Some light at the end of the tunnel for local gamers.

So in the past I failed to find a formal gaming organization locally based in Zimbabwe until quite recently. Now however,  eSports working with Zimbabwe Mind Sports Union came to light and has been there since 2014 organizing and hosting local and international gaming matches.

A brief summary of this organization. They are based in Beitbridge and offer an online gaming platform. they simplify the process of online gaming by providing local rooms for local online players wishing to play against other local online players.

Schedules for these online matches can be found on this website. One of their most successful matches was between South Africa vs Zimbabwe with an online view count of 193.

If you are exceptional enough you will find yourself getting full sponsorship to go to attend international tournaments that can go as far as France to really get your metal tested.

To sign up at the moment it is still a free for all affair and you can sign up through their Facebook page with gaming sessions coming in 2 flavors that is friendlies and betting sessions.

So it is a young and upcoming organization but one that I feel is showing some promise. The value in this is if more and more local gamers join and have a unified gaming community.

We HAVE a vibrant gaming community in Zimbabwe. We have an organization willing to oversee the gaming community. All we need is the ICT realm to realise the potential in this. Here is a list of the revenue being generated from gaming around the world as at October 2016.

It’s a simple law of gaming. The more participants there are, the more entertaining it will be. eSports might just be on to something here.

One response

  1. magas

    the main challenge with e-sports is the availability and affordability of a stable and consistent internet connection

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