Breaking News – MultiChoice Zimbabwe reduces its DStv bouquet prices

Nigel Gambanga Avatar

Here’s some good news for TV viewers – MultiChoice Zimbabwe has announced that starting from the 1st of November, 2016 it will be reducing the prices on its DStv bouquets.

Fees for the Premium, Compact Plus, Compact and Family bouquets are being reduced by between 11% and 21% along with a content upgrade on all DStv packages.

DStv Premium will now be pegged at $72 and it will receive 11 new HD channels. DStv Compact Plus will now be priced at $47 along with 8 new channels that also include more European football.

The price of DStv Compact has been reduced by 12% to $28. DStv family will be reduced by 21% to $17 and it will get 2 new channels.

The announcement marks a major change for DStv Zimbabwe which has consistently been called out for expensive content as well as a price increase that MultiChoice used to effect almost consistently every year.

According to MultiChoice it’s how the company is helping subscribers in a tough economic environment.

Now Read: What are people watching locally? – here are 8 DStv alternatives in Zimbabwe


  1. James

    At least i can now freely upgrade to Family its a deal. Will now wait for 1 November before i resubscribe hahahahaha

    1. Josephy James

      If have already subscribe for let’s say access and want to upgrade to compact , I’m I supposed to wait until access is finished

  2. kRystal

    Thank you for the Christmas present DSTV,hoping 2017 wont make this change!

  3. simba

    Stop some of us w don’t afford to pay $72 U should put atleast ss3 or 5 n $11 package s tht w cn b able t watch those channels.plz her us plz

  4. Stapler

    It’s still a reap off, considering how much other customers are paying in the region. we still paying 50% more than our South African Counterparts.


      That’s very true, it’s still a reap off

    2. worried

      I would rather stick to my SA subscription until prices are at par

    3. Chiefd

      it’s just a desperate move by Multichoice Zim as they are losing customers to Multichoice SA.
      Many people in Zim are subscribing via SA..
      Reduce more!!!!!!!!!

    4. Ezikamagebula

      Beggars can’t be choosers.
      We should be watching our own Zimbabwean television stations.
      Whatever happened to Econet’s much heralded “Kwese” satellite TV which we were told would be one of the best in the region?
      It was still born I presume.

  5. Jigga

    Still cheaper to subscribe in SA

  6. Madzibaba

    maCustomer anga ava mashoma ka?

  7. Baba Fafie

    Zimbabwe is not growing because of shameless business practices thea always shortchange the consumer. Other dstv customers pay much less for more value, while other regions are benefiting from locally probuced content multichoice zimbabwe overcharges customers and don’t invest enough into local productions. Shame on You Multichoice zimbabwe

    1. Anonymous

      Right it is a rip off in Zim

  8. Lorna Riley

    Having found the alternatives, there is not much that will make me go back to DSTV, as long as you have good internet you can watch whatever you want, whenever you want. The repeats on dstv make life difficult.

  9. Busi Zwana

    This is really nothing to bleat about Multichoice – it’s not good enough!

  10. tee isaiah

    It is now better

  11. Anonymous

    Half aloaf is better than nothing thank yu multichoice asika rambai muchidzisa tienzanewo nevamwe mucontinet

  12. rebel fereal

    Still waiting for premium to go down to say $47/$30

  13. Sibo

    How do I get a South African subscription? should I ask my daughter in SA?

    1. Anonymous

      thats the best way….your daughter can pay for u

  14. dave

    Not surprised as the crap they continually repeat does not even warrant the reduced cost.

    1. Anonymous

      Agree with you. Same movies and old ones at that!

  15. Sgabade

    Yah what can we say it sounds better but still its too expensive comparing to South africa.

  16. Vincent makamanzi

    Bt steel maprice enyu achaka kwira raita 11 mari ngariitevo 7 mari

  17. Vincent makamanzi

    Uye machanel enyu kubva pashayavo anoita 5 mari munoti tese tiriva pfumi here sabc 123,etv ,btv murikutadza kuzviisavo pa 5 mari hamusi kuonavo kuti kunze kwakatsva here

  18. Anonymous

    … They will still be showing Steven Seagul, Jean Claud & Dolf Lundgren movies EVERY WEEK, week after week after week … same old 5#1t after week !!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous

      Thats for sure

  19. Precious Sauli

    its a very gud move with dstv but must they stop repeating there programs tanzwa!

  20. moffat mvubu

    we really like to watch DSTV, we really appreciate what you have done. My special request is you go down a little bit so that someone poor like me can afford paying for Premium. may we can say Premium $50….. i tell you will see how money will flood in you pockets.

  21. Anonymous

    That is better But at leasy add Mnet Edge on compct plus

  22. munya

    Still expensive

  23. Anonymous

    Still its too much.

  24. Anonymous

    your prices are still unafordable,thats when u find, kuti mangwana tambo sucriber mangwana tambosisa,your price are too much

  25. magwidi

    Dstv in Zimbabwe is very expensive please try to adjust even more

  26. Ted

    They might drop their charges, but they still deliver the same old shit.

  27. Anonymous

    dstv channels are still expensive
    they must be

    in that order

  28. Robie

    what about access

  29. mobla

    dstv channels are still expensive
    they must be
    in that order

  30. M. Dreyer

    Ive been on family bouquet it seems we getting two new channels but ??? how many channels are been taken off.

  31. Raymond

    I think. Mukadzisa zvirinani

  32. cliff

    what about the 11$ one u ddnt reduce ….

  33. masendi ganyamatope

    Its still too much can you reduce for every Zimbabwean to afford this, if not people will not pay and can you check on your accounts that are not being paid on every month.

  34. Bernard machika


  35. Anonymous

    Dstv must also reduce the $11 bouquet, reduction must b fair to every bouquet.

  36. pauline tangawarima

    too many repeats anda thats annoying. value for money is the 21st century thing. Reduce prices and more volumes we wont skip our monthly subs hence mre money for you.

  37. Heath

    Dstv is still a rip off.Better to get super fast internet and watch what you want to and when you want to.Instead of all the rubbish on Dstv.Very over priced for what you get.I havent connected for almost 3 months now and it is the best thing I have ever done.Satellite tv is going to become obselete in the next few years.Mark my words.

  38. James

    Does Dstv have a new list of bouquet channels,if so please can we have them. Thanking you in advance.

  39. Anonymous

    Your subscriptions are still expensive. If you reduce your prices so that most of us can afford the premium bouquet I think it will be better that way.

  40. MR Banda

    you guys joke around with us dollars dstv premium should be made affordable even ordinary civil servants

  41. MR Banda

    the access fee for HD/PVR is still expensive, because im an extraview subscriber

  42. MR Banda

    taura hako

  43. Anonymous

    DStv can drop its fees as much as they want – it is still SHIT. Repeats & local SA movies – if I wanted that crap, I would get the eTV decoder. Peopls need to complain on their Facebook page:


  44. Romeo

    Agree with the above post by Anonymous. dstv is showing the same movies on the same channels in the same time slots literally the following day.

    Can also agree that I am tired of outdated, cheap movies. All dstv wants is for us all to subscribe to Box Office in order to see different movies.

    Shape up dstv or you will be loosing customers!!!!!!

  45. Gerald

    Hey, how can I became an dstv agent

  46. Anonymous

    We ate not that lazy

  47. Anonymous

    All repeat you are not doing justice to premium shame