Telecel Zimbabwe extends the Mega Bonus Reloaded cheap calls promo

TelecelTo refer to the calls as ‘cheap’ is of course in the context of a Zimbabwe that ranks close to the top on the list of crazy high mobile tariffs in Africa. But yes, the Telecel promo that changed the tariffs game in the local telecoms industry, leading to an ugly chain of competitive – or anti-competitive depending on which side you are – events; accusations, counter accusations, network disconnections, unforced errorsshameless regulator silence, and finally, admonishment. That promo has been extended.

Telecel made the announcement yesterday. The promo, which was expiring at the end of September, has been extended to end of next month. it’s a big deal because never before in Zimbabwe had an operator slashed rates – yes with promo limitations ofcourse – on calls to other networks. Never before because this essentially means sacrificing some margin as the interconnection rate is 7 cents in Zimbabwe. The regular rate of 25 cents per minute slashed by half means the operator is sacrificing more than 50% of their revenue on each call.

The extension was expected. And if you have been in Zimbabwe watching how these promos are implemented, you’d also know either another extension is on the way come end of October, or at the very least a remix and rename of the promo concept. Unless ofcourse some “why are we killing each other” pricing collusion happens in the market!

You can read the full Telecel release here.


4 responses

  1. Farai Sairai Avatar

    I doubt there will be anymore collusion between Telecel and Econet. These guys will not smoke the peace pipe anytime soon. The network disconnection and the EcoCash issue have cemented a nice juicy war of the subscribers. When Telecel has improved it’s network coverage and number porting has been introduced (I have a huge nasty feeling Econet will be against this process!), competition will reign.

  2. Robert Ndlovu Avatar
    Robert Ndlovu

    Let market forces decide the price.Let the consumer be the winner.ALL the operators have been milking locals b charging 25c per minute.Now that the market has saturated what is left is grabbing customers from each other.Thats healthy.

  3. […] Telecel Zimbabwe extends the Mega Bonus Reloaded cheap calls promo (25.09.13) […]

  4. […] Telecel Zimbabwe announced the re-introduction of its Mega Juice promotion. This promo offers prepaid Telecel Go subscribers a 100% bonus for on net calls to whenever they recharge airtime worth $1 or more. […]

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