Zimbabweans have started many blogs on the internet. Some are hosted on Blogspot, some on WordPress, and some on independent blogs. The blogger keep the Internet relevant for Zimbabweans. We decided we’d just list some of the great blogs here.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, not by a long shot; just a list of the some prominent blogs we know. If there’s any we left out here whom you think deserve mention, please go right ahead and mention them in the comments. We’ll definitely edit & include them on the main list.
We hope that seeing how other bloggers are doing it will influence more Zimbabweans to blog.
We have categorized them in groups just to improve readability. Oh, in trying to draw the thin line between blogging and news reporting, we’ve excluded some great Zim news sites like www.newzimbabwe.com. Also note there are hundreds of microbloggers on platforms like Twitter who we don’t list here for obvious reasons.
- 100 Greatest Zimbabweans. “We feature the top 100 Zimbabweans of all time” 100greatestzimbabweans.blogspot.com
- Business Setup. Max Soutter, the blogger, is the founder of the Business Setup Group, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start-up and grow businesses the smart way. bizsetup.wordpress.com
- Candid Consumerism. “…making goods and services available to consumers safer, better quality, environmentally friendly, and more readily available.” consumerizim.com
- Economic Views from Zimbabwe. John Robertson’s thoughts on the Zimbabwe economy and some of my comments from a lay perspective.odettejohnrobertson.blogspot.com
- Gilbert Muponda Gilbert Muponda is an Entrepreneur based in Canada. He is Founder of GMRI Capital and the now defunct ENG Capital. muponda.blogspot.com
- Ngoda Business Blog. “Ngoda Business Blog is a non-profit Zimbabwean business blog designed by Zimbabwean entrepreneurs for Zimbabwean entrepreneurs to bridge the information gap existing within the Zimbabwean business community.” www.ngoda.info
- Shingi’s Blog. Group Chief Executive for African Sun Limited. blog.africansuninvestor.com
- The QUARTZ Effect. “Helps companies develop a strong brand presence through developing strong marketing plans and running simple and effective marketing programmes and campaigns. thequartzeffect.posterous.com
- Greedy South. Zimbabwe Entertainment blog. greedysouth.blogspot.com
- Odette’s Recipes from Zimbabwe. “Traditional Zimbabwe Recipes and those using ingredients available in Zimbabwe” odettesrecipesfromzimbabwe.blogspot.com
- XBC Jumpoff – Radio Kunakirwa. “Promotes local Zimbabwean music through podcasts for the benefit of Zimbabwean music lovers across the globe. The aim is to help Zimbabwean music reach the masses (especially those out of the country) for the benefit of both fans and artists alike.” www.xbcjumpoff.mypodcast.com
- Zimbabwe Lifestyle. “Life in Zimbabwe is not all bad; from eating out to wine tasting to food made at home.” zimbabwefood.blogspot.com
- Zimbojam. “Zimbabwean entertainment, entertainers, showbiz and lifestyle as if there was no tomorrow.” www.zimbojam.com
- ZOLife. ZOLife is about how you can use the Internet to improve your life. zolife.co.zw
- David Coltart. Zim Senator, has been a human rights lawyer www.davidcoltart.com
- Kubatana. The NGO network alliance project – an online community for Zimbabwean activists. www.kubatana.net
- Sithambelumthetho Ngwenya. “Zimbabwe born lawyer, human rights activist and politician currently based in Botswana.” mavikinduku.blogspot.com
- A Woman’s Sanctuary. “A place for real women of Zimbabwe.” realwomenofzim.blogspot.com
- African Moves. African Politics by James Chikonamombe. zichivhu.blogspot.com
- Common sense…. or is it? This blog is designed to take a look at what separates us from living successful, fulfilling lives. More importantly we go on to look at practical ways to move closer to success. Sometimes it’s common sense, applied common sense. commonsenseorisit.blogspot.com
- Fungai Neni. This blog is about Fungai Rufaro Machirori fungaineni.wordpress.com
- Gardening in Zimbabwe. Plants that grow in Zimbabwe gardens will be featured as well as tips on growing vegetables and flowers zimgardening.blogspot.com
- Living Zimbabwe www.livingzimbabwe.com
- Nurturing Champions. Dr T. A. Makoni, the blogger, is a multi-skilled professional life coach and mentor. He is a practising dentist, the pastor in Celebration Church, a business man, chairman of Rapha Trust, chairman and major shareholder in General Steel and Construction, convener of the Champions Turf Dinners. nurturingchampions.wordpress.com
- Rabison Shumba. Rabison Shumba is a young African entrepreneur who has interests in Information and Communication Technology, Agriculture and Mining. He is also a motivational speaker, trainer and author. His book, The Greatness Manual. rabisonshumba.com
- Rustygate. “…because your life is boring” www.rustygate.org
- ShonaVixen www.iamshona.com
- Sir Nigel. This is part of my journey…What began as a simple blog to house my art eventually turned into a hub where my various thoughts are documented and displayed. I discuss life in general, my constant love affair with Zimbabwe and indeed the continent as a whole. www.sirnige.com
- Team Zimbabwe. Working together to build a nation. www.teamzimbabwe.org
- Three Men On a Boat. Human thought debunked www.3-mob.com
- Zimbablog. Many Zimbabweans. One blog. That pretty much sums up what this website is about. www.zimbablog.com
thanks hey!
I think you ought to acknowledge Ngoda Business Blog on http://www.ngoda.wordpress.com, we have had 500 Hits within 2 weeks. Its the focal point for Business Information Articles on doing business in Zimbabwe.
We have articles published from the Likes of Tafirenyika Makunike, Gilbert Muponda, Phillip Chichoni and Mike Tashaya to name a few.
Thanks Michael. Updated!
Thanks Kabweza!
great list
Uhm … http://consumerizim.com 🙂
By the way … *blush*
ah… updated.
And techzim.co.zw LOL
Ooh thank you for this list, it’s good to know that there are so many heroes out there. Personally i am a long time follower of Max Soutter’s Bizsetup website, which is excellent. Yours is also very good mr kwabeza.
Im disapointed. You didnt mention my guys who I think are the best on that list no doubt. xbcjumpoff is by far the most followed blog I know. I love TechZim big time asi xbcjumpoff yakapenga. Max Scouter hmmmmm he got me angry Im still yet to forgive him for offending the developer in me. Im still to read the other blogs though. Nice stuff guys
Guys take a look at this:
Blackbookzw thanks, you lightened up my Wednesday morning:-)
@Kwabeza – Thanks for the inclusion mate! I love the list.
@Mavie – Thank you for your support, keep reading!
@Nerudo – sorry for offending the dev in you mate, perhaps we can just agree to disagree on the matter?!
Thanks for featuring me!!! What a lovely thought. And thank you letting me know about my fellow Zimbos in the blogosphere!
Thanks for the inclusion. You can not miss Max Soutter on this list. Please include the bizsetup blog. Its one of the most consistent blogs ever.
Great list! Please also take a look at http://www.chosen-royal.blogspot.com
Mr Shumba Max Soutter was included in the business section. You techzim guys are doing an ace job. kip it up and continue to expose us to various things where we could not find it anywhere else.
I really love this list and i have been reading a number of them. Of special mention for me is kubatana.net which is always an interesting read and Bizsetup which has actually moved to http://www.bizsetupgroup.com and it’s an excellent source for strategies and inspiration.
Bizsetup (always very useful and funny posts), 3-mob (which i don’t see on your list here), Zimbojam (sometimes), and techzim (always)…the most interesting and useful blogs in Zimbabwe by far.
thanks for the comment. 3-mob is there. second from last (alphabetic order wise)
You may also want to check out my blog, perhaps one of the very few Christian blogs in Zimbabwe… http://www.phillchida.blogspot.com
Thanks for the inclusion mates
We havent made it in the top 100 but we are in the race as well….http://www.zimsmartphones.wordpress.com
please vote for my brother Mustard Seed project. it is the only African cpuntry that is set to compete against six countries at the Silicon Val;ley in California. just visit this link and scroll down to Mustard Seed. make africa proud, be proud of zimbabweans
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