Google Announces Code Jam Africa 2010

L.S.M Kabweza Avatar
Google Code Jam Africa

Google Code Jam AfricaGoogle on Friday announced “Google Code Jam Africa 2010”, a coding contest event  in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time. The competition is a web-based test and participants can program in the coding language and development environment of their choice.

Registration for the contest runs up to 15 March and Round 1 of the competition starts on the same date. Successful coders will battle it out in round 2 after 7 days.

The prize is a Code Jam Africa t-shirt  and an unspecified special prize pack. obviously not much to write home about. Where the deal really is, is Google internships. Students interested in internships at the Internet giant’s European Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland can use this ticket to be considered.

Hesitating and wanting a feel of the contest first before you register? Check Code Jam past contests here.

Google launched Code Jam in 2003 as a means to identify top engineering talent for potential employment at Google. Stats of past Code Jam contests can be found here.