We just received a press release from Telecel announcing that the mobile company has introduced online and mobile registration to comply with the POTRAZ SIM card registration directive issued months ago.
The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) directed all mobile operators to register their subscribers by August 31. Last month, POTRAZ issued a statement in the press, advising all subscribers to register their lines or risk disconnection.
For the web registration, you will intuitively head to www.telecel.co.zw right? Well, hold a bit there. Telecel Zim took that site down (their only presence on the internet) some 5 months ago. A special purpose website has been created for the web registration. It’s www.telecelregistration.com. The website has instructions to get you started.
The mobile registration system Telecel has introduced is similar to the one subscribers use when making a balance enquiry. To register, a subscriber dials *176#. This opens up an interactive platform, guiding the subscriber through the process of registering the mobile phone’s SIM card. According to Telecel, the whole process should last about a minute.
Subscribers can also register through free SMSes but Telecel’s not recommending this method, apparently because it is very cumbersome. It involves text messages going back and forth between the subscriber and Telecel. To start the subscriber sends a text message with the word ‘START’ to 23150. The Telecel system responds with a name request SMS and when sent it acknowledges via SMS requesting more info. And on and on until you’re done. Cumbersome yes!
The web and mobile registration will surely make it convenient for Telecel subscribers to comply with the state requirements. A Telecel spokesperson rightly says “When registration has been made as easy as this, there is no reason why people should not start registering immediately”.
Strangely though, from what we gather here, all the Telecel registration methods don’t involve submitting hard copies of your proof of residence or identification. Maybe Telecel will require you to bring these documents to their offices later. We have a feeling POTRAZ will not accept the registrations without the documentation to prove subscriber identity and place of residence.
We have emailed Telecel to get clarification and will update this article when they respond. They usually do within a few hours.
UPDATE: They responded. You can read the response here.
Fears aside, Telecel’s providing the easiest SIM card registration around. Even with the appealing Isuzu truck prize magnet, I still can’t gather the strength to get my documents and go join an Econet queue to register my SIM cards. I’ll have to eventually but hey.
20 responses
Hey Telecel, How about a redirecting link on http://www.telecel.co.zw that says “please click here to register your SIM cardâ€.
I expected to find something there
Hey the telecel site actually is up try http://www.telecel.co.zw/index.cfm
Telecel could request scanned copies of documents to comply with these Potraz requirements, sme of us indeed dnt hev the time to queue up to submit dox!
ive just tried out this online registration and i like it its simple and straight forward. Telecel, has pioneered here, i just hope they will not have problems with POTRAZ, and all the other providers can also follow
Hie assist me i can not do this i have tried to input my cell number but the space is not opening
You enter your cellphone number in the relevant field then press send pin. A pin number will be sent to the number you supplied which you enter into the pin field then click on Login. Type in your details and save.
i just can’t have the priviledge to write in the potion that i m supozd to input my cell number. what do l do
Im trying to enter my cell no. to no avail. the available space is not opening
hi telecel.. Some of us are in the diaspora and our loved ones are in rural areas and hardly go into town I do phone tops ups by purchasing on the internet out here. now can I remotely on the web do a complete registration. Some of the phones I have disabled the pin numbers
telecel thanks for this initiative but i’m having problems on entering my cell number
Why is it that this seems to be something that is becoming mandatory in African countries?
Yeah that’s a gud observation. Remember last year’s Zanu Pf congress SMS scam? thats the idea they wana be able to know and lock up any person(s) doing ‘treason’ from mobile 4ns. Lol dont say yu wer not warned!
the idea is all good bt the issue lies behind its efficiency and effectiveness,ie. right now l bin trying 2 regester my lin both on the internet and on line bt everything failed. just try to upgrade your system to overcome overloading. in addition to ths everyone z calling 4 e company 2 prvde internet servives on mobile 4ns to the general public
i am trying to slot in my cell number the space provided is not responding please help
I am trying to register but to no avail pliz help even yo sms platform is not responding
TELECEL, it took me the whole day to register through my cellphone and got this message (YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA SMS IF YOUR REGISTRATION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL) and i have not been notified, its more than a week now. I have just registered through your website again and i got the same message YOU WILL BE NOTI…please i need this to be over or else do not disconnect my line because i have done my part
HOW DO I REGISTER MY LINE???????????????
Im your subscriber ,im sim card is asking for the PUK number May you assist me
I bought a new line and I have been trying to register. The problem is I can’t receive pin message on my phone.
I bought a telecel line,not realising that the cell number were on the plastic,i threw the it away,now the problem is that i only have pin numbers now can you assist me since i have completed the register forms
i bought a telecel line before,when i opened scrap i realised i lost the paper with cell number without registering .pin number 0000 ,puk number 19542334,and imsi 648033009323994