Recently we spoke about the newly gazetted regulations for quality of service and customer care in the Zimbabwean telecoms industry.
Through this new legal instrument which will be enforced by the regulator POTRAZ, local telecoms operators are expected to conform to a set of guidelines regarding the standard of service that they should deliver as well as the sort of customer care that they are obliged to offer all users of telecommunications services.
Some of the focus areas include voice communication quality and service completion, broadband service availability for both fixed and mobile data services, efficiency in postal services, as well as quick turnaround times for customer care queries for issues such as line registration and even online payment completion.
These regulations which have so far been available in hard copy from government and POTRAZ, are now available in digital format and you can access them by following the link below.
4 responses
Min Downlink speed / upload speed
3G – 1/1Mbps
UMTS+ 5/1Mbps
Econet, Telecel, Net*One – All three operators are failing on this one!
Latency >100ms same story
Contention Ratio – Good by UPTO 100Mbps hello 100Mbps with CIR of 1:1000 finally we get the truth about guaranteed service on fiber.
Uptime 99.9% in the third year! ZOL WiMAX is in trouble on this one…. It is customary for them to have 24hours downtime every month.
All in all this is great direction, now to see if we will get tangible results. I am really happy about contention and about the 3G speeds. I did not see anything about 4G / LTE (So no indicators on WiMAX or LTE and what we should expect I wonder why.
Uptime 99.9%…..Zol and PowerTel will be out of business if this gets enforced!!
Nigel, do you got that reply? Do we have anything inplace to monitor this automatically besides people complaining and individual testing
DROPPED VOICE CALLS. Surely in 2016 they can fix that. unless it’s a conspiracy to profiteer from reconnection fees and spending half of the phone call saying “Can you hear me now?”