Over the course of the weekend many June-exam sitters have been trying to see their results on Zimsec’s portal with mixed results. Last time we made an assessment of the performance of the portal but this time we are not doing that. Instead we just want to share what’s being said by people who have been trying to use the portal.
Just to be clear, Techzim is not the owner of the Zimsec portal nor does it operate it as some of the readers seem to think. We merely report it. Here are some of the comments of the user experience by some of our Techzim readers.
User 1
This is not working all ,why playing with our emotions nxaaa
User 2
umm am tried a lot but if i follow instructions it changes the error statement even if i correct the error and follow instructions.
User 3
i managed to open now am getting different results what is happening. The first set of results are different from today when I was opening again are you still updating portals
User 4
Have done the registration8hrs ago but on log in it is saying account not yet activated. What must I do, reregistering has failed, saying already registered
User 5
It’s working. I did it on Friday and accessed my results. Thank you zimsec
User 6
Since saturday afternoon ive been trying but to no avail how then is the portal of aanyhelp
User 7
It works but first read the instructions on how to create an account and how to log in.Try it out and see,its easy.
User 8
I filled the form and registered then now if i tap at candidate results .it says error occurred while processing
not working at all. just saying error when processing your request. please assist.
User 9
Superb ha it works hey but l believe it works when the system is not overloaded by users trying to access their results, just searched for someone now and ha there were the results and ha the opening of the pages was very fast so l believe just try to access your candidate account during late hours where there will be few or no users at all and your result will show l believe cause just did it now and during daylight l was facing the same problems you were all facing guys where it would say error loading your request…so try it now if you are reading this and see.
What the comments mean
The comments suggest a portal that’s not reliable and experiencing intermittent failures. And you’d have to be extra-patient and keep on trying to access your results.
As a result, there’s need for Zimsec to invest in hardware, software/application and human support for the portal so that it doesn’t falter in its hour of being needed
3 responses
The government is not fair ,the zimsec officials share papers with their kids every year then our poor kids die for their sins how can marks be deducted from our poor borders who didn’t even have phones at school, try to be fair at once my heart is melting my kid failed with Ds she wrote 12 and she got 5cs and Ds lam not happy, try yo tighten your security or employ us to work there so that we give our kids paper’s
Its not fair to be engaged in someone’s case… Please try to be extremely fair on this exam marking coz we won’t fail bcz of someone’s attributes. Its not easy to pay all the 💸 bill’s and you get D’s
It says username is not find