Infographic: How to succeed in a startup

Infographic: How to Succeed in a Startup

Infographic: How to Succeed in a Startup

Success for any enterprise is always measured in various ways, but whatever the perspective any startup founder or team member has of making it, there are certain building blocks that ensure that same success.

We came across an infographic from the entrepreneurship and startup resource centre It displays fourteen things to keep in mind in the pursuit of success as a startup.

Incorporating elements of team building(picking good co-founders), creating and maintaining customer relationships, important financing perspectives, understanding the market and launching fast; it gives a run through these different blocks which all complement into a solid lesson on succeeding.


2 responses

  1. Greg Avatar

    great info-graphic, very helpful

  2. Akshay Malhotra Avatar
    Akshay Malhotra

    Hey Nigel … Awesome InfoGraphic !! . Surely gonna help startups. I was curating the top Startup Resource to refer and share with my audience.The infographic above definitely something that everyone should look at … Nice Work 🙂 Here is a link to my work – i would love to have your views on it .. Thanks

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