Econet to Launch Econet Broadband In Less Than A Week

Econet Broadband

Econet BroadbandEarly this month, Econet promised to launch a comprehensive mobile Internet service at the end of the month. Talking to Econet staff lately, Techzim got the impression that Econet is about to launch something so impressive it’ll blow our minds off. And as one guy put it, “it’s going to be a game changer”.

Econet is keeping true to its promise. Techzim is reliably informed that Econet will launch the new broadband services at a function on Wednesday, 20 October 2010. Yes, next week! Econet is describing the launch as “the event of the year”, so expect to get some wowing experience from the event! We’ll cover it and post it here.

It’s not clear what packages will be offered, or how much the services will cost. The most we could get out of the sources we spoke to is that the service will be prepaid and that Econet is “still working on the data bundles but it will be affordable to a rural herd boy”. In other words, very affordable.

Just earlier on today, we posted an article about PowerTel’s mobile broadband expansion and switching on of 3G base stations in Bulawayo, Gweru and Kwekwe. Another access provider, Africom, is preparing to launch in a few days too. This will be a good time to compare packages and choose what you like the most. Choice is something we’ve all never been able to do for our mobile connectivity.

The Econet Broadband logo used here is most likely to be the logo of the new services. We found it at


19 responses

  1. Oscar Manduku Avatar

    They better launch it because I have told my clients that they will.

  2. Kabweza Avatar


  3. jim Avatar

    they better not mess it up like they did the last time

  4. Bob Avatar

    “…affordable to a rural herd boy”

    How much do those guys earn? Probably more than me 🙂

  5. Titus Avatar

    I would love to be wonderfully surprised by the launch, but I am clearly very skeptical. The quality of Econet voice calls has continued to deteriorate, and how can I expect a wonderful data service?

  6. JamesM Avatar

    Let the broadband wars begin! Broadband is really what the country has been waiting for, particularly for many of us in the IT industry. This also opens up a hitherto unavailable economic frontier.

  7. frank Avatar

    gud news to the ears now we can surf internet on our 4nes 24 hrs a day

  8. Zorro Avatar

    If Econet’s recent track-record is anything to go by, i wouldn’t get my hopes up. In actual fact, i have concluded: Econets is all talk, but now Telecel has them cornered because it’s changed its Advertising consultant/agent and what you see now is a panic strategy. Already, Telecel data services are by far more superior than Econet because you get exactly what you’re promised with Telecel. Team Telecel Go

  9. Brian Ellis Avatar
    Brian Ellis

    Quite honestly the whole data service issue is a joke. I have both Telecel and Econet data lines which I am beginning to think I wasted my money on. Telecel is great if you are in the Southerton area but go to Chispite and you get diddly squat – I phoned them and they advised that it would be another three weeks till they were live – that was two weeks ago – but I am not holding my breath. As for Econet, while I can connect in Chisipite, as soon as I try to access the internet – it bombs with ridiculous speeds of 0.2 to 1.5 kbs/s. I have been advised that the problem is apparently because I am in a dip – yeah right. Well think I will stick to good ald TelOne dial up which is faster than both the above – that’s when the phone is working of course.

  10. Sisonke Avatar

    I dont know how other operators have done it but Econet is a faith company,the very begining should tell you that. And look now where they are..go ahead and launch guys we are with you doing what we have always done,PRAYING..see you at the launch

  11. Sisonke Avatar

    go ahead and launch this thing guys, your CEO is a spiritual giant so you are covered.

  12. sir allen Avatar
    sir allen

    hey guys my econet data connection has improved but no 3g as in umts signal yet anyone got news whats happening.i am also having problems with opening local sites but my yahoo mail is loading withing 2 min

  13. Zorro Avatar

    we might all like the convenience of mobile internet but to be honest, we’re all getting a raw deal here. dial-up is faster than anything you could ever expect from a data line. very few people in this country have ever experienced real Broadband connectivity, and hence have no better comparison, i guess that why people even put up with this poor service.

  14. toots Avatar

    Ha machinda aya anonyepa hey…Econet neTelecel yacho its all fantasy, are they telling me this is what the Executives from these companies experience kana vari pa OR Tambo ne Vodacom and MTN? No way, its all hype to be king of the hill, they are are joking with this data thing. Variku Creche chaiko ivo vachienda kuSpace programme interview yeNASA, vachirimatemba mugungwa rine maSharks! Come on the new data licencees. where are you?….at least Africom you are somewhat getting it right …but please be serious people.

  15. courtney Avatar

    does this mean that i cant connect to PC anymore? Before this so called launch, though poor, but i could at least connect to my laptop via bluetooth but not anymore. Can yu help me on this one.

    And i also hope that this thing turns out right otherwise im weighing options.

  16. courtney Avatar

    Econet by its record should stick to the USD25 for a 30day sub.i mean we have to be satisfied first with this broadband monster which has if anything killed econets browsing at the moment.a 3 month probation is most suitable for us subscribers to give the green light that this broadband thing is in good working order.the moment this internet is prepaid,time will be money for sure!!!

  17. THOMAS BHURU Avatar


  18. Adrian Shumba Avatar

    charges, charges, charges. PC bundles are just expensive to use..

  19. Adrian Shumba Avatar

    broadband charges for PC are too high…

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