Zimbabwe’s national airline Air Zimbabwe has become the latest airline to ban the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from its flights.
This follows the string of reports of some Note 7s catching fire while charging made over the past couple of months which prompted Samsung to initially call for replacements of the device before permanently pulling it from the market.
As a result, a number of airlines around the world had taken the precautionary measure of banning all passengers from bringing the device onto their planes. Earlier this month South African Airways also announced a prohibition of the device on its flights.
According to a report in the Chronicle, the government mentioned that it felt it was necessary for Air Zimbabwe to follow the stance taken globally by other airlines as a way of ensuring that Zimbabwe’s airline maintains its record of safety.
2 responses
You need people first to get into the plane for you to worry what they are carrying. Most people who fly air Zim are Ministers or free riders, imagine air zim stuff member telling a minister that he cannot fly unless he leave his phone.
By flying air Zim, your risk are very high because we all know Ministers and people of influence only listen to the President. Chances are very high that they will get into Air Zim with banned phones there by putting everyone in that plane in danger.
They still fly? Can remember a few years back arriving @ 3am from Joburg in Harare on Xmas day when the pilots were striking. We were all so hungry no one said a word, we just put our heads down and ate a stew that was given to us. The same 767 I flew back from London in the 80s… Same decor over 20 years later!!!! How we progress in Zims…..