Preparing for your final ZIMSEC Exams using a technology

It is that time of the year when pupils and some adults get to sit for the public exams from various boards: HEXCO, ZIMSEC and Cambridge. For those who are still unprepared it is not too late to swot for these exams.Most students with internet access,smartphones and tablets hardly ever use this technology for their benefit. A good number of them use of the Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp Apps and scarcely use anything else.

The first thing that you should do is to make sure that you have a copy of the syllabus for each of the subjects that you are writing. If  do not already have these you can freely download PDF versions of both the O level and A level syllabi from the ZIMSEC website. The list includes electronic copies for most common subjects but on the off chance that your subject is not available then you might need to make the trip to your nearest ZIMSEC office and purchase a physical copy.

One of the most disappointing parts about the ZIMSEC website is that it does not have downloadable copies of past exam papers or specimen papers. Bearing in mind your syllabus requirements for each one of your subjects you should be aware that ZIMSEC shares most of its content with Cambridge and most questions appear in both exams. For subjects like Business Studies there is virtually no difference at all in terms of content. You can use Cambridge past exam papers and their corresponding marking schemes to practice. Some of them can be freely downloaded on the Cambridge website here ( this site was updated yesterday). There are a host of other sites such as the IGSCE center here and the Online exam center website. Google will cheerfully provide you with more sites.

It is amazing how many students keep repeating the same errors each year. Some errors even originate from uninformed teachers, I know a local teacher who still teaches the horizontal method of preparing accounts and has year after year unwittingly sent students to their failure. Each year examiners report on these errors and any other mistakes and tips that students might need to know about. The ZIMSEC website has a few copies of these reports. If you are interested in excelling in your exams it might be important to download and read these for all the subjects that you are writing. Here are the links for both A level and O level reports.

I had the honour of attending the best academic school in this country, St Faith’s High School, and technology has always been part of their success. Back when I was still a student their most important piece of technology was their photocopying machine which enabled students to sit for mock exams. We sat for every paper from 1973 to that year’s June exam. ZIMSEC sells hard copies all past exam papers at $2 apiece. You can use a photocopying machine to create multiple copies of the paper and practice. It is illegal to sell these papers without prior permission from ZIMSEC who are the copyright owners although it is generally acceptable to use this means for personal non profit use under the law.

You can also install Cambridge Apps to help with your English. English is the language of instruction for almost all the subjects except Shona. It is even permissible to answer Shona Paper 2 in English. Most students although fluent in the spoken lingo are often afflicted by a meagre vocabulary and the inability to distinguish informal and formal language. These are paid apps which would provide help in such areas as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation ( by the way Pronunciation differs but it should not differ.) The Apps are available for most devices including Android, iPhone, iPad, (and for some selected Apps) Blackberry and Windows.

Remember if you are to pass the exams you need to practice and technology can help you get there. Mazel Tov in your exams!!!

I must surely have failed to mention a lot of notable tools. Please feel free to add these in the comments section.



156 responses

    1. susan Avatar

      how can i have question and answer online

      1. Garikai Dzoma Avatar
        Garikai Dzoma

        Specific questions can be asked and answered on our site

  1. brainstorm Avatar

    you can visit , for comprehensive study and revision material.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      good to us

      1. Andrew Mula Avatar
        Andrew Mula

        ok guyz welcome to us

        1. Shakman Mukohwa Avatar
          Shakman Mukohwa

          oliy i need is to pass no Time to be fleckin”

      2. Kiara Avatar


    2.  Avatar


      1.  Avatar


    3. blessy Avatar

      l need to know more about english

      1. blessy Avatar

        assist me on how to pass chemistry

        1. jah luv Avatar
          jah luv

          wat level are you o and a level

          1. monica Avatar

            o level

        2.  Avatar

          verenga zve!!!!

      2. Delight chikundura Avatar
        Delight chikundura

        Read and understand the situation

    4. jah luv Avatar
      jah luv

      yaah,you WL pass guy

      1. mass mass Avatar
        mass mass

        thanks I wish all who are writing ZIMSEC examinations this year fantastic results

      2.  Avatar


  2. Kaycee Avatar

    For Cambridge students, use or as they both provide all exams both for May and November intake as well as syllabus and examiners report. All material is freely available and easy to download in PDF versions

    1. Garikai Dzoma Avatar
      Garikai Dzoma

      Great resources thanks!!!

  3. hester vivier Avatar
    hester vivier

    Great article. do you have similar suggestions for the grade 7 exam?

    1.  Avatar

      thank you

  4. Hugo Brennan Avatar

    Nice article, and you have given great detail. I’m also using some point of them for GATE exam preparation. It little high level exam but you have given some basic steps which is really very useful for every class and grade exam study.

  5. prince gwenzi Avatar
    prince gwenzi


  6.  Avatar

    I hpe it wrks

  7. given kwibisa Avatar
    given kwibisa

    lukng forwad to t

  8. Daniel nelson mwanza Avatar
    Daniel nelson mwanza

    Sound very interesting ,might work

  9. irvine zibzs Avatar
    irvine zibzs


  10. lesley zhou Avatar
    lesley zhou

    at least

  11. O'Brien Avatar

    zimsec u r amazing. Please would u upload more past exams and answers

  12. Tintoe Avatar

    ZIMSEC is very good but you have to add more past exam papers, syllabus and marking schemes as compared to GCSE, XTREME PAPERS, CAMBRIDGE, HEXCO, EDEXCEL, WJEC and many more you know pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING AND THE LITTLE YOU HAVE SHARED UNTO US…………………

    1. ltk Avatar

      hafair your are very very serious

    2. ltk Avatar

      you are very very extra serious keep it up??????????????????????????????????????????……………………………………

    3. Bernard Avatar

      Thanx 4 advices

  13. angelina Avatar

    hw do i get past exam papers

    1.  Avatar


      1. jah luv Avatar
        jah luv

        wat level are you o and a level

        1.  Avatar


        2. effoman Avatar

          toverenga even in the way to the exam

  14. panashe Avatar

    hey we need zimsec past exam papers pliiiz coz i cant access them even the marking schemes m doing mob acc and geo

    1. Garikai Avatar

      You only need the syllabi for both. 4 Business Studies you can use Cambridge past exam papers. Just be sure to take note of the differences. Unfortunatley Zimsec does not have past exam papers on its site. They sell them at thier HQ in Mt Pleasant for $2 each.

    2. crispen Avatar

      hie we need past exam papers

  15. […] year I wrote a piece on how to prepare for the ZIMSEC examinations using technology. For the past few weeks my inbox has […]

  16. Darlington Phiri M Avatar
    Darlington Phiri M

    hey! i’m no table to access past exam papers how can i get them

    1.  Avatar

      go to bro

  17. Joe Avatar

    its really interesting. all the support u may need

  18. maryln Avatar

    you are amaizing can you give me a hint of what am going to meet in my final examination

    1. TYSON B Avatar
      TYSON B

      go to extremepapers .com now

  19. SHARLYN Avatar


    1. TYSON B Avatar
      TYSON B

      yaah l think so

  20. maureen mguni Avatar
    maureen mguni

    may u please send me past exam questions

  21. maureen mguni Avatar
    maureen mguni

    may u please assist me on how to pass maths

  22. Bernard Avatar

    We need marking schemes

  23.  Avatar

    haaaaa thnx neh…..

  24. prudence Avatar

    hi hw cn i gt pst exm paprs

  25. mercy mutanga Avatar
    mercy mutanga

    you a doing great things keep it up

  26.  Avatar

    hey can you give me tips on how to write a speech and an article

  27. Shingy Avatar

    zimsec rocks ya’l &its easy to pass if u kip on Working hard……Thank yah Zimsec

  28. Aaron Donsa Avatar

    thanks a lot zimsec but tiisireiwo A level maths papers

  29.  Avatar

    thnx but may u assist wth past maths paper o’level

  30. Tawanda Brandon Avatar

    Can I incorporate scanned copies of ZIMSEC past exam papers legal on my site?

    1. Tawanda Brandon Avatar

      Legally** typo there

      1. grateful Avatar

        thanx yu so much

  31. mike neymar Avatar

    good distribution of education keep it up

  32. mike neymar Avatar

    thanks for supporting our education

  33. mike neymar Avatar

    thanks a lot for good education

  34. renegade Avatar

    hi, guys has anybody been using too? It’s still a bit empty but has a lot of Shona notes.

  35. leetony cyzyba Avatar

    thank u for the suport

  36. Loryn tindi Avatar
    Loryn tindi

    Hw cn i gt geo past exam papers A’ level

  37. muchy Avatar


  38. ashie Avatar

    thank you

  39. marshal chapfika Avatar
    marshal chapfika

    may u please send me past exam papers

  40. marshal chapfika Avatar
    marshal chapfika

    keep the standards

  41. percy muchabaiwa Avatar
    percy muchabaiwa

    zimsec shuld help us but we cannot download past exam papers for free yet l pay tuition

    1.  Avatar

      yeh sure

  42. ethel Avatar

    hey ….kip it up….education is our key t success …

  43. ethel Avatar

    we jus nid more past exam papers

  44.  Avatar

    liyanya msunu yenu

  45. crispen Avatar

    hie guys we must revise past exam papers

  46. phidza Avatar

    hw cn l download past papers

  47. mthobi maphosa Avatar
    mthobi maphosa

    cant wait to get over it….

  48. shaaz Avatar

    well this is good ***thank u****

  49. Nyasha Avatar

    nyc but ZIMSEC can u please finish uploading notes and past exam papers cz wi nid them before October 2015.desperate student

  50. Nyasha Saimon Sigs Avatar
    Nyasha Saimon Sigs

    anx guys

  51.  Avatar


  52. Sebata unthatile Avatar
    Sebata unthatile

    Can u send me past exam papers lit advanced level paper1,2,4 thanks

  53. charlton chiradza Avatar
    charlton chiradza

    great resources

  54. Nathaniel Avatar

    Zimsec should provide past exam papers with answers please because that will help us a lot in our studies academically. I hope you hope consider my request, thank you.

  55. chiez çhiez Avatar
    chiez çhiez

    thisz gd nw i can confidently get into it ķkkk …..xam

  56. Therry Avatar

    Uuu doing a grt job buh eish paMaths apa

  57. Melissa Magezi Avatar
    Melissa Magezi

    Zimsec should allow us to download questions as l already paid mu tution. Zimsec must do like other boards do. Please help us on downloading nd if opera mini is not where we should download this please show us by writing the website which we shld get the more information.

  58. Ernest Ndlovu Avatar
    Ernest Ndlovu

    Zimsec must issue out past exam papers online please help.

  59. Rodwell Sisimayi Avatar
    Rodwell Sisimayi

    I need yo help zimsec on paper 1 and 4

  60. DATODEM Avatar

    A Level geo 2016 iuyewo yakanaka pliz

  61. oswell mutuda Avatar
    oswell mutuda

    tht z gud gyz

  62. cheney c marembo Avatar
    cheney c marembo

    i could love to be updated on e followin subjects history,divinit & literature

  63. remi gal morbie Avatar
    remi gal morbie

    i think this is gonna help my grade 7 i hope so .

  64. Mtha Avatar

    Good advancement , hope for good results

  65. Sengamo Avatar

    Many thanks for the original article and the other sites referred to. For a rural school with challenges in the English language the Cambridge apps are a great booster

  66. Tanaka (DC) Bande Avatar
    Tanaka (DC) Bande

    thanks 4 advices, but we need zimsec qsn papers online plz

  67. precious m Avatar
    precious m

    thanks for advice you really rock our country

  68.  Avatar

    hie, how can i get Nov 2013 zimsec a level economics paper 2?

  69. Clayton Nyaks Avatar
    Clayton Nyaks

    Thanks for Advice bt we really nid qn papers n answers pleeeeaaaaasssee

  70. ¶®vdy•\° Avatar

    anxx for e advice bt l need past exam pprs bfo the end of this year ,im doin maths,bio and cchemistry so i thnk a lot of revision wl do me good

  71.  Avatar

    hie how can i get past exam papers,i’m doing mathematics,business studiesand economics

  72. sacha chinomungu Avatar
    sacha chinomungu

    help me pass :
    inter science
    religious studies

    1.  Avatar

      You wii pass in jesus name

  73. Rutheey mbizo hy Avatar
    Rutheey mbizo hy

    Wow i never new dat u’ve got a wonderful source of academic stuff. Help me pass ma A Level sciences. A big thanx 2 u & team:D::);):*

    1.  Avatar

      Where should I get marking guides for O level maths?

  74. Adrian Chimponde Avatar
    Adrian Chimponde

    its all good

    1. TYSON B Avatar
      TYSON B

      yaah its good

  75. elvis Avatar

    u can go tu zimsec website n dnld

  76. TYSON B Avatar

    l think this may help

  77. tino Avatar

    how do i get past exam papers for zimsec

  78. tracy Avatar

    we really need the syllabus,schemes and past papers

  79. jah luv Avatar
    jah luv

    TV ting

  80. allen Mukapa Avatar
    allen Mukapa

    wish u the best

  81. precious Avatar

    Assist me with mathematics

    1. katuruza fungai Avatar
      katuruza fungai

      pakaipa mukangahosho

      1. katuruza fungai Avatar
        katuruza fungai

        nditumiro profile pic rako

  82. e rdm Avatar
    e rdm

    i luv it

  83. edgeworth Avatar

    we are pass

  84. Daniel Chikuwira Avatar
    Daniel Chikuwira

    how can l download A level past exam papers. plz help us November is now around the corner

  85. Daniel Chikuwira Avatar
    Daniel Chikuwira

    l go for commercials……. accounting,economics and business studies

  86. Tonderai Avatar

    by the blood of jesus we ur going to pass this year

  87. alvis Avatar

    dats a yes 4 me

  88. warren douglas Avatar
    warren douglas

    Dats e best fo mina

  89. Apread Avatar

    Please help me know more abt English

  90. paul makarimayi Avatar
    paul makarimayi

    thank for informing people can you probably explain where you are saying English can be used to answer Shona paper 2

  91. Hitboy Avatar

    #applause,. we’d need a whatsapp group which we can get to know more about this thang..

  92. Lovemore Avatar

    Hey!! we need a ZIMSEC APP please

  93. rutendo Avatar

    please I need help in BS

  94. christiano Avatar

    sweet comes from sweat gyz

  95. Starr Avatar

    anx a lot ey ……pple u jus need 2 work hard

  96. tonderai Avatar

    guyz now its the time stop playng

  97. Gonzo Try Avatar
    Gonzo Try

    very useful

  98. Helena Diaz Avatar
    Helena Diaz

    Excellent blog post – For what it’s worth if you need a DA 31 , my family filled out and esigned a fillable version here

  99. ellen Avatar

    munogona bt ngazvisanyanye kuoma pliz

  100. passmore Avatar

    hw cn i find e past exam papers

  101. providence Avatar

    so helpfull

  102. justice sigauke Avatar
    justice sigauke

    umm thanks papa

  103. Anderson fox Avatar
    Anderson fox


  104. Nepile Avatar

    Help me w mathematics written june

  105. Nepile Avatar


  106. anonymous Avatar

    please download exam papers . keep it up good job


    help in english olevel nw ts 5 yrs ndichinyora ndichiita D

  108. tafadzwa Avatar

    good stuff

  109. faith shava Avatar
    faith shava

    Its helpful to use technology, am assisting my child in preparing zimsec exams and I hope she pass with flying colours. Thanks for all the information.

    1.  Avatar

      gys ndpeiwo maths and physics latest papers

  110. Jabu Avatar

    Hi Guys you can go on

  111. Rodney Avatar

    Gud wrk

  112. diana Avatar

    Zimsc you want technology but no past papers online

  113. Avatar

    as long as their is someone we love their will be the hope to save them & to protect the mwe will con

  114. collen jnr Avatar
    collen jnr

    guyz did maths bs n ecoz zvakaoma err pa A level

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