The Gaming LAN Tourney

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Gaming LAN Tournament

Ok, I’m posting this a bit late. It’s been a whole week and a day since I went to the tournament, but here is:

Imagine a room full of high end gaming PCs and loaded with the latest Games! Now that’s what I call the sum of all dreams. This was the warm site that greeted gamers that managed to attend the gaming tourney a week ago. There was an appetizing array of games lined up, as was previously posted.

The hardware available did not disappoint either (think Xbox controllers), every game ran smoothly.

Ok where do I start? I’m so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of gaming aura that was in that room. My pick was Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (in fact that’s the only game I played, next time guys watch out for me, I’ll be better), it’s a game and a half, excellent graphics and a great story line, for those who love first person shooter games this will definitely appeal to you.

So what someone would say, I already have all those games at home? Well the LAN part of all this is the real deal; multiplayer gaming will blow your mind away. I particularly loved getting to compete with real opponents. You feel you’re really in there, fighting it out!

For an event this exhilarating, you’d be forgiven to think there are only a few serious gamers in Harare. It was kinda low on turnout, or maybe this is the normal ‘crowd’ size. It was my first time. Regardless, I’m looking forward to next time and hopefully the house will be packed.

Here are some photos of the tournament:

Gaming LAN Tournament

Gaming LAN Tournament

Gaming LAN Tournament


  1. Tinashe

    hey i subscribed to the mailing list 4 these tournaments. Why didnt i get the notification. Thats bad. I am a hard core gamer myself and have the right to be notified of such events. 🙂

  2. kondozi

    I was not invited either, they wanted to win alone, coz i am a ___ gamer myself

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