Zimbabwe’s telecommunication statistics summary (2010)

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growth stats

Last week, we had an opportunity to visit POTRAZ, the country’s telecommunications regulator. There we got some stats of Zimbabwe’s telecommunications as at September 2010 and we thought we would share the data here.

Okay, we’re a little late with this, but I trust most of our readers will find the data useful all the same. It’s not easy coming across this data on the internet so consider this our contribution to making this kind of data easy to find.

Zimbabwe’s estimated population used in the calculations is 12,595,000.

2nd quarter 3rd quarter Growth
Total Mobile Subscribers 6,155,193 7,196,246 17%
Total Fixed Subscribers 378,594 377,955 -0.2%
Mobile Tele-density 49% 57% 17%
Fixed Tele-density 3% 3% 0%
Total Tele-density 52% 60% 15%
growth statsZimbabwe Teledensity


  1. Muti Mutiwanyuka

    Hi ,
    Finally!!!, this is good data, a job well and truly done! I’m really excited that there is access to this information. I would like to request that you guys make ,an annual, report on the the state of mobile/fixed line growth.
    This way potential investors in the diaspora and international can make informed decisions about investment in Zimbabwe.
    Being based in the diaspora, one finds that the grumblings from home in the print/web media mainly focus on the political, What is lacking is INFORMATION. Information on potential investment, plenty is made of the need for Zimbabweans abroad to come home to rebuild the nation. This cry would be much louder in our ears if they had something to come home too!
    The diaspora would much benefit from a website such as yourselves providing in depth, well researched articles/blogs/how-to-videos on how to start up various ventures in the ICT. Namely Isp’s,data storage companies, smart phone content providers,power supplies and banking/financial software. Indiginization/local empowerment is generally seen here as a progressive ,noble idea. However it is, as with all things is susceptible to the usual human failings (read greed.)
    As we move into am more technological age,we require a global effort to move forward,Zimbabwe’s most enduring,reliable and asset is its people that have moved to far off places and experienced a way of life,that not only is alien to them, but has imbued them a sense of how much they like/love their homeland.They are now ready(cash/loans/co-operatives.) to return with their monies , and make a difference.. to its Destiny.

    I do have a question to ask how soon is the broadband connection of the coast of Mozambique going to be live and how will it affect download speeds in Zimbabwe?

    Are what are the licences/fees that need to be held to start an ISP.?

    Where can they be obtained..?

  2. Nerudo Curtis Mregi

    You guys are doing a terrific job. This data only means Mobile broadband including Wimax for internet infrastructure investors

  3. Muchamaya

    good job, but remember more has been done since then
    One request, please give us data as to coverage for the broadband service providers
    Powerte, Ecoweb, Africom, Valley Tech, Broadlands etc.
    And we hear of telerix as well.

  4. Nevanji

    Well done Tech zim quartely updates will be greatly appreciated. Some of us are doiing research that need these statistics so thanks a lot guys