And this year’s winner of the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge is….

L.S.M Kabweza Avatar
Nimbus & FootballZone

We’re just from the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge finals where 6 startups battled it out for top spot of winner of the 2012 challenge. The winner of the challenge is Remote Livestock Marketing System (RLMS) an online livestock sales startup. RLMS allows its customers to buy livestock without having to be physically present. The founder of RLMS is Allister Banks. You can read more about RLMS in this profile here.

RLMS, Allister Banks
RLMS founder, Allister Banks (Center), receives his cheque after winning the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge

RLMS gets US $5,000 cash and $5,000 worth of internet services from ZOL, the title sponsors of the challenge.

The two runners ups this year are FootballZone and Nimbus. We have covered FootballZone here before. Nimbus is an SMS based question and answer application that uses crowd-sourcing to gather answers. Both startups get $2,500 cash and $2,500 in internet services each.

Nimbus & FootballZone

The rest of the finalists that pitched today are; Lost & Found, mTutor and Equinox.


  1. tinma@n

    Well deserved! RLMS is not only profit-making, but empowers others to make money in the process. Looking forward to a solid product.

    Congrats to the runners up, those who made it to the finals and all who bothered to try!

    It would be nice if TechZim followed up on winners like Mukela or such features
    – EMC2 and its cloud
    – That guy who created what he claimed to be an update-less antivirus

  2. Chiko Mukwenha

    Congrats to Allister! All the best for the future!

    1. Allister Banks

      Thanks very much

  3. Aurther

    Congrats Allister! Well done!

    1. Allister Banks

      Thanks Arthur. Talk soon

  4. Allister Banks

    Thank you to all the sponsors of this amazing event. What a privilege to be a part of it and to experience all the great talents of the other contestants. Keep pursuing your goals guys.

  5. Raymond Swart

    Well done Allister for showing Zimbabwe that a non techie can still come up with a great Zimbabwean start up. ZOL Jumpstart Challange really starting to yield results!

  6. mabuza

    I called this win from day 1. The project/idea definitely has potential

  7. tatendataa

    congratulation to Allistair Bank! your start up has got so much potential… i wish you all the best

  8. brian gondo

    The quality of the top 10 startups was pretty high. Congratulations to Allistair and all the finalists. the future looks bright for Zim tech

  9. wbhaku

    This looks like a very brilliant idea. Keep it up Allister.

  10. Jerry S Dhlakama

    The Zimbabwe we want! Well done Allister. Well done to everyone who took part…Eventually all things will fall into place. God Bless.

  11. Jerry S Dhlakama

    The Zimbabwe we want! Well done Allister! Well done to everyone who took part. eventualy all things will fall into place. God Bless

  12. dread

    Am quite disappoited in the projects that eventually won this year’s Jumpstart challenge. Apart from RLMS which I believe is a brilliant idea, the other 2 don’t seem deserving. A football news website and a question and answer app. Is that really the best the Zim tech industry can come up with. I really don’t see any money making or even growth potential with both of these. Are these projects that could really impact a significant number of Zimbabweans or even expand to outside our borders? I don’t think so. Once again a fail from the judges. Just handed out prizes to people who will not likely be around in a year or 2 just as they did last time

  13. keith letters

    Where is Nimbus??

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