A few days ago we visited Dariro, a new startup building what we can describe as a ‘local pages’ web platform. The website is still in beta and it’s live on Dariro.com. The website also provides a platform for developers to build their own applications. The Dariro founder is Richwell Phinias, an internet marketing entrepreneur.
Some disclosure: we have known the founder since 2002 when we were building a lyrics website for local music. We shut down the website after some 2 years having failed to monetize. Dariro now has picked up the lyrics website (which they now own) and is running it as part of Dariro.com.
Phinias believes that Dariro offers an opportunity to bring online a lot of Zimbabwean entities that are not. According to him, such entities can be businesses, non-profit organizations, schools, clubs and even individuals. It’s sort of Facebook pages without the integrated social networking features. He explains: “When I first went online, way after the turn of the new millennium, I noticed that online there wasn’t any much information about Zimbabwean businesses, organizations, churches, individuals etc and that’s when the Dariro journey began…”
Some concepts of Dariro are sort of in competition with the storefront feature of the established classifieds.co.zw. It also provides some already available page features of the ever more relevant finditfast.co.zw. But Phinias says it’s more than just classifieds, or a business directory, “the classified component can actually just run as part of Dariro, but Dariro is wider than just that”.
The applications concept definitely differentiates it from these existing platforms and if executed well, may define the success of Dariro. To demonstrate how applications can be built inside Dariro, the website has launched with 4 applications: a Provisional Driver’s Practice app, the Zimlyrics app, a chat app and a still-in-the-works Dariro eLearning centre. If you use the provisional driver’s practice application, you can quickly see how useful this platform can be. And the possibilities of linking the application to driving school websites, driving training tips, the how to’s of Zimbabwe’s driving etc…
On the pages front though, clicking around the directory you notice that most of the categories are still empty. This of course lessens the usefulness of the pages themselves and unless a lot of people decide to create pages for their businesses, this will not change. Now, visitors are unlikely to create pages unless they see the benefits clearly, and as it is, Dariro is not telling these benefits clearly. It’s not to say that there are no benefits, there are, but a user needs to feel the benefits when they first arrive at the home page. We may be wrong, but this is just not the case yet.
We think that filling those empty pages will take a lot of work; maybe a couple of data capture clerks busy at keyboards entering data that’s been collected by another team doing the rounds countrywide visiting businesses.

As for the applications inside Dariro, the Dariro team will also need a clear-benefits story for developers to choose the platform. Every web developer will weigh the benefits of launching their application on an independent platform against the benefits of having it on Dariro. Developers will also be interested in knowing how their applications’ intellectual property and revenue are protected. We don’t see it clearly on the site if Dariro is directly addressing these developer questions. Or maybe it’s too early to do so. Maybe Dariro well keep launching their applications to amass critical visitor eyeballs first so they can have a compelling story for developers.
Phinias says creating pages on Dariro will be free but they will ensure that pages contribute to and are consistent with the overall user experience on Dariro. This, he says will help protect the user experience by keeping the site clean and consistent. Dariro’s revenue, Phinias explains, will come from advertisers as the website’s visitors increase.
Dariro has an opportunity to advance the usefulness and relevance of the internet to Zimbabweans. There’s no go-to solution right now for internet users and businesses to quickly and painlessly bring their offline entities online. Facebook pages have served this purpose well so far, but there’s still a lot of space for a solution built from the ground up for local pages.
Dariro itself has Facebook comments integrated with each page.
To finance Dariro this far, the founder has used finances from his internet consulting work and the proceeds from the sale of his personal car. The founder and one other member of the team are currently working from a friend’s garage in Harare.
For the techies out there, Dariro is based on Joomla.
We would love to know your thoughts on Dariro.
11 responses
Great initiative guys. Please just note that you are open to a sql insertion hack.
Brilliant idea, we need this badly. Just wondering … why go for a .com when a .co.zw is so much more appropriate?
http://www.dariro.co.zw gets you to the same website
me like it
thanx@techzim for e article and e feedback.will continue working hard to get value out of the internet for the people.
But how is it different from classifieds.co.zw or zimlocal.com ??
We welcome you Richard to have Zimbolicious and ZimLocal on dariro pages, I am sure that will drive even more users to your services especially website domain names and hosting where I think you have affordable prices comparing with other Zim hosting companies.
Thank you Richard for the question. Many organizations, companies, artists etc are not on the internet or they are online but are not benefiting anyhow from being online. It might be because of costs (domain, hosting, design, SEO), skills(design, e-marketing) or some other reason. Classifieds.co.zw is a classifieds advertising platform online, they now have a print version which costs a dollar. Their storefronts to some extend have some features we have on dariro.com pages. I am only seeing Zimlocal on your post and i think on adwords a couple of weeks ago.
Dariro.com on the other hand is not a classifieds website, the feature which some equate to storefronts is not a storefront and it is entirely free to have dariro.com pages. Zimlocal from my brief interaction with it a few weeks back, i noticed its coming in the model of google, live, yhoo, fcbook LOCAL which again is not what Dariro.com is all about. Dariro.com/co.zw is a platform on the internet where Zimbabweans interact first with themselves and then with world sharing info, communicating ideas and networking for dev; be it business, religious or entertainment matters you name IT.
However there are many websites online you might want to equate to dariro.com at the moment, but I hope in the near future the difference will start to be apparent as people begin to realize the concept of dariro, even people at dariro, as we launched many ideas are coming from users and some have their own suggestions on what they think dariro should be like but eventually together with users i think we are going to come up with a platform that priorities and deliver on people’s needs.
Thank you Richard for your comment and question.
You guys are damn spoilt! Startups are supposed to “start” in a garage-ask gates & jobs…lol
Wish you all the best guys.
poorly designed site no creativity
[…] has already been a different start-up named Dariro (we covered it here), which provided platform for local pages (in the sense of a Facebook pages) and included a section […]