Zim ICT Ministry to host the second edition of e-TECH AFRICA


After proving that it was a worthy place to be, the next edition of e-TECH AFRICA EXPO is scheduled for the 1st to the 4th of October 2013 at the Harare International Conference Centre.etechexpo

e-TECH AFRICA EXPO 2013 is an event hosted by the Ministry of ICT and aims at providing a good platform for networking, exchange of views and experiences towards the growth of ICT’s in Africa. We enjoyed the first edition of e-TECH AFRICA EXPO last year and we posted our experience here.  Last year’s speakers included the Principal Director in Zimbabwe’s Ministry of ICT, Cosmas Chigwamba, Dr Gary Brooking, and Dr T Simbini for the University of Zimbabwe.

Atwell, Chigwamba
The Principal Director in Zimbabwe’s Ministry of ICT, Cosmas Chigwamba

Some factors that were talked about included:

  • Building vibrant ICT industry
  • ICTs in tourism and Entertainment
  • e-Government and national development
  • ICTs in education
  • ICT in health

We are excited about this year’s similar event, basically e-TECH AFRICA EXPO 2013 objectives are:

  • To Build a Knowledge and Information Society
  • To boost Research and development in ICT’s
  • To promote ICT’s in Health and Agriculture
  • To promote ICT’s in Tourism and Entertainment
  • To Build a vibrant ICT industry in Africa
  • To Bridge the digital divide
  • To promote the potential of ICT’s for sustainable growth
  • To promote Cyber Security & Cyber Ethics
  • To promote ICTs for Poverty Alleviation and Community Development
  • To Impact e-Government Development in Africa
  • To promote E-learning for a developing economy in Africa
  • Green Computing/ICT
  • Cloud Computing


2 responses

  1. zviro zvangu Avatar
    zviro zvangu

    i think this is a great initiative that the ministry of ict is taking in talking about the issues that have an impact on zimbabwe and africa as a whole regarding information technology. what it should do now is act, put the discussions into motion, promote e-governance, cloud compute, campaign for ict acceptance to all the age group, business sectors. Walk the talk.

    1. MI5 Avatar

      Who is the Acting Minister of ICT in Zimbabwe?

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