ZRP introduces swipe machines at police stations to handle fine payments, roadblocks are next

traffic cops, Spot fines, roadblocks, Zimbabwe traffic, corruption

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has introduced point of sale (POS) machines at all traffic police stations in Zimbabwe in a bid to ensure that the payment of fines and penalties done so on time.

In a report on ZBC, the ZRP’s national spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba noted how the adoption of POS machines was a result of a need for ZRP to adopt plastic money alternatives.

Zimbabwe is experiencing a severe cash crisis which has forced all entities that deal with payments on a day to day basis to adopt alternatives such as plastic money and mobile money which several Zimbabweans now rely on.

Charamba, who highlighted how the POS facilities will “help motorists”, also mentioned that the next stage in the ZRP’s e-money roll out would be the introduction of POS machines at roadblocks to cater for spot fines.

Despite a court ruling that deemed it illegal to detain motorists for not paying spot fines, there has been an increase in roadblocks and spot fines with motorists voicing their concerns on social media. Some of the suggested reasons for this increase in fines is the police’s reliance on traffic penalties to raise revenue.

The introduction of POS machines will likely embolden traffic police officers in their efforts to collect fines since the excuse of not having cash can be dismissed.


8 responses

  1. Chief Of Protocol ?? Avatar
    Chief Of Protocol ??

    Finally a measure to take handling of cash out of the equation. Not sure if the guys manning the roadblocks would be chuffed if this were to happen

    1. alwaysanotherway Avatar

      The ideal situation in this if you are a dirty cop is to get your own point of sale specifically for that purpose.

      Check the vendor who does fruit and veg along borrowdale road. he has all three terminals.

      1.  Avatar

        thats actually very interesting… how would we know that the POS device belongs to the police and not the police officer

  2.  Avatar

    What a fuck up of a country. Remind me never to go back.

  3. anonimox Avatar

    wat is this country going to. all zrp does is collect fines, where are you at non functioning robots during the peak hour. where are the night patrols. do u help children cross roads. do ur jobs. otherwise i will not serve u if u enter my place of business, mind u educate yo own children then. u r the worst. u delay us to work, u delay us to church and eevn on the way back. i pray u suffer from typhoid in these rains and all yo bribe miney is paid to medical bills.

  4. www.mwanavhu.wordpress.com Avatar

    At least with an electronic system we’ll see where the money is going. They’ll still steal it of course but at least they know that we know.

  5. DayandNight Avatar

    It seems that the ZRP policing strategy is based entirely on revenue collection. What happened to crime prevention and detection? What happened to helping motorists instead of threatening them? Everything the ZRP initiates is determined by how much money they can fleece from motorists.

    1. Loud Speaker Avatar
      Loud Speaker

      If proof was needed that roadblocks are all about revenue collection,this is it. One would have thought there is nothing wrong in a system where the motorist goes to a designated place at a convenient date to pay his/her fine?…And how much for this roadside infrastructure eh?…Madness for shuwa.

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