It’s An Open Day At Moto Republik #SaveMotoRepublik

William Chui Avatar
Moto republik, container structure

Today is exactly a week since the City of Harare visited Moto Republik. Much has gone on since then, with a petition being signed and handed to the Minister as well as.

The guys at Moto Republik have made today an ‘open day’, opening their space to anyone and everyone (well except, City of Harare I assume) and letting them to come use the facility free of charge. This is an opportunity for the 1,700 people who signed their petition online to show their support for the hub by coming out in our numbers and being their.

The guys at the hub state that they’ve been getting unofficial feedback that no demolition will take place today, however, they’re not leaving it to chance. They’ve gone to court and hopefully there’ll be a ‘stay of execution’ and council will not take action. Just yet.

So, if you’re flexible, make your way to number 3 Allan Wilson Ave, Belgravia, with your laptop (if you’re work is centred around such), your musical instrument (guitar, sax or even mbira) or what you will, so that we show our support for them.

They’ll be a press conference at 12pm and if anything, we hope that at the end of the day their structure will still be standing.



  1. Charles Muzonzini

    Long Live MOTO REPUBLIK!!

  2. Stephen Mudere

    Your links from the emails are self destructing. How did your programmers do it?

    1. L.S.M Kabweza

      Which emails? Please provide more details so we can check it.

  3. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    Though I do not condone the actions of the City Council, I hope MotoRepublik was providing free services occasionally to the public before all this happened. Otherwise, it seems like a case of we’ll support you only when we need you to support us. Once the demolition scare is over, will the supporting freelancers or well wishers be able to seek refuge at MotoRepublik? I’m just wondering. If anyone can enlighten me, I’d be grateful