Econet to launch Facebook on USSD

Econet logo“Can you imagine browsing Facebook using any handset? Now You Can!” If you saw this in a teaser advert in today’s paper you must have been wondering (like we were) what sort of service this was and from which operator.

We have just established from sources from Econet that this is their new product, Facebook on USSD which is set to be released any moment from now.

This Facebook on USSD service has been launched in other countries like Nigeria, Rwanda, India and Pakistan through networks like MTN.

With this new service any handset can be used to access the social network by dialing *325# The service which is being targeted mainly at Econet’s prepaid customers is meant as a “Facebooking” option for subscribers who do not have data enabled devices, are sensitive to the high costs of data or access internet service at restricted times of the day only( The workplace WiFi users).

Log In to the service is through USSD or SMS. Via USSD the user dials *325# and is given access to a log in (registration for users new to Facebook) followed by the main menu for Facebook with 7 options. The subscriber then selects the option they want to access.

Untitled-1In the case of SMS login a user sends a text message that reads FBID to 263325. This is followed by a response text with FBPWD #pass123.

So how much will it cost? Well when a subscriber tries to access the menu options they are given subscription plans  which are 10 cents, 50 cents and $1.50 for the daily, weekly and monthly subscriptions.

This service feels a lot like an improved version of the eTxT service that Econet launched some years ago. Though eTXT has been overshadowed by broadband services like WhatsApp it looks like Econet is keen on keeping it and SMS related services alive.


15 responses

  1. fourwallsinaroom Avatar

    If you have used this, does it send SMS alerts when someone sends a message, posts on a wall etc. Thats the only reason I would add this. So I am not constantly logging into FB to check! I dont like the emails because they email everything, but an SMS to say new message from XXXX or so and so wrote yyy on your wall. That would be ideal. and the fees are peanuts!

    1. ic0n1c Avatar

      True that will be a superb feature. I would start using bookface right away.

      1. fourwallsinaroom Avatar

        Econet!!!! Are you listening lol.

        1. Jay Jay Avatar
          Jay Jay

          fourwallsinaroom it does give you notifications in your phone inbox in relation to messages and birthday reminders

          1. fourwallsinaroom Avatar


  2. The King Avatar
    The King

    It will only be a moment before someone posts a comment here claiming this was their idea and Econet stole it from them

  3. collen Avatar

    this is used in most countries
    wonzwa mumwe achiti abirwa

  4. Shadreck Zhuanginyu Avatar

    Congradulations econet, im waiting for gmail ussd

  5. riley Avatar

    @fourwalls I received birthday notifications

  6. painrude Avatar

    gmail ussd way to go , +1 @shadreck

  7. Tonde Marims Avatar
    Tonde Marims

    Awesome, that’s the way to go Econet. Soon we gonna here that the laggards have launched there’s also.

    1. Soothsayer Avatar

      Tonde Marims, you need pay attention to your grammar before you start calling others names…

  8. Shadreck Zhuanginyu Avatar

    Econet kana makambo launcher ma-services, thanks for mastercard card i hope to use it for on

  9. ganpat jangid Avatar
    ganpat jangid


  10. Zimbolish Avatar

    An incomplete article as Techzim norm. How does one deregister this nonsense by the way?

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