Recently, we wrote about Econet’s new WhatsApp Lite and Plus bundles as having differing speeds in addition to the pricing and the download and upload caps. Econet has informed us as a matter of fact that the bundles effectively have the same speeds and all packages allow media downloads albeit at differing download caps and pricing.
Econet has introduced a Fair Usage Policy, a mechanism for allocating data fairly across users with higher download needs and those with average necessities, especially on WhatsApp. The good news is however that when you reach your maximum capacity, you are not barred or disconnected, but throttled down to lower speeds.
This has not spared Econet the ire of frustrated subscribers though. Social media has been alive with anti-Econet messages expressing their minds for being taken on a ride. In all fairness, Econet seems to have a case to answer, because this was after all, a price increase.
Lately, there have been complaints about all things related to Econet. From Ecosure SMSs and tele-ads, the conveniently missing “opt out” (does the average user even know what Opt Out means), the “disappearing airtime” and of course the new bundle packages WhatsApp Lite and Plus. That didn’t stop humor mongers from churning out their usual parodies like
Quote of the month: It’s more than a thief, it’s a Buddie.
ATTENTION: Due to the absurdity done by Econet, I kindly ask all Netone, Telecel and Wi-Fi users to stop sending me pics and music without my request for I can no longer afford that kind of lifestyle anymore. – Whatsapp Lite User
Econet Wanyaless: Inspired to empty your pockets.
The statement from Econet goes a long way to clarify how its bundles do work, but with all these jibes from users, there’s no way of telling if subscribers will be ready to accept it or they will just ignore it and wait for something like a price reduction.
13 responses
netone is the best gdby econet
For all I care Econet can go roast in hell……
It seems the social media data bundles cause more havoc than the calling tariffs. I think Econet should be more sensitive regardless of its subscriber base.
I have long since dumped econet. They steal everywhere. Try telecel and net one. Ditch econet.
ive since stopped buying econet(exhorbitant) bundles and have switched to another subscriber for whatsap,facebook and internet concerns
Quote of the Year:
Maiti line reTelecel ndere maHouse Girl, reNetOne ndereVarimi zvino ko imi maDoctor eEconet mukuchemeiko
Ecobola Wireness inspired to change your sim
Quote of the Week
There’s a thin line that separates the poor from the rich; and that is the Buddie line
They charge Ecocash users 2c to check balance who knows what else they are secretly billing us for, hence the disappearing airtime.
Econet woye bhabhayi. Mwanyanya kudhuura heish. Net1 and Telecel are proving to be better now
Subscribe and starve the econet way.
Watsapp extra $6
Facebook extra $6
Total = $12
10kg roller meal $5, 50
2kg rice $1,60
2lts c/oil $3, 40
1kg salt $0.50
Total = $12
THE CHOICE IS YOURS! ! Quote of the month; “It’s more than a thief,it’s a buddie!!”
I moved over to Net One but their internet connection stays disconnected for hours and then reappears whenever it feels like. I dumped Telecel coz haizorore kutumira ma sms…Toendepiko nhai? Handichadi phone ini
Well they advertised Premium as having faster speeds. So I bought the lie and bought a premium bundle. It takes me over 2 hours to send a simple video. I have to say MTN and Vodacom have to cover the whole of South Africa and its as fast as lightning. I will now try Telecel and Netone
Hamunzwe makaitasei, takati we divorced you kudhara. What
more do you want…
Amasela eAirtym lawa, sikhathele, welcome to Netone.
Subscribe and starve the econet way.
Watsapp extra $6
Facebook extra $6
Total = $12
10kg roller meal $5, 50
2kg rice $1,60
2lts c/oil $3, 40
1kg salt $0.50
Total = $12
Quote of the month; “It’s more than a thief,it’s a buddie!!”