EcoCash Diaspora: Here are the countries you can remit money from

ecocash-diaspora-countriesAs you may know, two days ago Econet and WorldRemit announced the launch of a service that allows people outside Zimbabwe to remit money into Zimbabwe directly into EcoCash mobile money wallets. When we wrote the article initially we said, incorrectly it turns out, that people can use the WorldRemit service to send money from South Africa.

South Africa and the US are on the list of 35 countries on the WorldRemit website. A number of people commented and tweeted that the service actually wasn’t available for SA.

We asked WorldRemit Director, Rob Ayers, and he confirmed that South Africa isn’t actually enabled for outbound transfers yet:

The Central Bank of S. Africa keeps tight controls on funds leaving the country and makes it difficult to obtain a license. We are working on an approval, but it is difficult to give a timeframe at this point.

list. The correct list has 27 countries which includes the UK, Australia, Canada. No US and no SA. The list is on the right and on the Econet website.

And you can view the EcoCash Diaspora Press release here.


5 responses

  1.  Avatar

    u can send money using ecocash agents in south africa

    1. pindile mhandu Avatar
      pindile mhandu

      where are the agents is SA?

  2. anniendumiyana Avatar

    i can c thez is no african coutries u said we can send anywer all over the contry pliz help coz i want to sent via eco cash in africa

  3. munekani Avatar

    what are the African countries we can send ecocash too please

    1. reuben ndhlovu Avatar
      reuben ndhlovu

      ecocash is not user friendly, they just send incomplete information about people sending money from where ever they are without putting parameters on how to do it. the same applies to their so called VISA cards, how many people know that they have to have their econet lines put on roaming to access services when outside ZIMBABWE. what service number do you call when in eg BOTSWANA when you get your ecocash blocked. ecocash only gave 114 as a service number you call when in Zimbabwe and another number you call when in SOUTH AFRICA , what about this whole world of their countries in service what numbers do you use.

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