NUST to host ZOL Startup Challenge Bulawayo tech entrepreneurship training & meetup


Hot on the heels of a successful ZOL Startup Challenge meetup held in Harare last week. Techzim and ZOL Zimbabwe will be descending on Bulawayo on the 4th of September for the ZOL Startup Challenge Bulawayo tech entrepreneurship training and meetup.

Thanks to our partners Sky Hub, we have managed to secure NUST to host both segments of the Bulawayo event and we are expecting a crowd bigger than the one we had here in Harare.

The venue will be Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Administration Building, NUST, Corner Gwanda Rd/ Cecil Ave.

The tech entrepreneurship training component of the event will kick off at 10 am and end at 1 pm. The main thrust of the training will be to equip Bulawayo techies with relevant business skills for entrepreneurship. The training will place a huge emphasis on the different revenue models for online businesses.

Muzinda Umuzi Hub will be handling the training aspect of the Bulawayo ZOL Startup Challenge event.

The meetup will start at 2pm and we will explain the new, extended format of the ZOL Start Challenge followed up by some exciting conversations focusing on the Bulawayo startup scene. The meetup will close with networking and good old drinks.

Both events are free to attend but there are limited spaces available and admission will be based on prior registration on a first come, first serve basis. You can register for either one of the events or both. Are you interested in being part of the Bulawayo Startup Challenge Meetup? Go ahead and register below.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’ZOL Startup Challenge Bulawayo Meetup Reg’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Event ‘ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Training Only,Meetup Only,Both’/][contact-field label=’Provide brief informantion about yourself’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]


  1. Farai

    Guys the choice of your venue is not the most easily accessible in BYO. But great initiative though.

    • an0n

      It is the best in terms of facilities. Very easy to get to. You can catch a Sunnindale combi by Evelyn or The taxi rank by Harare Road.

      Just say NUST

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