Photos From ICT Africa 2010 – Day 1

Below are the photos took today at ICT Africa 2010. The event is being held at the Harare Exhibition Park. A bigger venue. The exhibition looks a lot smaller than last year’s and we noticed Yo Africa, one of the biggest ISPs is absent from the event.


  1. TiP

    africom has the best site..

  2. Yvee

    the best ICT Africa display or website? haven’t been able to view their website for about a week now

  3. dewa

    nice photos

  4. Chris Muyaruka

    In my opinion,these IT exhibitions will soon be obsolete or be non-existent because of the way the internet has transformed the way we interact as human beings both on a personal level and business as well – this is why big companies like microsoft and cisco have these virtual exhibitions, so until the internet in Zim is ‘upto’ standard you will continue to see smaller and smaller exhibitions, because there really is nothing much to show if the internet is not present or does not work well – get to think of it ICT is about the internet and nothing else

  5. SaFaith is now up and running

  6. itai

    @chris – i like your way of thinking but it will take a long time for us to be able to have virtual exhibitions. the world over, these exhibitions are still a hit and we need to keep at it. i dont know why this year the exhibition was taken to the showgrounds. HICC is easily accesible and that may really affect the numbers. even the feel that people want to have on their stands is taken away when you take the exhibition to the halls at the Showgrounds. last year’s exhibition was the one…

  7. Zorro

    this is a bad start for an ITC company. been trying get my hands on their 3G dongle but when i googled “africom zimbabwe” nothing came up.

  8. Zorro

    this year’s exhibit so far has been a real let-down for me, primarily because of the host venue. a step backwards,

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