Zimbabwe’s current mobile subscriber stats (September 2011)

POTRAZWe recently enquired from the POTRAZ the 3rd quarter mobile subscriber statistics for Zimbabwe. The figures they gave us are as follows:

  • Econet: 5.4 million
  • Telecel: 1.3 million
  • NetOne: 1.3 million

The significant change from the previous quarter is that by Econet Wireless Zimbabwe which has jumped from 4.2 million to 5.4 million subscribers, a 29% increase.  State owned operator NetOne has remained stagnant at 1.3 million, while Telecel Zimbabwe has increased slightly by 8% from 1.2 million to 1.3 million mobile subscribers.

According to these stats, the country’s mobile penetration has jumped from 53.5% to 63.9%.

During September, Econet announced that it expected to reach 6 million subscribers by end of the month. Later in the month, the company told analysts it had reached 5.6 million subscribers. It’s difficult to know which is the exact but we’ll use the POTRAZ figure for now.

POTRAZ gets its stats from the mobile operators. According to the POTRAZ official we spoke to, the figures represent active SIM cards in the quarter.


6 responses

  1. Oscar Manduku Avatar

    I’ve got my eye on you Econet Wireless.

  2. Jack Avatar

    thanks to dual and quad sim phones hehehehe

  3. Bethel Goka Avatar
    Bethel Goka

    VAS is not speaking to the figures, esp. with regards to what Telecel has done in terms of VAS compared to NetOne…

  4. Patience Zirima Avatar
    Patience Zirima

    thanks for the stats. However to remain useful and relevant (at least in my work) it would be great to further analyse who owns cellphones, (men/women, by age group etc), where are the people using cellphones (urban rural). As well as looking at the link between mobile and internet use. This info is strategically important for advertising, targeted communication, information dissemination, development work etc. 

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      Hello Patience. Thanks for the ideas. The crucial need for more data is definitely there and like you say would be of immense benefit to “advertising, targeted communication, information dissemination, development work etc..”
      We would like to provide this info but it does take time and resources. We’re working on this and hope to be able to provide it in the near future. 

  5. […] any reason it would not grow? In 2009, Zimbabwe had a mobile penetration rate of about 24%, in 2011 the mobile penetration rate was 64%. Two years ago in 2013 it was […]

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