other devices that go into greater detail making comparisons. Great site otherwise!

  6. gilbert Avatar

    It is good to see that some of the money that was invested by prominent businessman Mr. Rugare Chidembo is not goinng to waste but is actually being invested in product innovation. Another plus for the Nhava team, well done guys!

  7. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    Thank you for the support and i promise you this is one of the products that is well designed and developed.

  8. David Wamambo Avatar
    David Wamambo

    NHAVA makapenga vakomana plese kp up the gud work i am a proud owner of a NHAVA product.I have been using it fr the last 8 months and its perfoming very well,and can recomend this product to anyone,NHAVA is good as H.P,DELL and any other laptop brand.GUYS lets support these guys!!!!!!

  9. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    John, let me explain the difference between our off-field rivals, Venum Inc., (Nhava Global design company)is responsible for both Processor Architect Design and PCB Design and therefore we orient the positioning and performance of our products, which no African brand is doing currently.

  10. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    It is the perfect device for VoiP(Skype and google talk) with the 3 megapixel web camera and built in micro phone, guess what! your phone is in trouble..

  11. kzimudzi Avatar

    by the looks of it this is quite an impressive piece of kit. would appreciate a more thorough review of how this product actually performs. well done for making this tablet!

  12. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    review location will be definitely be available for you, because at Nhava Global, be strongly believe in the (Ff) Feel Factor

  13. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    thank you David, please not that we are out rolling out V-Tech, our Business Technical Support Service that will help you fully exploit your product to your advantage and back-up services to your Warranty around the nation

  14. brian Avatar

    I have some issues with this product (from what I can see in this review). I currently use a laptop and an Ipad and from what I can see, this is device is essentially a laptop with the screen slapped on to. Why do I say this, unlike the typical tablet device, this is chunky and obviously is using stand heat dispersion techniques you would find in a laptop (i.e. a chunky heat sink and a fan)…The ipad on the other produces no heat at all and is so thin it really feel like a tablet as opposed to a redesigned laptop

    just my 2 cents

  15. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    Brian you are right man. I wouldnt want to lie this is nothing difrent from the Xhina versions you get. What difrintiates this device from those in the main line. If they are making it I would love to have a proper review of it.

    What exactly are they bringing to the IT spectrum. This is just an Ordinary Xhing to mention the least. It looks bulky I should say

    Im always Kritik of anything call on me for that. I work to recreate what I kriticize.

  16. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    Ok Mr Venum Im not the ordinary Zimbabwean guy that will buy you Tablet Im the guy that poses Nhava the Album top selling and Inovative Album by Mtukudzi. An african Icon.

    What are you doing honestly what re you you truely producing on these devices. I kno you can get such devices Thinner ones from China rebrand them and call them a cooler name like mine. NerdPads obviously not Nhava.

    You device is failing as the review says. It does solve what the Tablet user needs that HEAT that Heat why?

    The bulkiness why?

    The same look and ugly finish why?

    What have you oriented in the positioning and perfomance of your products that other “African” brand aint doing. All african brands I knoe out source from China what are you talking about that can call “PCB design and PROCESSOR ACHITECTURE. What do you mean by that. Some of ask just so we get to reveal the truth and lie in you.

    What makes you claim Globality i c you are Nhava Global Design company.

    What did you specifically design on this device?

    Ill be waiting to hear from you. send me an email nmregi@nerdseo.co.za

  17. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    You mentioned Innovative designs man, could you get me some of their designs also need to confirm I just heard of these guys on this post.


  18. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    Good question its what they should be telling us not NHAVA rigt?

    Takunda you are right He answered everyone and left you out.

    Batrey life this device should also understand the electricity issue in Zim right?

  19. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    Well phones aint in trouble as yet till the internet infrastructure is rebuilt. I have to mention Its good that you guys are selling these devices but it only gets Econet and em in trouble once VOIP gets clasified as Data damn I c trouble.

    Its the perfect device for the wrong price I can get an Ipad for that price pluc considering you guys are making this in Zim subsidize the price buddies just so my Granny can get to afford it.

  20. Nerd Mregi Avatar

    You should know how you Classify PRODUCT INNOVATION. Thats not Product innovation Its product customization if not rebranding.

    Innovation is perfection of invention to me bro. There ddnt innovate anything as yet.

  21. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    Brian you are right, the Maaestro & the Ipad are based on theTbalet Pc platform but they are different. The Maestro is positioned a fully fledged pc running on the Tablet platform with both the commercial and consumer perspective. While the Ipad is positioned as a semi- fledged pc more sided on the consumer perspective. So you can put a Duo Core in the Maestro, and be are assured that the heat issue is going to be solved by the Intel Atom Duo Core Fan-less Processor

  22. Venum Inc., Avatar
    Venum Inc.,

    If you have time watch Venum Idea, that will be featured on ZBC and we will definitely take you from designing to manufacturing of these products. Im glad to air-out some skeptics. But critics we will always need them for progression and more excellency.

  23. chido Avatar

    wish you guys could invent something thats original than go to China get the inferior products come here and put yo stickers then u start calling them nhava,thats day light robbery.we are not that desperate to get inferior products,good 4 u u r makingg yo cash

  24. Financeguru Avatar

    A man once told me it is easy to come up with problems but only a TRUE man can come up with solutions. Im sorry mregi but I have never heard of you in my life. At least Nhava is actually doing something productive in creating a product for Zimbabweans. What have you done for Zimbabwe? You need to stop being so negative about what others are doing and focus on getting your money. Until you drive a Benz and live in The Brooke, like me, Im not going to take you seriously.

  25. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    FinanceGuru thanks for being such a believer. Unless these guys get serious critics they wont perfect their product at all. Dont expect to hear about me at all in your life I also am not willing to be heard by you Broke people at all simply coz I make my money and dont ever get to stay in Broke not coz I dont afford simply coz I have a better calling somewere. What makes you so sure I dont drive a Benz and what makes you so sure I cant crib in Broke? Till you so sure come and make a valid point.

    We are up for having the best BEST product for our people not the very same CHEAP products everyone cries about. We are up for having the best innovative companies not the best adoptive companies. We are up for revolutionary Ideas and Ideas people can stand up for and Claim this is Made In Zimbabwe not simply made in Zimbabwe but Innovated and or invented in Zimbabwe thats all we are up for. Not people wishing someone should stay in Brooke or drive a Benz before they critic what they should know about a product.

    You simply dont know who you are talking about so dont judge before the book is finalized Open your eyes young man. Critics make the world go round they protect you Believers we are the oposite of marketing and what we say is what needs to be changed.

    You live in a Shut Down country that why you dont hear the Boot sounds. Bootup your mind Critics make or break a company. The CEO of this company should know he needs us Im sure he does. We reflect upon what he needs to communicate to the people.

    I work as a KiritiK mr Financial Guru

  26. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Unfortunately I wont be in Zim anytime soon Could you posibly post it on You Tube and I can get a few pf my guys to review it also.

    Please not “In contrary to other shallow minds, Critics make a product and they sieve out the chuff from the grain” We not haters we are product evaluater and forward thinkers we adress issues CEO have to inform the oublic. We are simply the ROCKGEEKS marketing guys cant talk ___ to”

  27. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    So you basically providing a 2 in 1 solutions. well that makes sense considering what many ZW guys need. So on the pricing is it anything in between the two or its simply a fully fledged PC price with the benefit of portability?

    Well I would ask is it what the ZW markets are up for, Fully fledged Pc pad. In terms of price? Im sure you would do well with a less speced machine at a very low price its all Zimbabwe needs having the cheapest device with the most decent capabilities. Consider a student at Varsity who is so in need of a laptop and cant afford a pc they can do away with a cheaper alternative right?

  28. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    I would have loved to have you as my better half 🙂 . Thats the only valid point I have heard In a while on this post all these guys are up praising and talking nonsense over things they dnt kno. These devices look exactly like China devices I will always say that There is no PCB manuctaring plant I know in zim not even a PC assembly plant I kno as from when I left Zim.

    “we are not that desperate to get inferior products” You are so very right they taking it like that simply coz many people aren buying these Nokia Phones.

  29. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    What does Maestro mean. Well apart from having many stupid product lines and names this one is one of the most Irelevant or them all Maestro is an Italian word meaning Teacher and is comonly used for extreme respect given to a master musician.The term is most commonly used in the context of Western classical music and opera.

    What then is your point on calling a PC MAESTRO. Gues it comes with a Piano, DVD, HOMETHEATOR, GUITAR AND A FEW OF THOSE POLICE BAND INSTRUMENTS.


  30. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Nhava is not wrong but a suport system termed V-Tech eish vakomana vakomana musatidaro let me just show you what that means in a few links not from my Mind. I have a product called v-Tech myself its a Phone I know of a car series called vTech and I know were vtech comes from 何处购买 or in probly the Chinese they comunicate with you in “WÄ›i yì dá” gues they told you how to read that right. Its a Hong Kong-based manufacturer of consumer electronics. I can add they make computerized educational toys for children http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTech NB TOYS 4 CHILDREN

    Simpy put get a Nhava and lets meet at V-TECH with your computerized educational toy for children

    If you want more about that you can get hold of me on my email address.

    “Remember never be afraid to be wrong coz u will never be right”


  31. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/327196611/Windows_7_PC_Tablet.html tell the difrence. Prove your point and dont run away from my comments face them.




    After that can you answer me my question. DO YOU MAKE THESE DEVICES OR YOU HAVE AN OFFSHORE SUPLIER SIMPLE.


  32. dew Avatar

    can l get your contact details

  33. kondozi Avatar

    I like this website

  34. Financeguru Avatar

    Okay now youre arguing just for the sake of it. Why not criticise ‘Apple’ or any other major company. A name does not determine a companies success. It seems as if you sir have a personal vendetta against the nhava corporation. If you have something that you are unhappy about, I can put you in touch with the guys at the top there otherwise please congratulate them for the effort that they are at least trying to make.

  35. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Who said I dont kritik Apple I contribute on most forums and Tech Blogs they know me as NerdGr8 Check me out on Cnet Wired Tech Cruch Silicon Cape.

    In actual fact Im a top Apple kritik start anything about Apple and I will jump on you as long as you don’t have quite valid points.

    I don’t have at all any beef with Nhava dont be too quick to Judge. I only c a few things they have to address. Im a top Kritic about anything on the web and please dont take me lightly Im certified to make all these criticks. I criticize from Operating Systems, MID devics, Computing Devices and all things programming.

    “A name doesnt determine a companies success” Please stay away from marketing I would like you as a Finance Guru. A name hold the message to the consumer its better having a meaning-less name than a name that means something. Like I noted when they are thinking of names they should also consider us the learned 🙂 who understand what these words mean.

    Thanks for offering to get me intouch with these guys unfortunately I wont have anything to tell them as such, all i need are answers at the moment. Thanks bro.

  36. Kabweza Avatar

    Just to come in a bit here. And I’m not saying the Nhava products are great or that they invented them? They surely did not.
    But hey, how is this robbery?
    When the OK Supermarket buys some unpackaged polony from Colcom and packages it with an “OK Value Brand” package, do you feel OK is robbing you? Surely not. Why do you feel so in this case?

  37. Masimba Avatar

    Oh please, get off your high horse, will ya?

  38. chido Avatar

    nice question if OK goes and get the inferior polony(CHEAPEST AT WHOLESALE PRICE),that most people dont want then i will say the are robbing us,why not get the best put yo brand name and enjoy the profits.well if you think getting or selling low cost staff fro china and put a high mark up is good cool but i still think its a bad business approach.

  39. nyasha Avatar

    Hey wasup Mregi. Iam R. Chidembo’s son and as you may know we have a majority interest in Nhava. We have invested figures that will blow your mind in this company and your comments clearly seem to be undoing our hard work. Criticism is always essential because that whats makes you improve but please be more fair in your judgement and wait until you have actually seen and used the device youreself. Thats a basic necessity for being a critique dont you think? Thank You.

  40. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Thank you Nyasha. You have a very valid point. I have used Tablets before I used to have a Eurocom Tablet Pc and have had my hands on a few on a review basis. I am not arguing about the device I am trying to make them focus on the right spot so they succeed. Them claiming they make the device is a losing strategy everyone in this world will never believe that. They talking the worng things to the public and in turn causing up to pick those things up.

    Take for example me Mregi I start my own rebranded Tablet line through comisioning a Chinese home based factory, they get me the devices with my Brand “Jongwe” (please dont use that name its mine :-)) I come straight from China I dont say anything about me making the device I simply slot into the market with a cheaper device and off i go selling my Jongwe I will sell more with honesty than with a lie. No company will ever try and develop PCB in this world when China can do that It only increases your ioperating Overheads. Why should they want us to think they Make the devices when we all know Apple comicions out moulders in China so does all other companies, they dont make anything as such. Can nhava be the only one in this 21 century to make their own PC’s .

    Mr CEO the winning strategy is not lying about the original process the winning strategy is not saying anything about it. Simply sell your products without talking about you manufacturing the devices, I have been in busines as an entrepreneur and Honesty is key.

    I can analyse your investment with my little Financial knowledge I can tell and forsee what will hapen with your product line. Im not against Nhava but im trying to help you guys see were you went wrong. You sold only 500 devices in a year thats an average of 1.x devices a day. Someone who comes from China with his custom comisioned and rebranded product can sell more than 50 every trip without claiming alot of stuff simply talking his business and doing his business.

    Well here is the error. When you in business never mention the unecesary. Apple and Hp has offshore outsourced plants to chinese guys but they never talk about it we all know about it but they dont need to explain what doesnt matter. If you are a startup once you mention some traces of China Hood you have broken the egg if you do and try to stick to your error.

    Good leadership admits its wrongs. Cell-C CEO gave us an apology after we had jumped on a lie we saw about 4G. He came out and gave us an apology and now we suport Cell-C for its honesty to us the people.

    Many Zimbabwean have been made to only receive like dead corpse they believe in anything as long as there is alot of money involved, Im not one of them i respect ideas said in Honesty.

    Lastly please if you dont come out with the perfect truth then never say things you cant stand up to. I WISH SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN AFTER THIS and Ahoi please stop trying to explain things we all know its either you admit and adress the issues in a better way or we build up competition with the errors we see and come down there for you in full force. If this doesnt get adressed be sure to receive something on You-Yube many kno me from my Media-24 days. Im an Advocate for good ideas

  41. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Its lies baba you are being robbed of your precious U$D 500 which populates to too much money on something that is marketed on all lies.

    Im sure you go with me that they did not invet these devices and they do not make these devices. Kabweza you are one of the few that are getting my point but let me make you understand my point here.

    “When the OK Supermarket buys some unpackaged polony from Colcom and packages it with an “OK Value Brand” package”

    What OK is doing is not wrong at all. OK knows how to market their product they kno people kno they cant make this polony thing and thy dont talk about it or use the words that imply they make it. They simply tell you they have a value product. We all kno OK rebrands most of their products and we aint concernd they dont say a lie about it. These guys aint robbing me at all I will never purchase such a device at all there is nothing to it that they are telling us. They dont have a website they dont have a proper review Im sure they ran in losses they cant afford even a template website in Microsoft Word pssshh .

    They are telling us lies about their products and Im not one of those Believers when it comes to my Field. Ther are lying to you guys I qoute the lie:
    “At 2010.11.05 15:17, Venum Inc., said:

    John, let me explain the difference between our off-field rivals, Venum Inc., (Nhava Global design company)is responsible for both Processor Architect Design and PCB Design and therefore we orient the positioning and performance of our products, which no African brand is doing currently.”

    Read that again and come back to me. These guys are claiming they are into Processor Achitecture design something only Intel and AMD do unless these guys have engine sized prototype I dont kno of any Zimbabwean guys as of now who is involved in Nano development. There is the lie. Thats were their are robbing us of the truth.

  42. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Chido wakapenga Umstwembu sisteri Hai hai hai Sis you awsome. Im happy atleast there is someone who has better eyelashes on. These guys are being invested into simply to bring Shit in large amounts ndochii ichocho.

    “GETTING THE JUNK INTO OUR COUNTRY MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.” thats one valid point in many fooled brothers. I like I like.

    Well from what I c these guys have simply ran into high marginal loses and Mr Investor is simply saying niggers get me my money back. So since they perfomed fatally bad for an IT company besides launching an IT company with a suspended website which I think was also unpaid 4 hosting. Selling 500 units is an individual sellers standard who cant sell that much laptops without even rebranding check how many Gtides sell in year.

    If its local let them empower the people not empowering the CEO and having the people pay way too high for the devices real value. If they want to clearly call that Youth empowerment let them recoginse the university students that need these devices and cant afford 500 bucks which cant get you an HP not a Nhava. If its local then make it affordable to the locals why start a company when you dont understand the real needs of your market. Hazvidadisi kuva ne company zvinodadisa kubatsira vanhu vako ne company yako. Dont try and be Apple in a land were people dont even get Bread betee be their bread

  43. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    Unfortunately these Guys have the only IT company that makes computers and doesn’t have a Website and Im sure the reason Mr Venum inc hasn’t been around the blog is Econet is still too expensive to let him browse. Well Im sure you can get our only CEO thats active on FB thats they contacts page psshhhhh or simply look up the CEO’s name in the directory im sure they are using their home number for their business cards

  44. nyasha Avatar

    Sir please be more specific in what exactly you would like Nhava or any other related party to do for. Us as the Chidembo’s have an extremely broad and diversified business portfolio but we treat every company with similar imoportance. Plans are already at an advanced stage to complete the commisioning of a new manufacturing plant in Zimbabwe to make us a truly Zimbabwean ICT Group. As a businessman you need to understand that these things dont happen over night and therefore with time, prayers and an improving Zim eceonomy we will be able to achieve greater heights.

  45. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    I like the way you put it. Mr Nyasha Im happy you spotted an oportunity but what I would pesonaly like you guys to do is simply provide us with the right information simply that.

    I am inspired by you simply being a Chidembo although I hear about you guys Im yet to know more about your portfolio apart from the ones I read in the Nhava article. You guys have done a good job emporing Mr Tinashe I would now like to see you guys looking at Empowering your local markets. I cannot disclose my ideas as of now Simply revisit all my comments and see the positive in my negation reflect on that and redraw the lines.

    Do not under estimate the power of you only competitor G-Tide those guys are open and no one gives anything bout it.

    I want you to go out there admit you lied to the public in saying you are involved in Processor achitecture a field none of you employees has even the least knowledge on. I want you to revise your relationship with your consumers and get to understand what they really need and at what price and how exactly you will deliver to those needs in what form and under what name. Make them understand you are Nhava the company that doesnt rip its locals for business but the Nhava that empowers the locals through afordability, quality and the bigest of them all “INNOVATION” which you truely need. IT uptake is being hampered by such ridiculous prices over cheap products. We know they are highly cheap products inferior i should say. Your best bet is to have an aforadable product truely innovated for ZW.

    Get hold of me on Skype so I can explain things better. I wont lie if you dont revise your strategies we will c you move down under G-tide

    add me on skype: nerudo.mregi

  46. nyasha Avatar

    I am not currently on skype but your concerns have duly been noted and I will bring it up with the relevant individuals. We are involved in a number of both listed and non- listed companies. Due to issues of privacy the non-listed assets cannot be mentioned but on the ZSE we have major interests in companies such as Meikles and ZECO amongst others. We are open to empowering the youth who are able to approach us with profitable business plans as we believe that it is this generation that will successfuly lead the resurgence of the Zimbabwean economy to its former glory.

  47. Tawanda Avatar

    Well guys, I have been following Nhava and just read all of the comments above. I admire the ambition of these guys but at the same time I feel that they need to be honest with what exactly they do. Much ado about Maestro. Do they have a patent for this product? If you write your name on a banana, does it become your invention? The Blackberry tablet (PlayBook) will sell for less than $500, and the iPad already sells for $499. In the absence of transparency on exactly who makes these abridged laptops, this is an intellectual fraud. Yes, it heats up because it is a laptop with not enough breathing space. The ergonomics are totally off the grid. This is reverse engineering.

  48. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    You are right its Reverse Engeneering Ku hacker.. Like your banana example. They dont have all the things you mentioned No patents well how will thy get a patent they ddnt invest anything here Nhava itself is for Tuku m i lying? 🙂 kungo taura hangu.

    Ergonomics is a utter failure although ther are claiming the new fanless processor will eliminate the heat I know of thinner laptops that are ergonomically engineered to desipitate heat in the most efficient way they never heat up even with these Fan_FULL processors.

  49. chinaniso Avatar

    First off I’m all for being critical especially of local products but as a marketer by training I have come to learn is to hold off until you have cold hard facts. A lot has been said about Nhava by a number of ppl in previous comments. Alot of these comments, both positive and negative, have no basis what so ever. Any critic of a product should only be made after a comprehensive trial with an operational unit. A brilliant example of this is the magazine PC Format. All this nonsense about the supposed deficences of the Maestro based on 3 pictures and an hour of usage is absolutely ridiculous. I totally agree that unless the guys at Nhava can back up thier claims they must retact them but apart from that they have done absolutely nothing to deserve the critism that some have heaped on their product. As for the issue of the naming of this product I think Mr Nerd was way off the mark. The word Maestro not only means teacher but denotes mastery in ones field. To the ordinary customer, who is the most important person here, maestro means master and exellence and to a marketer that is the pinnecle. Most of Nhava’s customer’s won’t have sleepless nights because maestro is Italian for music master teacher.

  50. nyasha Avatar

    Honest, fair criticism..I am impressed

  51. Tafmak Avatar

    The fact that something is made in Zimbabwe does not make it great, in fact if anything it is makes it suspicious in the eyes of the consumer. It’s like buying a product from Malawai or worse still, China. So what nhava must be doing in my opinion is going one of two routes, the budget PC route or exclusive cutting edged i-phone route the more sensible one being the earlier of cause. If nhava thinks they are going to push units simply because Nhava “is responsible for both Processor Architect Design and PCB Design” they have another thing coming, little known Fujitsu Seamens for example spends more than nhava’s net worth on Research & Developmentper month and they are virtually unknown. When consumers part with dollars they are thinking of value not patriotism. Faith ware will confirm that even in the world 0f $5 T-shirts the same is true.Another thing nhava has hopefully realized by now is that, Zimbabwe is too small a market base for nhava to be content with. Even $5 million sales are not enough to sustain a computer company. Nhava shpuld go regional or continental if not global. Which brings me to the next issue, the name goodness what where they thinking?. Again because you call your product “mwana wevhu” I am not going to buy it for that reason, N-H-A-V-A is a name that a lot of none african/shona people cannot pronounce which means they won’t mention or remember it and you loose valuable word of mouth marketing. Call it Mate Pad even just not Nhava, the name is hideous and only 1 000 to the power of millionth of the people in the world understand what it means. China an afford to give their brands Chinese names coz when they do a billion people will get them.

  52. Nerd Mregi Avatar
    Nerd Mregi

    You are right man. But dont you see the finger in the pie. Why would you try and become a processor achitecture development when there are more than enough in Hong Kong that do that 🙂 at a way cheaper price.

    Well truth be told these devices are truely Zhing Zhong by defination. I wont try and have one in my hand simply coz there is Hong Kong mentioned.

  53. zangelo Avatar

    iiihh, apa tawanda wawanza (the whole banana thing). I dont know much about the silicone industry but I must say that the Nhava guys must be applauded for their initiative. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (or in this case should it read- a gigabyte begins with a single byte??? hameno)In the same breath, they must also learn to take constructive criticism in their stride because that’s what propels improvement and how products and skills get honed. we are living in a knowledge economy where you have to be on the competitive edge always- good constructive criticism acts as a sharpener- it may grate your ears but does the job. Keep it up guys- as for the name Nhava- love it. if the so-called ‘literate people’ can say (and wear)Seiko(?) then surely Nhava is a piece of cake. Say no to conformism!

  54. Nergmsman Avatar

    did this news still available? i focused this news for long time, but till now i cant find any tablet for sale. how long is couple of days? and i cant find any useful informtion about nhava. pls anyone let me know how to contact nhava and buy this. thanks.

  55. Beaton Nyamapanda Avatar

    The Ipad costs the same price and you expect people to seriously consider a hand burning device that has a mouse based (pointer) operating system that is not modified to accommodate touch?

    To all those pple saying lets support these guys, lets look at this objectively without misplacing patriotism. These guys are buying Chinese lookalikes and selling them as theirs. Whats there to support there?

  56. motionraw Avatar

    is the ceo sitting on a bench on that picture

  57. robasta Avatar

    the problem with a look-a-like gadget is that it always lags behind in the other ‘not so obvious’ services. Does G-Mobile have an AppStore? Blackberry does.

    When the IPhone launched, I rushed ahead and bought an un-branded chinesse version. The browser could only open very small pages. I could not download a single app to improve my experience.

    When these devices launch, they are not 100% (ask any developer) and they are followed by a series of updates/patches/service packs/security fixes etc. If these devices are chinesse (like my fake iphone), there wont be any updates.

    Okay, we shouldnt judge a book by its cover but looking at the g-mobile site (couldnt find the nhava site by the way) I couldnt help but think to myself: “Can a phone manufacturer have such a crappy website?”

    >>On the other had, at least there is a laptop with a shona name 😉

  58. Techready Avatar

    Hi Please test your tablet and let your Nhava product convince clients by giving them the top ten benefits of using it. if there are problems with it, find solutions to address the problem before you launch it or let customers deal with the downside of the attributes. otherwise I think ti is a good initiative and will take us to new heights.

  59. Mumukumba munyaradzi Avatar
    Mumukumba munyaradzi

    You see, zimboz are all the same. I have seen a hoolipah of negative comments here but question is why cant all you guys give credit where its due, I know this boy and his family personally tendaiwo vana vevamwe midzimu yavo ifare ZVAWONEKWA VA SHANGWA. Tinashe, Tawanda. Florence the mother and Fiona the sister keep up the good work guys. Zomboz should learn a thing or two. Bvunza kuti dhiri rinofamba sei pane kusvora regai munhu alume asingade kutenga pachake. Rova basa mupfanha wangu.

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