We’ve written in the past few weeks on technology tools that have launched to make convenient processes around elections like checking the voter’s roll, finding the nearest polling station, and following the results. As there are a couple more out there that we haven’t covered we thought we could just list them all in one post. If there’s any you know that we we have left out, please let us know via the comments or the tips.
Crowd-sourced election incidents, www.zimelections2013.com
This is an Ushahidi powered crowd-sourced platform for Zimbabweans to share any incidences related to the election. According to the ZImrights, the organisation behind the site, the site can be used to share incidents about “efficiency, good practices, violence, intimidation, coercion, breach of electoral regulations or anything significant to the electoral process.”
Find the nearest lolling station, zimvoices.co.zw
We wrote about this one last week. The name suggests its run by the same people behind the crowd-sourced incidents site above. The site basically helps you to find the nearest polling station by selecting your constituency, district and ward. When we wrote about it last week, some readers expressed limited usefulness as some voters have no idea what ward they live in.
Checking if you’re on the voter’s roll, www.myzimvote.com
Enter your national ID and this site will tell you if you’re on the voters roll. Again the usefulness of the site is not complete, and this is important to not, the site uses a database of registrations that goes only up to to 27th May 2013. If you registered after that date, there’s no point checking. It’s also not clear how they got the voter’s roll database and this lessens the integrity of the data.
Follow the results as they are announced using interactive maps, electiOnride.com
This one’s actually quite cool but whether it will be useful or not is something that will be known when the announcement of results starts. According to the people behind the site, they have agents all over the country who will collect and communicate the data as it’s announced. Users of the site will be able to click on any province and constituency to see the presidential and parliamentary results.
Check election results, www.simukairesults.co.za
This one strangely uses a South African domain, but nevertheless also claims it will have the election results as they become available.
We will update the list as we get more information
4 responses
This will be fun if it was in real-time update.
Great study!