Multichoice reduces subscription prices in Zambia, Kenya and more

DStv pay, package prices SA South Africa

DStv subscription prices have been slashed in some African countries, Zambia and Kenya included, effective September 1. No word yet from Multichoice Zimbabwe though. In what looks like a coordinated move the various national divisions of Multichoice announced the price slashes and cited similar reasons for the price reductions.

The price slashes are to be effected on all packages, from the Premium to the Access bouquet. In Zambia the average price reduction is K20 (~$2.20) with the Compact Plus bouquet seeing the biggest reduction of K86 (~$9.50.) Kenya sees similar reductions bar the massive reduction to the Compact Plus bouquet price as in Zambia.

As alluded to, the respective Managing Directors gave very similar reasons for the slashes. It surely must be a coordinated move. They claim the move is meant to reward customers for their loyalty and also to ease life for customers living in challenging economic conditions.

Those cannot be the only reasons surely. The MDs could not come out and plainly state that competition was the reason, now could they? Increasing competition however is one of the major reasons for the price slashes. With more and more Africans getting good internet access by the day, services like Netflix, iflix and Kwese offer genuine competition. The competition also extends to satellite TV where DStv has been the dominant force for years, services like StarTimes and Kwese proving worthy alternatives.

The announcements did not end at price slashes as adjustments were made to content provision. The big one being the addition of La Liga games to the Family bouquet. Children’s and lifestyle programming were also added to that package.

I think we can expect Multichoice Zimbabwe to announce price slashes soon too, don’t hold your breath though. Is this a desperate attempt to hold on to their marketshare in the face of increased competition? It can’t be a coincidence that Kwese is available in the countries which announced the price slashes first.

What do you think about these price slashes and content provision adjustments? Are they enough to stop you from moving to a competing service like Kwese when it eventually comes to Zimbabwe? Do let us know what you think.


One response

  1. Chakanetsa Avatar

    When are they slashing prices in Zimbabwe,I think generally the prices have been too high considering what the people in South Africa have been paying

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