The ZOL Jumpstart Challenge 2012 finalists

L.S.M Kabweza Avatar

We’re just from the second day of startup pitches of the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge. Tired but in high spirits. From an initial total of 43 startup applications, today, 6 emerged as the finalists. The feeling this year across the board, and something we’re very encouraged by, is that the quality of startups has improved significantly since last year. The quality of pitching too has increased quite well.

We will feature all top 10 startups in separate articles later, but for now here are the 6 that made it today are below. (The listing is in alphabetic order.)

Co-founder Godwin Thierry Chiparaushe pitches a startup we covered here in July called FootballZone. FootballZone covers local & international football news all conveniently on one platform using web and mobile platforms, with strong bias toward local football
The CEO of Hansole, Jacob Mutisi, pitching Lost and Found to the ZOL Jumpstart Judges. Working with the Zimbabwe Republic Police through Lost and Found assists the general public in locating lost and found items.
mTutor representatives, Douglas Chifetete (on the laptop) and Nigel Gambanga (standing). The two pitched an SMS based educational platform that provides question and answering techniques working on learning material provided by the Ministry of Education ,Sports and Culture and in line with the State approved syllabi. The initial application will focus on primary school mathematics covering key concepts in the school curriculum.
Nimbus founder Taps Murove presents to the judges. Nimbus is an SMS based application that uses crowd-sourcing to get answers to any question that individuals ask.
Tonderai Shamuyarira, Jacob Shamuyarira pitch a school management system whose objective is to improve communication between schools and parents through a web platform.
Allister Banks, the founder of Remote Livestock Marketing System (RLMS) piutches to the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge judges. RLMS is an online livestock sales platform.


  1. tinma@n

    Great stuff! Best of luck to everyone!

  2. Allister Banks

    Note error» RLMS stands for Remote Livestock Marketing System

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza

      Thanks Allister. fixed!

    2. tinm@n

      My advice is to also think about a second name that is easier to remember or type when its public facing. RLMS may not be easy for the average small-holder farmer to remember. L and M can be mixed up, even by myself.

      1. Allister Banks

        Thanks Tinm@n, any suggestions, something every farmer in Africa understands and that suggests online livestock marketing?

        1. tinm@n

          Not too sure. Will think about it and share later. Perhaps,you could get help from others as well.

  3. Sir Nigel

    Well done to all those guys who participated in this year’s start up challenge.Best of luck to the finalists!

  4. Cde_Hero


  5. Chris Mberi

    Jacob Mutisi great to see you man…..

  6. Clinton D. Mutambo

    Well done guys, all the best for Friday…

  7. mabuza

    I was not there, but at a glance, I really see GREAT potential for the RLMS app. That is really a good idea and I can see the money making potential

  8. Allister Banks

    the site is in build phase – thanks tinman

  9. brainy

    wish to c new products in the market not same products with a at the end maybe next year or the year after……………