MMM reacts to public scrutiny, re-opens accounts, existing members lose 80% of their money

Pyramid Schemes

MMM Nigeria this is how MMM Zimbabwe crashed, very similar to what is happening to you now

Earlier today, MMM East Africa, MMM Global Zimbabwe‘s parent organization, released a public statement on its website.

The statement gave notice to all members of the immediate suspension of its account freezing process, 9 days earlier than initially scheduled (accounts were to be reopened on the 15th of September).

The statement read:



Dear participants!

We are glad to inform you that from now on, all the types of Mavro freezing are COMPLETELY CANCELLED – both the freezing of bonus Mavro (except Registration Bonus and Bonus for Testimonial Video) and the freezing of the contribution itself! Your bonuses and contributions are available for withdrawal instantly upon confirmation.

Things are going so well in the System that there is no need in Mavro freezing any more.

Yours sincerely,

Together we change the world!

The suspension of the account freezing process comes off the back of increased public pressure, government scrutiny, and mobile money platforms distancing themselves from it.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issued a press statement warning the public not to get involved in schemes like MMM citing that in the case of loss of money, they had no legal precedence to assist affected members.

This was followed by a press statement from Econet’s EcoCash (mobile money) division effectively distancing themselves from MMM and any other illegal activities its users participate in.

The move by MMM East Africa has created a fair bit of panic and confusion within the MMM Global Zimbabwe ranks.

Unfreezing of accounts could lead to a chain reaction of panic withdrawals as MMM members continue to grow speculative and frustrated with the system.

Also, there have been reports that the exchange rate of Mavro-to-USD has been affected, changing from $1-to-1 Mavros to $1-to-5 Mavros.

Mavros is MMM’s digital currency (your Mavros are calculated

We suspect the change in exchange rate is meant to prevent people from withdrawing as they could face massive losses of up to 80%.

But on the other hand, the change in the exchange rate could be to lure in new members promising that the exchange rate will stabilize back to 1-to-1 by the 15th.

Some existing members are crying foul calling this drastic measure unethical as new members are being offered free money while they are stuck in the system due to their accounts losing 80% of its value.

An old member who put in $100 and got 100 Mavros is not the same as a new member putting in $20 and getting 100 Mavros.

An unverified MMM East Africa Administrator statement read as follows:

Dear participants!

First of all, we inform you about the immediate release of Mavros bought till August 10. The situation has become more stable so there’s no need to wait till September 15 and we can release Mavros now.

However, as the participants aren’t calm completely the early release will surely lead to the sharp increase in withdrawals that will put additional load on the system. It should be clearly understood. So, it’s necessary to take some stabilization measures in order to reduce the load.

That’s why, the discount rate has applied for Mavros bought till August 10. What does it mean? It means after GH request the participant won’t get the whole amount but the amount with this discount.

For this moment, the discount rate is 20% (0.2). For example, if the participant withdraws 50 Mavro-USD he will get 10 USD.

Once again we remind you once that this measure is temporary and required by the current situation. The discount rate can be changed or cancelled at any moment. In other words, the participants have a choice to get help instantly and get it with the discount or wait till the discount is cancelled for receiving the full amount. It’s up to you! Probably, you should wait. However, take into consideration that the rate can even be decreased (if the number of requests to GH will increase significantly).

The discount isn’t applied for Mavros bought after August 10. So, keep calm, keep on participating, providing help and inviting new members to MMM!

MMM paid before, pays now and will pay in the future! Together we are changing the world!

With hope for understanding,
MMM East Africa Administration

We suspect that MMM unfroze accounts due to pressure, but found a loophole to keep people waiting.

September the 15th is still D-day for MMM Global Zimbabwe.

Signs of its collapse are becoming more evident by the day, as we await what could be the final nail in the coffin come 15 September.


58 responses

  1. tinm@n Avatar

    Pyramid schemes are such a classic and old way of giving perception of making money out of nothing.

    They have one end. A collapse.

    A fool and his money are soon parted.

  2. Pastor Ntshebe Avatar
    Pastor Ntshebe

    As long as people believe that they can make money without having to do any actual work or production, con men and prophets and witch-doctors will never go out of business.

  3. Be serious Avatar
    Be serious

    Excellent now those who are knowingly ruling off friends and family are getting what they deserve

  4. PassionMMM Avatar

    Contrary to ongoing media reports, MMM is very much alive and kicking. We the community remain steadfast and will not listen to media as they have only one aim which is to bring down our community. Measures will be taken in MMM and these are not signalling any collapse of any nature as media and the banking system want to enjoy and believe. Watch the space and see how we the community will continue helping each other and we will see in the future. Yes its a risk one takes just as people also risk depositing money into the formal banking system and what happened in the years before ie pre-USD era. Anyway, what in life doesn’t involve a risk? There is a risk that a bank can collapse and depositors lose their hard earned cash as what has happened already before… bottom line though is to him his own…the MMM community is alive and well despite all the negative publicity and all…anomakwa ndiye ane bhora!

    1. Tafgong Avatar

      Questions, where are you head offices? have you ever been there? Why is the East African Administrator unnamed in such an important communication. What does MMM do that earns it money to pay you? If you are not lending and earning an interest, trading goods or services and you still earn money the you are stealing.

  5. S.O.A.P Avatar

    I thought you said they already lost 80% of their money. Your article doesnt prove that they lost such money. Go back and revise your headline. You just dont like this MMM do you?

    1. Maveriq Avatar

      did you not see where they said exchange rate changed from $1-to-1 Mavros to $1-to-5 Mavros. Thats how 80% of value was lost i.e.

      if you deposited 100$ and it was converted to 100 Mavros at the old rate. Using the new rate 100Mavros is now equal to $20. So $100 becomes $20, theres the 80% loss.

  6. chamunorwa Avatar

    Joining MMM you are joining an Ideology. Sergey Mavrodi ‘s ideology is to gather a team of poor people voluntarily helping each other with cash circulation.Money was invented by the Rich and its the Rich who makes the rules of money in this world so that they remain richer while they exploit the poor to remain poor. MMM is a gate way for the poor to come out of the rat race.Whoever understood this ideology would never stop at nothing in participating voluntarily. Its not the first time that MMM has suspended its system. In SA it did so in April this year , today its still functional in SA. In india it happened again, today its still functionl there.The rich creates teams to make the poor , poorer.MMM creates a team of poor people to make them Rich.

    1. Philip Le Avatar
      Philip Le

      I cannot agree with you more! A wonderful explanation of Mavorid’s Ideology!

      MMM China has experienced 3 restarts. It has been moving forward for over 6 months since the 3rd restart on June 24 ,2016. Now the participants have recovered from the panic, and ready to keep on providing help. MMM China has a complete control over the request of GH by the fact that it decides on the time when PH will be matched. For instance, one provided help of 1000RMB on Sept 5, 2016, which was matched 900RMB one month later, the rest 100RMB won’t be matched until MMM China thinks it fit, maybe in Jan. 2017. So far, the longest period of PH matching is 169 days! I dare say MMM China will flourish after the Traditional Spring Festival, which is on Jan 28, 2017

  7. Alice Tsindi Avatar
    Alice Tsindi

    I would rather lose my money in MMM than the Bank! By The Way We Are Moving Forward, This Is Financial Revolution, Tired Of Crooks In Suits!

    1. KG Avatar

      So you run to crooks without faces!

      1. CK MMM Avatar
        CK MMM

        iwe unorwadziwa nei pamari yemumwe munhu.

        1. zibbo Avatar

          Handirwadziwe nemari yemunhu but handidi zvekuona zvima ads zve MMM on my timeline kana mumagroups ndichinzi hee join. Ita mari yako wega, don’t ask me to join.

    2. Philip Le Avatar
      Philip Le

      One will never lose money in MMM, for any money you remit is a donation to others. Donation is a voluntary offer of money to those in need. Besides, all old mavros will be paid back when the restart succeeds in the future.

  8. Wemakonzo Avatar

    Your headline is not coinciding with the actual content of the letter from MMM. Poor reporting there.MMM is not moved by the pressure from the government or any other person but there is what we call GH or PH which we have to continue monitoring. What gives MMM pressure the PH account vs GH account period. Neither Econet understands this ideology.I want you to read well:
    “Once again we remind you once that this measure is temporary and required by the current situation. The discount rate can be changed or cancelled at any moment. In other words, the participants have a choice to get help instantly and get it with the discount or wait till the discount is cancelled for receiving the full amount. It’s up to you! Probably, you should wait. However, take into consideration that the rate can even be decreased (if the number of requests to GH will increase significantly).”

  9. vita Avatar

    this thing about mmm is confusing as hell. i do get the idea about wanting bypass the bank and etc, but after reading this article, i was left more apprehensive about this scheme. what if the 20 percent discount is to lure in new people so they can use the money to pay their old clients? which means old clients will cash in and leave, and be replaced by the new ones in the waiting game? and the vicious cycle goes on and on…

    1. KG Avatar

      You’ve just cracked the code!

    2. Philip Le Avatar
      Philip Le

      I am sorry you know little about MMM.
      80% discount of marvor is the pause mode of MMM. A participant could withdraw at the discount , or wait until things go better. If you have no confidence, get your discounted money back, and leave MMM for ever, if you have confidence, then stand with MMM, make no withdrawal. It is up to you。 I have never seen anything better than MMM in my whole life! MMM is a virtual bank, it functions in the same way as a bank, but offer a much greater interest to its depositors

  10. Vavi Avatar

    MMM inogona marketing. Its now like a religion kune vamwe vanhu. Mucharohwa twuma savings twese.

  11. Cosmas Ndlovu Avatar
    Cosmas Ndlovu

    Stop talking nonsense about MMM. Let thise who are participating on MMM say what they know.

  12. TAKU JAMEStjdzi Avatar
    TAKU JAMEStjdzi

    Well, only MMM participants understand. We are recruiting and providing help no matter the negativity from the media and the system is going on well follow link for more information and see Zim testimonies and registration..

    1. Proudly MMM Avatar
      Proudly MMM

      The only people who understand MMM are the participants who know the ideology of MMM.Do you know that MMM is a threat to banks, government.The reason l say that is now people they are no longer put their money in banks it is circulating in the community so this makes banks and government angry because they are the owners of the banks so they use media to say MMM is a scam.They really know people will panic and get help their money.So if the situation is like this when people panic and want to take their money.In MMM we put pause mode to give people time to calm down.That’s the situation in Zim right now.We pass through this here in SA and the media and government apologise and say MMM is not a scam

      1. Philip Le Avatar
        Philip Le

        you are right!

  13.  Avatar

    The Media are lap dogs to the Cabal, In South Africa there has been defended in the Supreme Court as MMM is not a Ponzi Scheme, Its a Platform created for Peer to Peer communities to uplift themselves from Poverty, Unlike the Illegitimate Mugabe government that has raped and plundered the people of Zimbabwe. The Great Atrocity against Humanity was the Introduction of Central Banks, Every country on the Planet Bar 3 North Korea, Iran and Cuba Banks are owned by them. All other Central Reserve banks are owned by the CABAL ,NWO or whatever you want to call them. Why do we have poverty its not Bob but he has been instructed to create havoc and divide the people of Zimbabwe so the population is governable as is the fact in all parts of the world. They can control the masses if they divide us through , Colour, Religion , wealth. They are poisoning the masses, creating wars , WAKE UP HUMANITY together we change the world from FINANCIAL SLAVERY, Please watch

  14. mymanuela Avatar

    Haha.Lose money my foot. People are not loosing money. 20% shows progress. It means we are 20% towards making history and soon we will hit 100%. You guys don’t know us. You think your little article will make us run away from making money. MMM is the in thing. I bet the author of this article also wants to join or is infect part of us. You guys just want to make money from us. You can’t bit us join us. Anyone reading this contact me and i will register you and you can make money with MMM. Why remain poor and let banks rob you. Join us and create a legacy for your family. MMM is here to stay. Only cowards run away… VIVA MMM…

  15. baale ali Avatar
    baale ali

    Haha.Lose mari rutsoka rwangu . Vanhu havasi muchisunungura mari . 20 % inoratidza kufambira mberi . Zvinoreva tiri 20 % kune kuita nhoroondo uye nokukurumidza tichava yakarova 100 % . Imi varume regai kutiziva . Munofunga shoma Nyaya wako achaita kuti tive kutiza kuita mari . MMM ndicho chinhu chakanakisisa . Ini Bet muvambi ino anodawo kuti abatane kana uri kombera chikamu isu . Imi varume vanongoda kuita mari kubva kwatiri . Haugoni kwomoto isu kubatana nesu . Munhu kuverenga izvi andibate uye ndichaita kunyoresa iwe unogona kuita mari chete MMM . Sei kuramba murombo uye kurege mabhanga ichikubira . Ngatienderanei nokusika nhaka mhuri yako . MMM ari pano kugara . mbwende chete kutiza … Viva MMM …

  16. mmm Avatar

    I better loose my money in MMM than in bank.

    1. Azariah Avatar


  17. Mybloodisgreen Avatar

    Nxaaaa Viva MMM hatidzore tsvimbo nekuti waita weti.

  18. Azariah Avatar

    The only people who understand MMM are the participants who know the ideology of MMM.Do you know that MMM is a threat to banks, government.The reason l say that is now people they are no longer put their money in banks it is circulating in the community so this makes banks and government angry because they are the owners of the banks so they use media to say MMM is a scam.They really know people will panic and get help their money.So if the situation is like this when people panic and want to take their money.In MMM we put pause mode to give people time to calm down.That’s the situation in Zim right now.We pass through this here in SA and the media and government apologise and say MMM is not a scam

    You guys don’t be fooled by media and negative story’s,I am a proud participant and member ,just don’t want your time with negatives story’s. Let me join you and prove me if I am not saying the truth, my email send me e-mail and will direct you

  19. KG Avatar

    This article is wrong about people losing money in MMM. Not quite wrong, just slightly misleading. Yes, people have lost money. They lost money when they put money. The 80% they are ‘losing’ never existed so you can’t lose that which doesn’t exist. But carry on….

  20. MMM beneficiary Avatar
    MMM beneficiary

    i have made so much money with MMM, gaining as much 50% interest per month… The banking system on the other hand has been taking money from me in the name of absurd charges… Even if I get 20% now, I still consider it a gain….
    Stop talking nonsense if you dont know the ideology of MMM. Am actually putting more money into the system. Asvotwa ngaarutse

  21. Billie Avatar

    Well, I am a participant of MMM East Africa. And I prefer this system to all the banks in the world. Just because I know, MMM takes care of me. I am happy to provide help and get help.
    The article is wrong, and people do not really understand what is going on in MMM.
    By the way, join me here:

  22. MMM Avatar

    viva mmm. muchavukura mugovukura mmm ichingoenda mberi,

  23. MMM Avatar

    Chero mukavukura mmm ichaenda mberi!

  24. MMM Pro Avatar
    MMM Pro

    hahaha, TechZIM, your voice is strange. It is ANTI-MMM Global ZIM. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE.




    Send me your details and will register you for free. Your money will begin to grow forthwith

  25. financial freedom Avatar
    financial freedom

    As for me and my family ,my friends,dogs.since i joined this Community,i have nothing to lose.MMM is made up of selfless people who help each other.Everyone who is in it knows the ideology.We do nt speak of wat we heard bt of wat we do.U kno all legal bla bla bla,where is yo office bla bla bla means your are still brain-washed.just join with as little as $10 and u will have a Revelation

  26. Easytech Avatar

    WOW!!! im shocked at the poor people’s gateway to riches, been reading comments and have seen thats why people are being conned by Fake Prophets.
    now $1 = 5 russian mavros, kikikiki its only in Africa thats why we are ways behind the rest of the world. money doesnt grow on trees MMM followers know that, someone has been conned that cash you have been given, and its not me, its you kikiki

  27. MMM Avatar

    ini zii zvangu ndichizvidyira mari ne mmm


    This report is just a hoax. . MMM is not a bank, or an investment company, it is not an online business. MMM do not have bank accounts because it is not a company. It is a social financial network where ordinary people help each other financially. Money is transferred directly only among participants. There is no central account where all the money is kept. MMM just monitors and regulates how participants send money to each other. MMM depends on honest and trust. The MMM ideology is to create a fair financial system which helps ordinary people. MMM – is a mutual network, where people provide mavro as help directly to each other through automatic Private Offices via internet with a growing help index Mavro. The Power of Giving lets you receive in 23 times more than you gave to others in a year!!! MMM grows your money by 30% per month or even by upto 100% per month in the MMM Extra program. If you invite new members, you will get 10% of their contributions as referral bonuses. Join MMM now for total financial freedom. Register for free here: OR Inbox your email and phone number for free registration: +263773072707;
    How does it work? If you offer to make a contribution (to Provide Help), any amount you pledge to help with will grow by 30% every month. The minimum amount you can contribute is $10. When you pledge to Provide Help, let’s say of $100, take note, this is just when you show a willingness that you want to contribute, in your MMM account you will be credited with $100, which starts to grow at 30% per month. After about 4 weeks from the day you requested to Provide Help, the system will allocate you someone to deposit that money to. You send or deposit that $ 100. In Zimbabwe all transactions are done via EcoCash and using Bitcoins. After payment you attach your proof of payment in your MMM account and the person you send the money will confirm that they received the money. Immediately you can withdraw a total of $130 ($100 plus $30 interest), or you can leave it to grow at 30% every month. When you want to withdraw your money (we call it Get Help in MMM). You just go into your account and click Get Help, specifying amount needed and in which form (either Bitcoins or EcoCash or Bank account). The system is very organized; you can only request to get Help after you have first Provided Help. The system is organized, you cannot cheat.
    What are the other benefits of MMM? When you invite others to join this wonderful community you will get 10% referral bonus of all contributions they will make. You can also enroll for a free 10 day manager training, after which you also get guider’s bonuses.
    Where does the 30% come from? MMM on the principle of financial pyramids just like all financial institutions, but in MMM ordinary participants get all the interest unlike in banks where they keep the money to themselves. MMM is a community of donation exchanges, the 30% comes from the community, from new contributions by old and new members, money circulates in the community. With over 200 million participants who access the MMM website, a lot of traffic is generated which also generates additional funds. MMM seeks to bring fair financial system. Since this is not an investment, participants withdraw amount they want to use.
    How safe is MMM? Will I not lose my money? MMM started 4 years ago and no one has lost even a single cent. They are strict regulations to ensure smooth flow. The system itself is very sophisticated. What are the requirements to join MMM? To join or register you only need an email address, and an Ecocash registered number if in Zimbabwe (other countries uses bank accounts), or a Bitcoin wallet (Bitcoins are internet/digital money; account creation is free).
    Legality of MM: MMM is a people community, which help each other for free, and absolutely consciously, they transfer money directly to each other, from one bank account to another, without any conditions, guarantees and promises. Just only because they want to do that. Because it is a good deal to help each other. It means the Mutual benefit fund as it is. There is no formal organization, no legal person in MMM. And of course there is no central bank account, no other activity in any form. Neither close, nor open. There is nothing! There are only millions and millions of simple participants, simple private persons. And their bank accounts. And nothing more. And of course there is no special registrations, permission and licenses in here. (Permissions and licenses for what and for what reason? For money transfer from one man to another? And whom this licenses and permissions should be given? Thus, MMM is absolutely legal and does not break any laws. Because there are only money transfers between private persons and nothing more. It is impossible to forbid MMM. The same way it is impossible to forbid people manage their own money the way they like. Thus they need to forbid the whole private property institution. So everything is absolutely clear with the lawfulness. There are no violations and they won’t be! MMM itself is more honest (in 100 times!) than any other bank, or any financial institution with their licenses or permissions. Because they all lie to you, hold or keep back something and so on. And only MMM doesn’t keep back you in silence, doesn’t hide anything and tell everything honestly and openly. “Yes, You take a great risk!… Yes, no guarantees!… Yes, You may lose everything at any moment!…” – Did You hear the same before anywhere? Only in MMM. Honesty, openness and trust. This are the three wheels on which the System stands. Have ever seen before the situation, when absolutely unacquainted people transfer money to each other with no reason? Giving them like a gift actually? Millions and millions of people all over the world, every day? Delirium? Fiction? Utopia? No, it is MMM! Participate! Welcome to the System! Long Live MMM! In MMM, members donate their spare money and they are rewarded for that.
    Financial Apocalypse is inevitable!! Give me your email address and phone number for free registration and I will send you detailed tutorial videos for easy participation. You can seek clarification by inboxing, WhatsApp: +263773072707; email:; skype: ronald.marumbi. MMM paid before, pays now and will pay in the future! Together we are changing the world!!! MMM will offer you opportunities, you can never get from anywhere else. There is no formal organization, no legal person in MMM. And of course there is no central bank account, no other activity in any form. Neither close, nor open. There is nothing! There are only millions and millions of simple participants, simple private persons. And their bank accounts. And nothing more. And of course there is no special registrations, permission and licenses in here. (Permissions and licenses for what and for what reason? For money transfer from one man to another? And whom this licenses and permissions should be given? Thus, MMM is absolutely legal and does not break any laws. Because there are only money transfers between private persons and nothing more. It is impossible to forbid MMM. The same way it is impossible to forbid people manage their own money the way they like. Thus they need to forbid the whole private property institution. So everything is absolutely clear with the lawfulness. There are no violations and they won’t be! MMM itself is more honest (in 100 times!) than any other bank, or any financial institution with their licenses or permissions. Because they all lie to you, hold or keep back something and so on. And only MMM doesn’t keep back you in silence, doesn’t hide anything and tell everything honestly and openly. “Yes, You take a great risk!… Yes, no guarantees!… Yes, You may lose everything at any moment!…” – Did You hear the same before anywhere? Only in MMM. Honesty, openness and trust.


    This report is just a hoax. MMM is not a bank, or an investment company, it is not an online business. MMM do not have bank accounts because it is not a company. It is a social financial network where ordinary people help each other financially. There is no central account where all the money is kept. MMM just monitors and regulates how participants send money to each other. MMM depends on honest and trust. The MMM ideology is to create a fair financial system which helps ordinary people. MMM – is a mutual network, where people provide mavro as help directly to each other through automatic Private Offices via internet with a growing help index Mavro. The Power of Giving lets you receive in 23 times more than you gave to others in a year!!! MMM is absolutely legal and does not break any laws. Because there are only money transfers between private persons and nothing more. It is impossible to forbid MMM. The same way it is impossible to forbid people manage their own money the way they like. Thus they need to forbid the whole private property institution. So everything is absolutely clear with the lawfulness. There are no violations and they won’t be! MMM itself is more honest (in 100 times!) than any other bank, or any financial institution with their licenses or permissions. Because they all lie to you, hold or keep back something and so on. And only MMM doesn’t keep back you in silence, doesn’t hide anything and tell everything honestly and openly. “Yes, you take a great risk! Yes, no guarantees! Yes, you may lose everything at any moment!” – Did You hear the same before anywhere? Only in MMM. Join MMM now for total financial freedom. Register for free here: OR Inbox your email and phone number for free registration: +263773072707;

  30. Tapiwa Avatar

    Please read MMM Ideology to understand how it works. There are no guarantees and its not an investment. The money is exchanged directly between participants so if we stop Providing Help no one will be able to Get Help. Join now and together we can change the world

  31. ANNA MMM Avatar


  32. becky Avatar

    first of all MMM is not a bank I think people should read the ideology first before commenting.
    Its just a way of providing help and getting help.

    viva MMM

  33. Freitas Avatar

    This article shows the “beauty” of sensational journalism: Talking like an expert about something you know absolutely nothing about! Nobody loses money in MMM. Although MMM is not an investment, there are definitely some safeguards that must be put in place to keep the system from collapsing… just like ANY bank, just like ANY investment firm. If there is a sharp drop in the market, investment brokers can institute similar rules to prevent investors from pulling out en masse. The measures are, as in this case, temporary while the market stabilises. The MMM community is the market, “trading” in Mavros. And if, due to external forces, the market is affected, MMM will, unlike other Pyramid schemes that aim to enrich the owners at the expense of the members, take measures to ensure that members don’t lose out… even if it means temporarily instituting measures such as reducing the rate or withdrawals.
    So, before claiming to know what is going on inside MMM, why not join it, ride with it using disposable money, and finding out first hand what’s going on? It’s easy to report on everything going on in your neighbour’s house without ever having stepped into it. But it doesn’t make it good journalism.

    Register on MMM here:

  34. Calvin Marumbi Avatar
    Calvin Marumbi

    Well, I am a participant of MMM East Africa and I prefer MMM to all other banks in this world. This is because I know MMM takes care of me. I am happy to provide help with my spare and to get help when in need. This article is wrong and people don’t understand what is going on in MMM. MMM paid before, pays now and will pay in the future! Together we are changing the world! MMM will offer you opportunities you can never get from anywhere else. By the way MMM is fully legal since there is no law against donations. You can join MMM freely here:

  35. guide Avatar

    Wel lam a member of MMM EastAfrica and l prefer MMM to all other banks in the world,because it improves my standard of living.Lam glad to provide assistance with my spare money and l always get help when l need it.This article is wrong and some people do not understand the ideology of MMM.It pays today,tomorow and forever.It is legal since there is no law against donations you can join me freely on

  36. fadil Avatar

    only we the participant of MMM now what is really MMM, what i want us to now is that every financial institutions is against MMM,why because of their justice and rapid growing so they are looking way to see MMM is crash which is very hard to be honest MMM is the only financial community that provide its members with truly information have you every hard a bank telling his customers to invest with their spare money and i have never see or hard a bank that can grantees his investors 30% or 50% monthly. have they no have the ability to pay ? they have is just because of the injustice of their financial system but these 30% or 50% is granted to all mmm members. MMM is not a bank, MMM does not collect your money, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. MMM is a community where people help each other. mmm gives you a technical platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to connect those who need help to those who are ready to provide help, for free all transferred funds to another participant are your help given by your own good will to another one and you to if you need help another participant will help you. MMM change my life and many people MMM is just a platform where people help each other as long as we the participant can be loyal to continue helping each other MMM can live for long. so let continue helping each other fight the injustice of world financial system. is only the non participant that is against MMM many people become financially free because of MMM we the participant are the weapons of the MMM lets fight the financial injustice by continue providing help together we change the world. you can join us to be financially free

  37. Makoni Linda Avatar
    Makoni Linda

    Join MMM and get 30-100% monthly

  38. linda Avatar

    MMM is there to emancipate people from financial slavery.We are slaves of banks , they use our money to make profit for themselves and the real owner of money gets nothing. MAVRO FREEZING IS CANCELLATION was no even a response to public scrutiny but a result of how the system is current perfuming. For financial freedom join now

  39. emmanuel Avatar

    Well, I am a participant of MMM East Africa. And I prefer this system to all the banks in the world. Just because I know, MMM takes care of me. I am happy to provide help and get help.
    The article is wrong, and people do not really understand what is going on in MMM.
    By the way, join me here:

  40. emmanuel Avatar

    Well, I am a participant of MMM East Africa. And I prefer this system to all the banks in the world. Just because I know, MMM takes care of me. I am happy to provide help and get help.
    The article is wrong, and people do not really understand what is going on in MMM.
    By the way, join me here: #4405

  41. Wadzanai Magasa Avatar
    Wadzanai Magasa

    MMM is a way of helping each other financially it states that its not a business you dont you provide help with extra money not the money you desperately need so l think patience pays

  42. Tolulope Adeyemo Avatar
    Tolulope Adeyemo

    Hello ,I am from Nigeria, I need clarification about mmm because presently in my country, mmm just froze people’s account
    My question is will it come back after a month and continue the same old way

    1. Oluwaseun Avatar

      My dear, MMM will never remain the same. The reason is that even Nigerians don’t understand the community, most people just joined because they want to make quick money and not because they want to provide help. So, come January most people will want to withdraw and only few people will be willing to provide help and that will cause a massive problem. So, I’ll advise that u should be prepared to lose your money. (It shouldn’t be a big deal because you decided to donate the money in the first place) isn’t it?

      1. Yomi......08162825679 Avatar

        I totally kick against that,come next year,there must be new policies,everybody must ph,no gh from the frozen marvo until later time when things are going on well,and the frozen marvo will be paid instalmentally till d system is balanced.

  43. Yomi......08162825679 Avatar

    The mind of most Nigerians next year is to gh,and it is not possible cos of d panic created by the so called federal government,…..which resulted to pause mode,if not d system must have crashed,….

  44. Prince Daniel Avatar
    Prince Daniel

    having read previous post, it is certain that MMM will come alive in Nigeria next year but the number of GH is high and that is the concern.that i while i go along with view that MMM might likely deduce marvo percent of eager participant. MMM has lot to convince the government if not Nigeria ideology is different from other. MMM currently has lot of competitor (top on the list is gethelpworldwide) and few nigeria are migrating,those competitors are paying well. you can give it a try by registering below link to be finacial free
    may God save us from the government that turn us to victim of PONZI SCHEME

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