Ezzytickets out to offer comprehensive online ticketing solution

While we debate on how e-commerce and the online payment phenomenon is now in our backyard or whether we are ready for it or not, one service that we definitely need is online ticketing.

The numerous events lined up on the Zimbabwean social calendar should at least have an online payment option that reflects how we have adopted options like mobile money.

Ezzytickets is a local outfit that has set out to address this online ticketing problem from two angles. Their relatively new site (one month old) enables the selling of tickets online and the listing of free events for event organisers. I managed to get a quick insight from the team that is working on providing a comprehensive online ticketing option.

According to Pascal Nyasha, the team lead of the five man startup, Ezzytickets is trying to eradicate event organizing problems centred around the logistics of selling and distributing physical tickets for event organisers. At the same time Ezzytickets wants to provide a platform for the purchase of these tickets.

A visit to the site shows options to buy event tickets and for the organisers, to register an event – a process which requires the creation of an account. Through this account account they create tickets, specifying whether paid or not, and information like venue, tickets available, age restrictions and ticket classes with the option to upload a banner or logo for the event.

Sales can be traced through the account and to claim funds, while the organiser can process the claim and send it to the Ezzytickets administration through the system.

Currently the Ezzytickets has registered three events; namely the SADC Fashion Week, Shoko Festival and the Jibilika Dance Festival. I couldn’t purchase tickets for the Jibilika Dance Festival or Shoko Festival events which have been listed by the organisers only for promotional purposes.

For anyone keen on buying an available ticket for any of the listed events, Ezzytickets has integrated with the payment gateway Paynow. This means your mobile wallet(EcoCash and telecash), vPayments or VISA will be enough to pay for what you want.

Nyasha says they are working on a partnership with Easi, Innscor and selected retailers to introduce the Ezzytickets system in these outlets so that tickets can be bought and also redeemed there.

With different service providers popping up in the online ticketing arena, competition is likely to heat up in the next coming months as the challenge of payment that was holding many startups has now been addressed.

Sites like Zimticket and Webtickets (the guys selling the Shoko Festival Tickets) are just some of the competition that Ezzytickets is up against. It will be interesting to see how Ezzytickets fares in this environment.

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  1. Juju Man

    Halaaala, web dev still has some way to go in this country. Keep wrking dudes, one day, we will get there…

  2. Mike

    These guys had better get their act in order because if Computicket enters the market… there won’t be much of a market left…

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