Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso, the Zimbabwean inventor tells his story

Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso, the Zimbabwean inventor tells his story

We attended the Saith Technologies Open Day where a local inventor, Maxwell Chikumbutso, was exhibiting some of his innovations. We ventured to find out who he is and managed to get some background when he shared his story.

Sangulani (Maxwell) Chikumbutso is a Zimbabwean born serial inventor with the typical I dropped out of school, but I am a genius story, synonymous with some of the successful people we know today.

He is the founder of Saith Technologies. He was born in 1980 and grew up in the high-density suburb of Kuwadzana, Harare, under the care of a single parent as his father walked out on the family.

He completed his primary education at Kuwadzana 5 Primary School and secondary education up to Form 2 at Dzivaresekwa High 2. His education up to this stage was sponsored through Social Welfare until he dropped out.

He started experimenting with technology while in Kuwadzana. At one point, he was profiled on local TV as a prominent young man in Kuwadzana. Maxwell had aspired to become a mechanic, possibly inspired by his father who was a qualified Journeyman.

A devout Christian, Maxwell says that in September of 1997, while praying at a certain mountain he received the scripture in Isaiah 46 from where the name Saith Technologies came, as in “thus saith the Lord”. That is also the time he began receiving strange visions and visible blueprints even though he did not know any electronics at all. He says he learned most of what he knows about electronics from those visions.

In 1999, he built his first successful project which was a Radio broadcast transmitter for which he made the headlines on ZBC news. He started broadcasting, though illegally. The project fell away due to lack of funding.

In 2001, under the mentorship of Rose Mazula, then Broadcasting Association of Zimbabwe Chairperson, he developed what he named the Digital Navigation Facilitator which is used to facilitate landing of aircraft from variables that include the size of the aircraft, its position in altitude, speed and so on.

He took it to the Air Zimbabwe Technical Training Centre where it was assessed and given commendation by aircraft engineers. He says that it became the first addition or modification to Zimbabwean aircraft technology since 1980 even though he himself had never been in an aeroplane.

He took the invention to Air Force of Zimbabwe were the squadron leader and technical team assessed the technology and confirmed that it worked. However, due to lack of financial support the project just fell away.

A few years later, he met up with a Lawyer, Bruce Mujeyi, who introduced Maxwell to the idea of patents which was by then to him an unfamiliar subject. Bruce bought into Maxwell’s vision, volunteered to register patent for free and started providing financing for projects.

In 2003, Maxwell began to get ideas on creating a self-powered generator. Through Bruce, Maxwell interfaced with some prominent professors in Zimbabwe who told him that it was impossible to create such a machine.

He, however, pursued his idea financing it with the little money he got as a haulage truck driver. By 2009, the first prototype of the Greener generator began to work generating 1,200 Watts, but still no one was interested in funding the project.

In 2009, Maxwell was invited by the Government of Lesotho to do a presentation of his project. He was offered a $1,2 million dollar deal but turned it down after he met with Zach Wazara, former Econet CEO and founder of Brodacom.

Maxwell says together they formed a partnership and he became influential in the building of failed telecoms company Brodacom. At Brodacom, he invented what he says is the first WiFi Meshing technology in Zimbabwe with self-organising base stations among other projects.

Under the partnership, the second Greener power prototype was developed and generated 50 Kilowatts. In 2007 Maxwell says they failed to find an attorney who was able to file a patent for the Greener Power because it violates the present day natural laws of physics.

Instead, patent examiners proposed classifying it as a perpetual motion device. Zimbabwe and South Africa likewise failed to patent the invention. Max and Clerks, a leading law firm in the UK who handle Motorola and Samsung patent registrations were supposed to come and inspect a bigger prototype but unfortunately Wazara’s business began facing challenges and he could not continue funding. Still, Maxwell went on to build 3 machines that successfully powered his mother’s house in Kuwadzana.

An opportunity arose in South Africa where Johannesburg City Power invited tenders for new and renewable energy solutions. Among the bidders, Maxwell was the only individual. In spite of that, he performed exceptionally but unfortunately, he lost the opportunity because the awarding director wanted a portion of shares in the company in exchange for his grant.

He also turned down a buyout from an unnamed European Institute at around the time that he met with Angolan born pastor and businessman Dr Teddy De Almeida in Johannesburg.

Dr Almeida owns one of the biggest energy companies in Angola under the Bongani Group. He bought into Maxwell’s vision and contributed over $500,000 seed money desiring no return for his investment. No documents signed, just a stern warning to use the money wisely. Eventually when the Greener Machine was eventually completed and he invited Dr Almeida to take up equity in Saith Technologies.


  1. Anonymous

    Pliz Techzim take us seriously

    • macd chip

      Techzim needs to stop that writer before he poopoos on its long earned respect.

      If we want gossip we go to iharare…

      • fourwallsinaroom

        here here macd

  2. macd chip

    Ngano dzega dzega dzinozopedzisira dzave kusanganisira vakuru vechechi!

    So if this guy why turn down so many opportunities only to be given miracle money by some big pastor who has same business interests?

    I knew it! This businesman come pastor come venture capitalist is using this naive Zimbo to expand his business into Zim, plus more money to his church from again naive Zimbos running away from Madzanire and Makandiwa, hatinete kubirwa.

    Why is this all on paper, if this con idea works, why not power the whole of Kuwadzana, or even better just a street where he lives to prove that it works.

    It doesnt work, just another con from these so called man of cloth.

    Im so embarassed by Techzim, another diesel from rocks story! Mukandatsama is a member!

    • Anonymous

      I think you have a serious problem. You want him to power the whole Kuwadzana when he is just starting. This country has authorities his products i guess must be registered with respective government authorities. For your own info the regulation is that certain devices producing over certain wattage should be regulated. The paper have given name referrences of people who knows his journey. Stop insulting Pastors if God used this pastor ti help him, where is that wrong. The Pastor is from Angola does not have a church in Zimbabwe. He said when he was helped the Pastor did not want anything but gave him the money because he was touched with his story. Dont critisize without facts. Wakadii kuenda kunizvinzwira weva. Inga wani Techzim wrote notifying that there was going to be that event you should have developed interest like what some of us did and try to get info to go and witness it ourselves

      • macd chip

        Where is the paperwork?

        How many workers(not church members) did he used to make the prototypes

        Where is the manufacturing plants

      • chatsva

        plus this guy didn’t use logic as other people would want to believe and criticize hence no surprise on engaging a Man of God whom he could trust. Physicists had written off his idea as a non event but because his was not an invention from studies, but an invention from the spiritual revelations it means he had all the backing from the creator of nature. God Himself. Likewise nothing He started can flop for whatever reason. His (according to his story) was a spiritual relaying of invention.

    • Bandidos

      Ko hindava uchidaro nhai Macd chip. vabva waratidza kufongora kwakaita mufungo wako padare remabure kudai. Isu tirikuti tigadzirise nyika, iwe ndipoworakidza kurwara kwepfunga dzako. Ndimi vapfana vataipisa muromo nguva yechimurenga imi. Rega zvekereke zviite zvekereke, zvemabhizimisi toita isu naana SAITH TECH. Pambili Saith Technologies, Pambili Zimbabwe, pasi newe naamai nababa vako (ndokunge varivapenyu, kana vakafa pasi navo muguva imomo), pasi nemukadzi wako zvese nevana veboyfriend yake. Chimbwa sungata, ndimi vapfana vano brokesa matoireti imi. ncaaaaaa

      • macd chip

        Hamugadzirise nyika muchiibira nerweseri! Humbavha ndiwo huri kugadzirwa apa.

        Ndizvo taiiudzwa nezvedhiziri zvikanzi nyika yedu yanaka zvino hatichazofi takaritenga, midzimu yenyika yadaira.

        Tikatamba bhamujayivhi tisina shangu paChinhoyi apo! Unoziva kuti sei takawana dhiziri kuChinhoyi? Ndiko kwakatsva hondo iyaaa! Saka zvedhiziriko zvaitofanira kutyisa.

        Baba mai sekuru tete hanzvadzi vangu vese vakafa vachirirwa rusununguko rwawava kuda kundityisa nhasi.

        • Chana Zukuru

          Wagona. Ndafara kuona uchirwisana nedhimoni renhema. You are not alone. Regedza vafunge tiri mafuza .

    • Anonymous

      @macd chip,,, haufunge urimbwa ine miswe 7,,, kana usina zveku commenter go to hell and burn. nxah haunyare kucriticizer zvinhu zvakanaka kudai,,, urirombe rekupedzisira,,, zibenzi.

      • macd chip

        Wasiirira!! Ndine miswe mazana akazanirana.

        Ndiri rombe rinoziva kwekuisa mari yaro kwete kuda kukidzwa kumeso nezita remusiki.

        Ndiri zibenzi rinoziva kuti China ndiko kuri kugadzirwa zvese zvaari kuda kutizuwira kuti akarotswa izvi.

        Saka asina zvekukomenta ndiyani?

      • Chana Zukuru

        Macd ataura zvinothiretena purpose yenyaya iyi…kubata vanhu kumeso. Pamakahayiwa neilluminati kuti muite basa rekunyeba hauna kudzidza zvakanaka. Ndimi vanhu vanosvetwa ropa makatarisa nekukwirwa kumagaro uku nekutevedzera zvese zvese. Waivapo paairota here muroti uyo?

  3. elliot brown

    excellent work ..uuuuim are u sure Zimbabe…southern Africa it can’t be done …let’s talk of Asia countries not zimbabe ….if it surely being approved l will come from Melbourne personally

    • macd chip

      Knowing how our Zim mentality works, l can tell some Hon Minister cannt wait to be invited for a product official launch and start making noise how Zimaset is starting to bear fruits.

  4. Tapiwa✔

    Patency * peɪt(ə)nsi: the condition of showing detectable parasite infection.

    Patents is the word you were looking for (>_<).
    The wrong word appeared 5-times in this poorly-written puff-piece. The author & editor/proofreader should be ashamed.

    I have to say, this is top-shelf PR: I don't think money can buy this. Which church do I need to attend to get the same non-critical, profile-boosting treatment?

    • Anonymous

      The story is the money came from a business men who is also a Pastor. The money did not cone from the Church. The man actually said he is a businessmen and also a Pastor. Its like if a person is a politician and a business men and he gives you money, you cant say the money came from his party.

  5. Not really

    Imi itai serious this was an interview from what the interviwee said unless you want the author to interject his own words whichmakes it wrong.
    Vanhu vasina kuita literature munonetsa

  6. Mdhara

    Nhava 2.0. Techzim, igore rezvidzidzo. Learn from your mistakes!

  7. kundai

    the perpetual motion machine you have just described is an impossibility. You cannot violate the laws of physics and thermo-dynamics because they are laws made by nature that actually govern nature

  8. gitsa

    ndirikuona pane mota yakanzi Seith ndiye here akaogadzira munhu uyuu

  9. kundai

    I want to see a white paper, a proof of concept prototype, a white box exam of said inventions , i require empirical evidence that verifies these claims not “we saw pictures of each step of the way”, i want to know what , how and where he added new knowledge.

    • Kabichi

      You seem to be book smart Kundai but do you know that those so called laws of physics and thermodynamics had to be discovered and defined by a person. Is it possible that we have discovered all “laws” of nature and that it’s possible that there are other dynamics that are yet to be defined that no one has come to understand yet? Just because we cannot understand something or it’s not in the university books doesn’t mean that it cannot be done or exists. Scientists are buffled evryday by things the thought they understood and now have no answers to. Did you see the video where sharks were swimming in boiling water?

      • kundai

        Max has a burden of proof he must satisfy and until then I shall remain unconvinced.I shall continue to demand empirical evidence from him because so far all we have is an unsubstantiated claim of a perpetual motion machine.

      • kundai

        that is the wrong footage. the karachi expedition found sharks in an active volcano crater not in boiling water as you have said.

  10. marshall

    Impressive I like this guy

  11. Undicided

    …….but why would he let down allllllllllll those lucrative deals if he did actually have a vision to succeed

  12. Undicided

    …….plus this vision (Zviroto) thing throws the whole story into disarray..why didnt he tell them (us) that he corresponded/ got distant learning with ZOU till he knew those little bits…than to entirely say arikurotswa,,..zvekurotswa izvi I doubt if it can take Zim to perpetual development

  13. simba

    Once it involves God, you cant measure it against physics, so professors and physicians just stand aside and watch. Anything is possible. This is genuine, its so fantastic, i like this man

  14. School Leaver

    the problem with you people is you went to school and the best you can do is to think inside the box of what your Professors and Doctors taught you.

    Start thinking outside the box
    Have you not heard of designs that have been destroyed because they were a big risk and disruptive to already standing industries.

    e.g an engine that could do 300km on 1 Litre of petrol. design destroyed

    • wengai

      Kindly provide a link for that story sir. Laws of science are our basis for understanding anything scientific, surely if this guy is using science, lets have some basis for his engineering. Whats being said here sounds like quantum physics.

  15. Toolz

    abt the funding it’s true coz Dr Teddy is my pastor and he shared about it before sometime last year. this guy Max fellowships at UFI

  16. Takavakunda Mukwazhi

    Ma chechi ari kufonyora vanhu brain muZimbabwe! MIRACLE BLUEPRINTS my ass!

    • macd chip

      Vanhu vemuZim vane makaro, husimbe ndosaka vari kutsvaga miracle everything

      • Anonymous

        We know you guys bootlick the west and you sale your birth right to the west for soup. You are so colonised or brainwashed to think that us blacks dont have knowledge to make things work

        • macd chip

          So you are now a politician!

          Those who know me knows my views clearly about west!

          I do not support corruption, thieving, con artist, greedy, laziness in the name of supporting black people.

          Most black people have a problem of following simple rules, even the ones they make.

          This is why there is a lot of noise about defying laws of physics.

          He has a problem of following simple rule: Go to school and learn. He dropped out, how then can you follow complex rules which involve long hours of reading and experimenting?

      • macdump chipbrains

        a good thing is a good thing and it will always be. Nomatter how much they say Max will never stop and u were not there when he starded.when Jesus say yes no one say no even those macd whatever. And hey bluffhill is in ZIMBABWE u can go and check.

        • macd chip

          insulting me does not change the fact that its a scam which tech people are failing to buy!

          And you know what! Im loving your insult, please bring some more.

          He can continue, we are not asking him to stop, it worked before for him on Wazara so he might find more people who buys his into hallucinations

  17. Anonymous

    Ok there is an Open day for the public
    Go today at Bluff hill Park
    Faber Road. Endai munozvionera nhasi. Mugobvunza mibvunzo madoubts abve

  18. rizza

    Zimbos will bliv anything that makes them feel superior…tine superiority complex chaiyo..things dont just come out of thin air conscious decisions are made and a lot of work goes into those decisions..the gr8 technically advanced nations we see today are not ther by chance or prophecy they had visionary leaders who took on the task and pulled it through..until then zim is just another 3rd world country..(2nd poorest lool)

    • rizza

      yeah and another thing batai victor uyo asati atiitira zvimwe..

  19. Anonymous

    one has to be an inventor for u to criticise other inventions. the invention is proudly Zimbabwean why not wait and see it working in the near future coz isu vamwe takatomborishandisa countless tyms. vamwe vajaira kurota midzimu vamwe vachiona mavisions .I love this development it tells the world that Zim can do it as well
    thumps up my brother.

    • macd chip

      Miracle work, tell me one nation which have prospered on miracle inventions.

  20. justin

    Inventions my behind

  21. TechZimbo

    Decide TechZim decide, whether you want to be a credible news outlet or a click bait tabloid that’s only interested in AdSense revenue

  22. Anonymous

    Defying laws of Physics!!!! It’s a miracle . Even God has his laws Matthew 7:16
    ……Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
    You can only rewrite not defy.

  23. Anonymous

    macd chip.
    if u follow this guy very close u will notice that he is not a mere citizen,he is a spiritual candidate as is unfortunate that u heard abt his inventions right now.proper dimensions and successful inventions are given by God.Inga Econet inozviita wani and its successful from a spiritual base. don’t jus attack for the sack of attacking. I think u have a PHD mentality which means. (pull him down). Ku bluffhill kure here,nechirungu chese chauri kutaura handifunge ungashaye R5 yecombi.
    besides im very sure u wud be sober for a moment and be honest with yourself,the man who sponsored maxwell flies his own private Boeing ,he is a multi-billion do u think he wud jus fok out half a million to invest in something that is non existent as u are saying? iwewe wakambosangawo namillionaire akakupa kana dollar zvaro ibvapa
    I think une mweya wekuroya uri pauri
    kunyange achidzokorodza ko kubvumawo kuti anogona uyezve aripamberi pako iwe.ncaaaaa wakuzondibhowa netunharo twako tusina basa enda unoona hant hausi bofu hako.

    • macd chip

      Econet is not successfull from spiritual, its success because Strive went to school, did his degree in a country which teaches proper hands on education.

      He then came back to Zim and chose a team of people who can do the job and do it very well. Up to now l think Econet still hires people at boardroom level who knows how to do their work properly

      If you check Masiwa facebook, all is there to see

      • Anonymous

        ahh babangu weee so that’s all u know.nekukura kwakaita msoro wako u think strive will give u his success story and secrets on Facebook. did he ever told you how many days he fasted for econet to be a reality,those gadgets are worked on with people without degrees, they download from the holy spirit and implement. have u ever asked yourself why every product launched by econet is never failing and others with similar ideas are failing how then can u justify kuti chikoro

        • macd chip

          Its called business accumen.

          Saka akauya akaudza iwe manje mazuva aakatsanya??

          • Anonymous

            MaChristu aimubatsira kunamata. Kumba kwake kwaitwa ma alnight prayer asingaperi

        • rizza

          Econet did not invent anything..

      • Mr Fedza

        it means you don’t know Sir Strive Masiyiwa. Go find His testimony and you will find Psalms 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. i think from there you will clearly to see that Econet is spiritual. i remember there is a certain couple from Nigeria which gave Sir Strive money as the Lord lead them in support of His vision. These things are real.

        • macd chip

          He is now a Sir!

        • macd chip

          He never dropped out of school to make ridicilulous claims.

          He followed rules of physics to build Econet infrastructure.

  24. #teamGOD#

    this is an amazing invention, Ignorant pple only think kuti zvinhu zvinongoitwa outside Zimbabwe, we got brains. It doesnt matter nyangwe ma haters vakataura, this guy went to the SCHOOL OF GOD(UFIC) Aiwa ka ungazodei. GOD is the giver of dreams and visions, even scientists are inspired by God ndopauninzwa umwe achiti the law of chakuti, baba wangu iwe asi unoroya, MWARI HAASI WEKUTAMBA NAYE. ZIMBABWE PAMBERI

  25. Tendai Kawudzu

    Hello World

    I know the Mr Chikumbutso in person, i was in a class with his young brother at high school. I would spend time at their house in Kuwadzana.

    Mr Chikumbutso is a natural genius and very gifted man. Everything on this article is true, he is greater Newton.

    Its high time we acknowledge our own!

    He is not bound by laws of physics or nature because his inventions are not based around them. His inventions are ground braking and mind blowing! It take knowing him and seeing the technologies to understand than degrees or PHD’s in physics theories.

    Chikumbutso is the future!

    • Mildred

      Thank you Tendai, he is our own Newton. I am so proud of him, he is a god fearing person believe it or not, shamshame we have haters who can never acknowledgeacknowledge intelligence when they see it

      • macd chip

        New was never a spiritualist, or a halucinator.

        What all Newton did and achieved is well documented and readily available for all to see.

        Have this guy documented anything or built anything?

    • mc

      this guy’s works are really commendable. zim is in much need of power and the current source of power is expensive. max’s project is one of the solution.

      • macd chip

        Its not a solution until he have a working model meeting all the safety standards.

        And he will not have a working model because its a scam,

  26. munya

    Thumbs up Max. Mwari waunonamata mukuru. Go go go forward. what I know is if anything is inspired by God it has to confuse pple. I like these mind blowing inverntions. how i imagin living in a house where lights inside are never connected to cables thus self lighting bulb ooh yes

    • macd chip

      Did Moses 10 commandments confused people?

  27. kundai

    we have a better chance at achieving quantum computing

  28. Pridemw

    Great Maxwell, never mind the ignorant naysayers who will never believe in anything even their own abilities. What God is doing through and in you is a testimony may would want to share but never your story…its your story and I am liking it. Physics and whatever subject/ invention is for the learning and not the learned. It can be too early but I see this guy in the same strata with Elon Musk, I tell you this is good for our nation. I pray you find means to mass produce this, can’t wait to get my own generator.

    • Mr Fedza

      we are praying for the same grace

    • macd chip

      Just as good for our nation as we discovered diesel in Chinhoyi! What a blessed nation Zimbabwe is.

  29. dreamsarereal

    Wow!! It is amazing the kind of things people download in dreams. Actually most of history’s big inventors and innovators got their ideas in dreams. For instance, Dmitry Mendeleyev, a brilliant 19th century chemist and physicist recreated the Periodic Table during his waking hours after it appeared to him in it’s entirety in a dream. That particular dream signaled the beginning of modern Chemistry! If Dr. Jonas Salk had chosen to ignore his dreams, the polio vaccine might never have existed. Or Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb. Theory of Relativity came to Einstein in a dream. So we can not discredit this man just yet. Let’s give him enough time we might just be at the verge of a new revolution. All the best Maxwell. Keep up the great work.

    • macd chip

      Did Dmitry Mendeleyev and all these people went to school first before they all started dreamin?

      How do you compare their education background to Max’s?

  30. panenyayaapa

    Mr Chikumbutso’s story is intriguing because at face value it really does smell like a hot stinking pile of you-know-what to the “logical thinker” type of person (ie myself), I understand macd chip’s frustration with these wild largely unsubstantiated claims. It’s not a PHD syndrome at all – its a desire to have claims substantiated in a world full of miracle this-miracle that because there are a lot of unanswered questions here lets be honest. To the “praise-and-worship” and the “dhiziri kuChinhoyi” types this is more undeniable proof that “tinaye mwari weminana” because for such a mind it is easier to allow oneself to find a reason to believe in the supernatural, than be bamboozled by the highly foggy and unclear formula and circumstances of what Maxwell actually invented or innovated here. Claims must stand by the test of practical demonstration. Personally ndakuneta nema claims ekuti this/that born-location kid invented a helicopter, you go there and see handmade replica of a helicopter that doesnt fly, doesnt even switch on, zvonzi “he is working on inventing the powertrain” – hello people! That’s not an invention its art and craft! – its like those wire cars that those talented craftsmen used to make when we were growing up as kids (those old enough) – you can’t then claim to have invented a wire car hello! In Maxwell’s case these “inventions” are in my mind “customisations” of Chinese made EV cars, recreational aircraft etc, same concept as G-Tide, Gtel and their “Zim-designed smartphones” what have you. It is mediocrity veiled as genius, lets come up with something better Africans – if we forbid ourselves from criticising mediocrity then where will the real greatness come from? The Chinese, the smartest “copy” artists in the world dont spend their energies patting themselves on the back vachiti hey we invented this/that etc, they reverse-engineer the damn thing and produce it cheaper than the genuine article, and they make their billions that way. And why do we always seem to have a direct relationship between the high economic woes of a country coinciding with high levels of false prophets – these prophets seem to thrive when the economy is doing especially badly with high unemployment, high poverty levels, etc yet the moment things turn around no-one gives a hoot coz everyone has a job, car, house, and starts going to their traditional Catholic/Methodist/Anglican places, why why why

    • wasu

      Kudos to you for making this long over due comment. Who will ever take zimbabweans seriously when we parade ourselves like this. We have a country full of people who desire and deserve recognition. Where are the institutions that encourage innovation and creativity. Zimbabweans want to invest things, who is encouraging them?

    • macdchip

      Thank you for saying it in other words!

    • Anonymous

      So testing is only testing when its done by you. Writing in ignorance is actually more frustrating. Non of Max products is not tested they have all been tested and have gone through stress test, especially the vehicle and the generator. By the way Max have no obligation to prove to any one of you ungrateful people. These things have been tested. For your own info some key professors have seen Max’s machines and confirm that it works, what makes them marvel is the invention of Microsonic energy device. People dont understand it, unfortunately if thats what we are looking for him to expose i dont think he will do that.

      Inventionnis not on the frame or the body its in the Microsonic energy device. So whether body of the car looks like another car but the joy is what drives it does not belong to anyone Max himself invented it. Helicopters were invented long ago, he is not saying that he invented a helicopter, but the engine that runs it. Inga wani isu tanga tiriko akataura kuti the other gadgets he bought from other people who makes them. Moyo yenyu vakomana imi ine Chinya

      Ngatimbotii akopa alright why not celebrate the effort. Kune vamwe vanhu vanogarira kungo shora neku destabilzer zvinhu Ma Zimbo kurai change your hearts and attitude

      • macd chip

        What is a Microsonic device?

      • rizza

        Anonymous your English needs to get tested before we test any of Max’s inventions..

      • macd chip

        Who tested his products, l mean stress testing and safety?

  31. nyasha

    i personally gave up reading local newspapers and turned to techzim for tech news that have facts not fiction i was reading in the local news(zbc, herald,newsday,etc). i needed a change but zvateera kunoku futi. this is a scam

    • macd chip

      Zvakaoma kani! Zvangove kwese, neniwo ndaisambozvibvuma kuti Techzim ingadai.

  32. Anonymous

    macd urizibenzi urimbwa ine miswe 7,,, go to hell nd burn wanzwa,,, nxah haunyare hauna kana musoro enda unofa

    • GUEST

      Moderator please deal with this

    • macd chip

      Ndiri kukubaya panyama nhete nechokwadika!! 😉

    • macd chip

      Manje ndine miswe hobho watosiirira ende ndirimbwa ine mazino akapinza kunze tsono…

  33. chikwama

    this guy is a genius, he should team up with Daniel Chingoma of Taisekwa Engineering, he is a ZimAsset by himself

    • macd chip

      He should team up with Ambuya Retina Mavhunga they will make an amazing couple.

  34. Godwishes

    Maxwell Chikumbutso u are a Golden light in this world…..lm impressed very very…..long life

  35. major makaz

    well done mwana wapapa

  36. Mad @TechZim

    Dear TechZim,

    It seems like your writers are being paid per article. Otherwise how would you explain the nonsense Victor Mukandatsama is churning out. Not one, but 3 poorly researched articles in less than 2 days. Or maybe all publicity is good publicity, right? its all about click baiting.

    I have a lot of respect for you, and enjoy reading a lot of your articles. i visit your site at least twice a day just to check if you have new updates, but if you continue writting this way you will lose many a dedicated follower.

    Please take us seriously and respect us as well.

    • macd chip

      I was thinking that as well, once upon a time Kabweza used to write well researched documents.

      I remember him buying a mopade scooter to navigate the busy roads of city centre in trying to get news from the source and verifying.

      What happened to all that! Now we have writers who attend a church scam and try to pass it as a genuine tech inventions.

      Cry my beloved old Techzim, cry my beloved country.

    • Mr Fedza

      we will begin to join the site,why because this is the truth, maybe you don’t want the truth

      • macd chip

        The truth about reaping zvamusina kudikitira

  37. Anonymous

    Let me clarify this for you. Today i went there with all my doubts and really wanted to showdown the guy. When i got there i was dumb founded. My questions were answered. Max is clear in the Greener Power Machine he said some of the components are bought from different vendors. His invention is what generates the electricity called Microsonic device. This is the invention. The same Technology in the Generator powers the car. But some parts of the body were imported . So i am saying to my fellow doubting citizens like me, this thing is real. His helicopter is a fuel saver and uses 5 different fuels. I believe in the works of Max

    • macd chip

      You sound like another mwana wamiracle Papa.

      Have seen an manufacturing plant??

      • Mr Fedza

        what is manufacturing plan. He is not yet doing mass production. I’m beginning to doubt your reasoning.

      • Anonymous

        Am a well travelled successful guy my friend. What do you do yourself it looks like you are employed to descredit the works of people who have found their niche. Zvino uchanyara waona magetsi obaka Muzimbabwe asingadzime.

    • Mr Fedza

      i Do believe as well and i will support Him no matter what because of the inspiration of the Almighty

    • Sultan

      Oh, shame to you guys!!!!!: Are leaders taught or born? They are born. Are managers taught or born? They are taught. Are scientists born or taught? They are born. So scientists are born with supernatural qualities of being able to express all complex aspects of nature beyond normal human potential. So Max qualifies in this context. Those who were taught science at schools and colleges should know that their role is to give theoretical guidelines to school children. They have no “scientists” status whatsoever. Scientists first invent and theorists just come to write books about these inventions. Max is a scientist and you guys who criticize him are readers and drivers of science who are just good at narrating scientific events and not able to invent all, Kkkkkkkkk!!

  38. Anonymous

    People i have known Max for years he was in our Church Ambassadors for Christ in Kuwadzana and this is where all things began his spiritual father is actually the founder of the Church. Her mother is well known to us. The story he is telling you is true we know when it started in 1997. God is amazing anosarudza vanhu vanenge vakazvidzika kuti anyadzise vakachenjera. Stop critisizing an innocent soul who has solutions that will change the nation

    • macd chip

      So thats where he started having this halucinations, l wish he had continued with his education maybe he would have been a real inventor!

      Maybe he is a genuine passionate person with technology at heart bt naive enough to be taken advantage of by these con church artist pastors mushrooming everywhere in Africa.

      • Anonymous

        I see your point if you have quams with Pastors dont hip it on Max. But i shoukd also warn you dont fight with the God is involved in you will be fighting God and you will not win the batle. Max is a vessel that God is using continue to fight and we will see where it will end

  39. zondi

    did he care to explain how the divice work. microsonic by the sound of it .it cant defy the laws of physics since the device do something to produce energy and he should have been very clear its the only thing he developed on that car not invent but develop not the whole damn car

    • Anonymous

      No you are missing it he invented it not developed it. He explained everything my friend. Jot only explain he tested and ran the machines

  40. zondi

    where is kabweza by the way

    • macd chip

      Hidding under the blanket of shame maybe.

  41. Mazvita Henyu Tinotenda

    Mazvita henyu MUSIKI makatiropafadza nevanhu vakadai,zvino chiitai kusi aiite sechiedza chisingamisike.Kunevamwe vakaitasae chiitaizve kuti zvamakavadzidzisa zvichionekwa for your Glory .We stand amazed at the unravelling of your love for The Great Zimbabwe tinotenda muzita raishe JESU

  42. Blamita

    When is he going to start selling his generators and at how much?if not then ndezvemanyepo izvo.

    • macd chip

      ZveMwari zvinotengeswa here?

  43. Blamita

    @ anonymous.u said wakaendako ukanozvionera hant?so pliz tell me if the car does not need charging at all from external power.with that macrosonic device it does not need fuel is it ?

  44. Blamita

    @ anonymous.u said wakaendako ukanozvionera hant?so pliz tell me if the car does not need charging at all from external power.with that microsonic device it does not need fuel is it ?

  45. Lazy Reporter

    What research did you do as the reporter.

  46. justin

    You heard claims made and you believed them. Did you see petrol being put in fuel tank and the helicopter taking to the sky?

    If you say yes then i rest my case. HAVE YOU HEARD CAAZ ?

    You were conned

  47. lion

    Zvandaona ndaiita mutete …guys may the Lord continue blessing u ….u guys u are bright for sure

  48. peter heart

    God bless u Sir Max

  49. Masie

    Congratulations.I am inspired to preach more about entrepreneurship.

  50. Eng.Max Hassouna

    We have been hearing about such magnetic self propelled generators for years,and we would like a prototype to be run in our presense,we run a center for social development and we would like to use such examples to boost other young inventors.pls let us know the procedeers.

  51. nicole johnson

    Great shame to the one called MCD chip…wakadzidza kusvika papi…if u learnt well l never heard anything abt u…..kana kupomerwa mhos a yausina kupara ubudewo pa news…..indeed its a great shame……we love u Max we are proud of u forever……see the record u break beyond even Africa …not ana MCD chip

    • macd chip


      Kusadzidza kwangu kunoita kuti ndizive pekuisa mari shomane yandinowana.

      Wave kusvora vasina kudzidza ko iye Max akadzidza here?

  52. van panel

    U are a star my dear brother l wish if l could be taken picture by u…..for great rememberance

  53. science prototype


  54. tami tek


  55. ultra

    macd chip wher do u stay ,if u in harare why dnt u go nd see fo yoself nd stop criticizing he gave an address ey ppl whr ther with their test meters and seeing fo themselves… why limit our selves from laws of physics … i was impressed wen i saw his works…..go nd nd js see it

    • macd chip

      I need to see white papers and where he invented his Chinese imports

  56. ultra

    a kit helicopter blah blah the question is what is making it run and operate. or wats mkng tht car move without fuel is wat u should be asking ppl.. this jus great tech Max kip it up looking forward to see new staff to mk life easy in power nd communication

  57. Op

    This man has done something commendable for the nation. this could be just what Zim needs for us to be uprooted from poverty. if more of us had such innovative ideas our economy would be booming. This also comes at a time when a certain Man of God, Apostle Freshman of Assigned Ministers Ministries has been talking bout this, in fact he has been preaching about this since 2014, “The Spirit of Invention”, I just extracted some writings from the facebook page of the church “””Throughout the Scripture, we see paradigm shifts occurring in the lives of the Bible greats after God revealed to them precisely how to go about an invention. For example Noah had a visitation from God, and was vividly shown how to go about constructing the ark in its entirety: “And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of :…”( Genesis 6:15 KJV) The Ark was a masterpiece, and it all culminated from an idea that God released to Noah. Moses too, built the tabernacle using a design he received directly from God, and what a truly heavenly design it was; “According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.”(Exodus 25:9 KJV) “And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.” (Exodus 25:40 KJV)
    That is the mind of God to fill his children with His wisdom that is spoken of in the Scripture:
    “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.” (Proverbs 8:12
    Every new concept emanates from the spirit realm, in other words, it is a product of the spirit. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17 KJV) Your purpose will enable you to see beyond the boundaries of society and ensure you are a producer of a new product. In other words, it will be: A SPIRITUALLY INSPIRED ANSWER TO PHYSICAL NEEDS!””” You can read more for yourself my eyes have been opened by what this Ministry is talking about. I think it could help us all in evaluating this matter from a religious point of view…

    • macd chip

      If we want church sermons we go to church, here it is a tech blog, you cannot even follow a simple rule of posting what is relevant to this site!

  58. Changamire

    What Macd saying is right. This guy has made a claim that has the same bearing as a cure for HIV , vaccine for malaria. Based on what he is saying we dont need hydrocarbons anymore that has an implication on global warming , pollution and deforestation. The idea of diesel coming from a rock is more believable than a guy who on the basis on his claim essentially has a solution for world hunger


    the videos on facebook puts a close to the stupid arguments being thrown around here. i believe this guy is an inventor/innovator.
    if you listen to the interview, you can tell that the only people who are a stumbling block are Zimbabweans i.e. CIO, gvt nemi muri ku poster ma negative comments. air foce only engaged him after he had illegally flown his copter otherwise angadai akaurairwa business before it even started. here in the diaspora we suffer the same. we have come up ith projects that the gvt of ZW has turned down or stolen. some of the projects you only know of them when you fiind out that cde so and so now runs a similar project. we give people at home ideas and capital but chabuda hapana coz u all corrupt and full of jealous.
    we are our own enemy at the most

    • macd chip

      Do you know where the video was made, watch Stars Wars and tell if videos cannot be manipulated to suit an agenda

  60. Kuchiebouy

    God works wonders.ngatishandisei mukana(Govt) tisamusiya achitorwa nedzimwe nyika

    • macd chip

      Uyu ngaaende hake anototinyadzisa senyika inonzi ine vanhu vakarava magwaro

      • macdump chipbrains

        we want him, u’re the one who don’t like him. So u GO, go to hell. I’m proud of my country, not ashamed of it. PROUDLY ZIMBABWEAN.

        • macd chip

          you are rubbing your hands hoping for the catch hanti?

  61. sendaloh

    Don’t under estimate the power and wisdom of God. Nekusaziva vazhinji vachaparara. If you are not impressed go see for yourself Max is welcoming anyone who has questions. All your bad comments just clearly show that Zimbabwe will never mean anything if we keep on degrading our own kind reallly, our own colour. Just because his Zimbabwean he doesn’t deserve his support? Manje sorry guys , foreigners gave believed him and have invested in some of his ideas and he is making a living and making the lives of other foreigners better. This is Godly inspired and I believe him. May God continue to bless him exceedingly.

  62. Wagona Wezhira

    Gamba reZimbabwe

  63. Sultan

    Let inventions rock and roll in Zimbabwe by Zimbabwean inventors. We will never stop until we become at the same level of high-tech with Japan, the global high-tech giant no matter how much you hate Japan as much as you hate Max. There are more inventors here in Zimbabwe apart from Max as l write now. Those who are against Max’s inventions, l say, mbengo siyai kumba kwenyu kwete kuuya nadzo kudevelopment yenyika. Max, that’s excellent progression. Keep it up please. lam happy that you have made very broad research and consultations about your project for you to come up with this good stuff. We have so many professors in Zimbabwe but none of them can design and manufacture even a zip for his trousers. Kkkkkk. Wezhira

  64. kayz

    We are a nation on transit, God loves us. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  65. mboni

    idiots u believe in developed countries only dzenyu pfungwa dziri kumhata munobvuma science yemabhunu chete munhu mutema haana pfungwa be proud of yo selves god bless him and zw go zw go zw think innovate rebuild the delabidated rotten country be proud support him mune jerasi vana vasatani mbuya nehanda nakaguvi mapfupa angu avukile amuka wake up zw

  66. Simon jongwe

    I invented something special and I’m looking for support

    • mthungameli sibanda

      what is it

  67. Davids

    You better get confused to understand the great inventor. All the so called trained scientists from Africa have not added anything to the world. Let us celebrate the young man that is making African proud. Kudos Techzim.

  68. Chengetai Dunga

    Hie This is one the greatest works in the world l am a zimbabwean very happy. Also a l am a scientist under ARIPO. I NEED YOU YOU HELP TO GET SOME SPONSORS TO MITIGATE FLUOROSIS IN ZIMBABWE AND SADC.
    Fluorosis is a condition causes by consumption of excess fluoride in water, food , or beverages but in developing countries its caused by Ground water.
    Fluorosis appears as brown / GREY teeth in children as the only visible damage of fluoride. Invisible it cause skeletal fluorosis or crippling fluorosis, kidney damage, brain damage, immune suppression, hip bone fractures, anthritis joint pains etc
    In Zimbabwe there over 3 million people who live high natural fluoride regions with high leveles of fluoride in water [WHO 2004] and 15 districts are affected.
    NOW L HAVE THE BREAK THROUGH -l invented a defluoridator which can be used by all villagers to use in Zimbabwe and Africa
    May you kindly assist me with connecting me to sponsors so that l can open the plant and assist these communities.

    Thank you
    Chengetai Dunga
    [Fluorosis Scientist]

    cell +263 (0) 783 410 838

  69. Arthur weale

    Hey guys I really wanna do this pliz helpl

  70. Barry Bardnos

    Great is God who gave him brilliant ideas & vissions

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