Ghanaian based mobile agri-business service platform startup Esoko, is seeking partners in Zimbabwe to extend its services to the country. In a request for tender published in Zimbabwe’s newspapers over the last several days, Esoko has invited local companies to apply to run Esoko in the country as ‘Prime Licensees’.
The platform provides an information channel that agri-businesses, governments and other projects can use to collect and send out market information using SMS. Via the platform, users get personalized prices alerts, buy and sell offers. The platform is also used for SMS polling among other things.
The tender invitation says Esoko will provide the partner with technical support, basically setup of the system, maintaining it, application support and training. If this is something you’d be interested in, check their site for more details.
Esoko has been one of the widely known mobile phone based start-ups to make meaningful economic and social impact in Africa. The platform is used in over 15 countries in Africa through licensed partners.
Better still, can some of our unemployed developers develop a similar platform oriented toward our market dynamics. It’s not that difficult at all. If I wasn’t busy I would do and won’t have to pay anyone any licensing fees. Anyone up to the challenge?
yeah if ONLY it was easy and cheap to have equipment
Yeah while those unemployed developrs are at it can they develop an alternative to Windows/Linux. It’s not that difficult at all……
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