How to win a year’s worth of air tickets with a Zvirikuflaya video

Zvirikuflaya FlyAfrica promo

Zvirikuflaya FlyAfrica promoThe last time we spoke about budget airline FlyAfrica, we were remarking on the pricing that had floored competition and sounded too good to be true at $9 a flight.

This time the country’s cheapest airline has caught people’s attention thanks to a very creative marketing strategy which it is rolling out on social media called the Zvirikuflaya Promotion.

The promo is giving participants a chance to win a set of air tickets to Johannesburg redeemable every month for the whole of next year.

TO enter all you have to do is post a #Zvirikuflaya video on board FlyAfrica. This is basically a Zvirikufaya video that creatively captures what is awesome about being on that flight.

If your Zvirikuflaya video has the most likes by the 31st of December 2014 you will win two free flight per month for the year of 2015 to Johannesburg. If your video is the second most liked by the 31st of December 2014, you will receive one free flight per month to Johannesburg for the year of 2015.

The campaign is largely inspired by the Zvinhu Zvirikufaya social media craze that reached its peak some months ago.  FlyAfrica has however jumped on this social media phenomenon and is essentially getting “discounted” advertising on Facebook to a target market of Zimbabweans.

It all plays out as a smart social media and marketing strategy. The airline gets a lot of brand recognition, it boosts customer engagement through Facebook which already commands a huge following in virtually very domain and these competing videos become free commercials with different ideas and concepts for the same brand.

There is also the increase in airline bookings that FlyAfrica is most likely going to attract with the combination of their low cost pricing and this easy to enter promotion.

This appears to be the first time that the popularity of the Zvinhu Zvirikufaya videos has been used commercially. Despite it’s success that has inspired spinoffs like Zvirikufaya Nakeda no other brand has until now tapped into its potential.

Thankfully though with promotions like Zvirikuflaya, someone has started looking at a smart way to use all those likes and views.


One response

  1. enne Avatar

    #Zvirikuflaya video in a rusero haidiwe apa(+ poor lighting)

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