Ministry of Education advises people struggling with online enrolment to approach schools for assistance

Education, Zimbabwean schools, girl child

The Ministry of Education’s online enrolment system for Form 1 boarding schools has been the centre of attention over the past few days with applicants using it to submit their selection of schools.

In the process, the system has faced technical challenges including a site crash that made the system inaccessible for a few hours on Sunday. This has raised concerns about how the Ministry intends to facilitate applications for parents denied access by such faults plus those without internet.

We reached out to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Dr. Sylvia Utete-Masango to get clarification on this.

According to Dr Utete-Masango, any parent or guardian facing challenges in making an application through the system should approach the school where the pupil sat for their Grade 7 examinations to get assistance on Monday (12 December) morning.

If they can’t get help there the alternative will be the cluster schools which are select schools in specific districts that act as distribution centres for the local examinations body ZIMSEC. These schools have internet access and have been instructed to assist anyone applying.

Regarding the concerns of limited access to internet faced by pupils in outlying areas which have been raised by bodies like the Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) Dr Masango has pointed out how online services for education are feasible considering how ZIMSEC public exam registration has been migrated to an online system which has been in use since 2014.

The option to get assistance from schools is likely to be appealing to parents and guardians who either failed to get wind of the online application on time or were in a remote area over the past few days.

However, there is still a likelihood that other frustrated users will still approach schools to physically submit an application especially as the year draws to a close.

See: List of High Schools in Zimbabwe and Contact Numbers


17 responses

  1.  Avatar

    I’m struggling help me, since morning I have been trying .

  2. mazvikokota Avatar

    A classic case study for MySQL optimization, students take note this is what happens when you run MySQL fresh from install. So many things could have been done to this DB but then nyanzvi dzacho dzirikuramba kuti dzachembera

    1. Martin Chamambo Avatar
      Martin Chamambo

      Thats true and i think for such a huge system , they should have invested in posgres or oracle , or a very fine tuned mysql…. and on the language , php wont scale very well with the amount of traffic but then again ,if they can really tune the web servers ,it can do the job

  3. nyasha Avatar

    how can you impose something that hasn”t been given a trial period.they should have put this on trial for at least 2 years on a personal desire basis.

  4.  Avatar

    This whole thing not working out I

  5. ...... Avatar

    I applied and my applications were said to have been sent but when i checked the status of application irikuti pending does that mean kuti haisati yaonekwa ikoko or the status ndeye kuzotarisa chikoro chaanenge awana?? Please help

    Please help

  6. tinotenda Avatar

    I have been trying as well… hazviskuita izvi

  7.  Avatar

    I have been trying as well hazvisi kuita

  8. Douglas Mabhgu Avatar
    Douglas Mabhgu

    can the ministry advise us on the next move, worried and confused now

  9. kawareware b Avatar
    kawareware b

    ve been trying since yesterday morning zvirikuramba

  10. mai M Avatar
    mai M

    Todiiko zvirikuramba kuti izvi toenda kuzvikoro here plz help

  11.  Avatar

    hw duz dis wrk

  12.  Avatar

    guyz help haisi kubudisa zvimwe

  13.  Avatar

    since morning no joy

  14. tae Avatar

    since morning no joy

  15. Chuck Nombi Avatar
    Chuck Nombi

    Zvinoshoresa nyika izvi from the validation on the form to a sham DB. This is a joke and its tasteless.

  16. beitbridge Avatar

    trying to open a created account but says account doesnt exist. CONFUSED

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