We’ve been trying to get information about the company called Spiritage for some weeks now. What caught our attention (and that of many of you asking us about Spiritage) were the Spiritage ICT job vacancies in the press. The company is clearly on a massive recruitment drive. Fortunately, a few days ago, some information started trickling in. Thanks to you dear readers.
Some background: Spiritage owns the company called Valley Technologies. The Spiritage Group also includes companies like Mars, Suremed Health Insurance, some hospitals, a company called Spiritage Business Solutions and eTranzact.
Now to Valley Technologies; as you may know, Valley tech is a holder of a POTRAZ Internet Access Provider “Class A” license. (Here’s a full list of licensed IAPs on the POTRAZ site) According to POTRAZ regulations, an IAP Class A licensee “is authorised by this license to construct, operate, develop, extend, and maintain a public data and internet access network.” The licensee is also “allowed to carry voice as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)”
According to our sources, Valley Technologies is rolling out a sizable telecommunications network in Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare and Gweru. ‘ Sizable’ here refers to a network with base stations northwards of 150. We cannot confirm what technologies Valley Tech is working on but this WiMax Forum page suggests we’re talking of, well, WiMax. If you check that WiMax Forum page there’s some mention of Valley Technologies’ Network Destination Code is being +263 8622. A suggestion of some VoIP telephony.
Service launch date according to our sources is latest end of March 2011, clearly not far from now.
We visited Spiritage to get some confirmation about this information and maybe a bit more details about the developments and the basic message we got is that Spiritage is not ready to say anything at the moment.
Valley Tech is hardly the only IAP working to launch Mobile WiMax and VoIP services in the coming months. Aquiva, Utande (Telerix), Telco, ZELLCO and the other licensed IAPs are working on similar service rollout in the coming months. For most of these operators, interconnection to existing telecoms voice operators is what is holding them from launching. What will probably make Spiritage standout amoung the other IAPs is the network coverage and subscriber capacity.
43 responses
Everyday we get a promise from so and so rolling out the largest WiMAX network(coverage, capacity). So far we have not witnessed such a successful roll out. Usually it’s just a loud cry for attention. Remember the guys called Broadlands? Pay them a visit today and ask them of the promise of February 2009..
Let’s see if Spiritage will bring the champagne to the the party.
Except in this case Spiritage is actually not promising anything. They actually don’t like the media attention…
I guess we are not a road to 150 base stations in 150 days and give us a poor service at a dear price. If Valleynet brings a service let it be to fill the gap and not to scramble for the same old subscriber. All the best to Valley and hope wont grow to be like the other bad networks.
Let the scramble for customers begin!!!
And let the price of communication going down begin
Who is the target market if I may ask? I am really getting concerned
why are internet companies having problems in interconnecting with existing telecoms voice operators . Is it a case of sabotage.
they just got from Econet.
yeah yu right,what is the problem.i thnk we still hv a long way to go wth telecoms development and interconnexion shld be easy.who exacly is responsible if i may ask pleeeaaase?
It may be important to note that Spiritage is run by Zachary Wazara a former Econet executive who led operations in the region and was a director
this makes sense…monopoly once again
This could be the biggest network of them all because am told they have the best technical personnel.
What is your definition of biggest network??
Having quality does not simply translate to quantity. Unless Wazara has a huge finance backbone(US$1 Billion+) his network may never be larger than Econet and off late Telecel.
Assuming he has a licence in 2.5 GHz or 3.5 GHz spectrum his only options are CDMA Ev-Do or WiMAX for a wireless network solutions. These technologies are readily available in Zimbabwe today and the fever will soon wear out before he erects his second base station. The “best technical personnel” may be resting on their laurels and soon wake up with their dreams shattered by HSDPA:-)
I smell a lot of negative as though you are threatened bro… Breathe easy because its still a free market, financial backing or no financial backing. Wazara and crew are not out to get Econet or any of the “big” networks broke, but give people options. Who in their right mind, would want more options of choice..??
I was just voicing my disagreement with the big part.
I just find it ironic there are so many people who are prepared to vouch for a service provider who is not yet on the market. Was this a PR gimmick??
As far as im concerned CDMA has got many brands and the one tht spiritage has got supports both DATA and VOICE at one GO.and IF u check on google,GSM is evolving Accomodating the technology behind CDMA 3G technology …e likes of EDGE,UMTS,WCDMA …..
Thanks for the update, it’s TD-SCDMA and everyone knows that by now…by the way WCDMA would be a subset of UMTS and is the air interface behind 3G and HSPA.
GSM is a 2G standard which uses TDMA for channel access.
UMTS is a 3G standard ,it uses either TD-SCDMA or WCDMA for channel access.
These mobile networks are circuit swithed networks designed for voice. They put enhancements like EDGE, HSPDA etc for these networks to support data.
LTE is the 4G standard and is a packert switched network designed to carry data.
NOTE: data can be voice also
Bye bye Econet, u had your time now pave way for the champions. i hear Valley has assembled the best team from the cleaners to the execs
You should send me the recruiters details
@ Gerald.. i ve also heard a lot of noise in the Telecomms about that company. I HOPE they will surpass the expectations
as new techs is coming,we will have best service from this compony as they are one of their own.it looks perfect as they have the best techgy in their hands , brains and above all the mighty God is also on their side.VIVA SPIRITAGE GROUP OF COMPANIES.
Do not take these guys lightly, they have quality within their ranks….
You sound like an employee at 29 Mazowe Street….
…ok you are quality,real hot stuff 🙂
i went for their interview, these guys mean business judging by the type of qns they fired from all angles
my brother itai,money is not the solution to ideas.infact it just helps to fuel up.remember when econet started,it only had few base stations with hre coverage if i am not mistaken.Cant you smell it that somethng is happening though i agree wth yu on the fact that there is need for capacity.we want choice.iyo spiritage must be customer centric thats it coz zvekudisconectwa ndisingazive …izvozvo izvo zvakadhakwa manje
Did somebody sell he went for an interview, pliz give us a sample of questions they bamboozled you with!
Yeah ive heard about Spiritage. Its very ambitous and I believe is headed up by Zach Wazara. If im not mistaken Chidembo, The Nhava and Meikles guy, is also somehow involved. At least we know these are serious guys who have access to adequate funding and have the business experience to create a stern competitor to the likes of Econet and Africom in Zimbabwe.
… anybody out there,like me who is sick and tired of these ‘early 2011’ promises,I have argued before that this is becoming meaningless…bet my bottom dollar we wont have anything meaningful happening before June 2011 at the earliest…meanwhile,Econet continues to fleece us bigtime esp here in Marondera where there is NO alternative but them!…can’t wait to give Econet the boot!
i smell a rat here…this spiritage might be an econet project trying to create some form of competition, when in actual fact the dollar goes into one pocket.
Its a very simplistic and naive attitude to view this as simply being a ‘rat’ or ‘front’. If you see in 2009, Both Wazara and Chidembo left the Econet board abruptly as to pursue personal ventures. Obviously a venture such as Spiritage would have been a conflict on interest on their part therefore decision to resign. Their is no absolutely no connection between the two companies.
lets wait and see what they will bring and then we can start commenting , but fo now a company being felt before it even launches is a must see , it appears everyone is now curious …
dont be so sure, watch and see how this will turn out
its unfortunate that people are so scared of what other people are coming up with spiritage is the way to go
spiritage is a classic US silicon valley kinda firm they have a lot going on and personally i have to tell you i witnessed one of their project they are keeping at BAk storage, i cant say what but you journalistis who want news just wait coz …………they are going to blow your minds……….they love the media but as scientits they love to keep a low profile, but honestly……we have the next best thing coming from here (zimbabwe) thats spiritage
Their site http://www.reserveyournumber.co.zw was supposed to ba availabe but is note yet up. Its after 2pm which they delared would be the start time and still they are not on their feet. I hope they can deliver
Spiritage is going to revolutionise telecommunications in Zimbabwe guys. You mark my words. Have read alot of pointless banter throuogh this blog but the truth is nobody really has a clue what is going on. Watch and learn !
Can someone please let me know the website address for Spiritage. Thanks.
Website not up yet:
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can someone give me there contacts in harare