Zim’s VAS & App Ecosystem in the Mobile Broadband Era #ZimBroadband

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Many of you have been requesting that we post the presentations from Broadband Forum 2014 here, so here you are. We will post each one separately so they are easily findable after they are buried from our home page. In the next couple of days we will also be posting the videos so it makes more sense what was being discussed especially as a lot of the presentation is really verbal.

We start with the presentation by the Econet Head of VAS spencer Manguwa on Zimbabwe’s VAS and App ecosystem.

[slideshare id=35825799&doc=broadbandforumvasarenapresentation-140613020533-phpapp01]



  1. Trevor Sibanda

    Thank you, really useful stuff !!!

  2. Greg

    great stuff, looking froward to a great read

  3. ic0n1c

    thnx for the uploads!

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