How to apply for Telone Center For Learning Bachelor Of Engineering (Honours) Degree In Telecommunications Engineering

Today was the official launch of Telone’s Telecommunication Degree. For those who wish to further their Telecommunications knowledge and skills, here is how to apply.

Application Process

  1. An application fee of $50 non-refundable.
  2. Certified copies of National I.D as well as CV.
  3. Specified Educational Certificates.

These can be submitted to any of the following:

Telone Centre for Learning Cnr Samora Machel/Hampden St, Belvedere, Harare

Telone Bulawayo Main Exchange, Cnr Leopold Takawira/Fort St. (09) 63688

Telone Gweru, Main Post Office Building, Robert Mugabe Way. (054) 231900

Telone Mutare Main Exchange, 5 Simon Mazorodze St. (020) 60000

Telone Masvingo Main Exchange, Cnr R. Mugabe Way/Cary St. (039) 264000

Entry Requirements

3 Advanced Level Passes in Mathematics, Physics and any other science subject.

5 ordinary level passes including Mathematics, Science and English.

The degree is a 5 year full-time (Conventional Programme)


8 responses

  1. Candy Avatar

    Any idea on fees structure per semester?

  2. Gmail Avatar

    Why do we still need applictions to be delivered by mail mu Zim?

    Ko zvinana email hazvishandi here?

    1. Muzukuru Avatar

      Uku its a telecoms (tech) degree. Five years will we still have Zimbabwe in 5 years. What will they be teaching. Cobol 101 and Fotran?

  3. Cyber Nut Avatar
    Cyber Nut

    How can TelOne launch a Degree program that is 10years behind!

    1. Commentnumber3 Avatar

      Did you see the structure of the program, modules, teaching material and stuff? I hope your judgement is not based on the Degree name alone

  4. Tindo Avatar

    Does Telone Centre for learning have a Website? Have searched everywhere for detailed information

  5. Tom Makwangudze Avatar
    Tom Makwangudze

    This website is very difficult to access

  6. Munashe Rugonye Avatar
    Munashe Rugonye

    Your website is very difficult to access and we also need to see a prospectus of the courses available

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