Formerly free to air Channel BOStv has missed it’s target to return to screens on 1 April as a paid satellite TV station due to delays in the delivery of decoders according to the company’s director, Nyasha Muzavazi. Early in the year, BOStv went off air because it was operating outside it’s licensing parameters by broadcasting as a free to air channel.
Their current license allows them to operate as a paid satellite channel on MyTV Africa’s bouquet and the company is currently seeking amendment with the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe.
BOStv was set to return to the screens in April, subject to BAZ re-adjusting their license to allow them to operate as a stand alone paid satellite service with multiple channels. However, BAZ is yet to approve BOStv’s license amendment and the company has opted to introduce their bouquet under the MyTV Africa service, a license hey own locally.
Nyasha Muzavazi told Techzim that BOStv should be available before June with two new bouquets called the Legend and Mini-legend. The Legend bouquet will have over 400 channels including MyTV Africa’s full bouquet, all BOStv channels and numerous free to air channels. This package will be available for $22 per month.
The Mini-legend bouquet will have over 100 channels including selected MyTV Africa channels, BOStv channels and some free to air channels. The mini-legend bouquet will be available for $10 monthly.
The BOStv channels will be available after the new BOStv mpeg4 decoders are delivered by the manufacturer. The decoders will cost between $75 and $125 depending on the features (Wifi and 3G).
Muzavazi said BOStv is currently signing up dealers to help them roll out the paid television service locally.
9 responses
Does the Legend bouquet have Barclay EPL & a Cartoon Channel?
EPL and champions league?
Any adult/porn channels?
hahaha standard
Can you catch LIVE sport 24/7 on the Legend bouquet? I have no entertainment titles, only sport.
hey Nyasha Muzavazi.. which of those Legends has Formula One? Will you have Free Practice 1,2,3; Qualification and Main Race on air?
Super Sport has Exclusive rights for EPL and Champions League in this region
if they can clarify on the football channels, I will definitely go for it!!!
where can we buy yo decoders plizzz email and where to subscribe