Cruz Reader tablet giveaway: Spot what’s missing

Econet Broadband Billboard

As you enter Harare’s CBD, a couple of massive billboards scream for your attention. They form a key part of Econet’s goliath advertising blitz. We spotted something missing from this particular ad, and thought of it as a great way to hold a competition.

Clue: It’s the first thing you’d expect to be there (On the billboard…)

Econet Broadband Billboard

The Winner will receive a Velocity Micro Cruz Tablet Reader R 101. You can read the article we posted about the tablet this morning. The process is as follows:

  1. Post your answer as a comment. The comment doesn’t need to be just the answer, you can say other thoughts as well.
  2. This competition runs until tomorrow (15 June) 1700hrs local time.
  3. We’ll get all the correct answers, put the names in a hat and do a draw here at the office. We’ll announce the winner as an update to this story soon after the draw. The winner will collect the tablet at our offices in Alex Park.
  4. This is open to anybody in Zimbabwe.


We’ve done the draw and the winner is the first comment (strange hey) by 1c0n1c. We will contact 1c0n1c through the email address he provided. If the tablet is not collected within a week, we’ll draw another name. Thank you all so much for participating.


    60 responses

    1.  Avatar

      Seriously!!! Anyone can tell that FACEBOOK is missing from the list of tech companies on that billboard! I mean people use google, twitter, yahoo and youtube but to omit facebook is a serious crime on Econet’s part!!!

      1. Karrada Avatar

        I think a religious reference from the Bible is whats missing. What happend to the Re Born Ad/Marketing manager? hee hee

    2. Rob Avatar


    3. Kchangunda Avatar

      the Facebook logo!

    4. Joe Black Avatar

      The Econet website is missing, that’s a pretty big deal to me: Either or !

      1.  Avatar

        the websites are ain’t reliable enough for them to want to advertise!!!

    5. Frances-ClareM Avatar

      theres no facebook on the billboard. (i aslo think they could have added/supported a local site i.e. classifieds or dipleague) 😉

    6. Butholezwe Mkwananzi Avatar
      Butholezwe Mkwananzi

      Facebook not included. I mean that should be the most visible of all.

    7. Farai Chindiya Avatar
      Farai Chindiya

      no FACEBOOK!

    8. Graduate de Zimunya Avatar
      Graduate de Zimunya

      Facebook is missing from the billboard

    9. Misheck Dera Avatar
      Misheck Dera

      A tablet pc is missing from that billboard. Other gadgets which use the service being advertised are there except a tablet pc.

    10. Nyapokotoclive Avatar

      facebook is missing

    11. Nick Avatar


    12. Phineas Mukomberanwa Avatar

      Its been said over and over again, yes Its facebook logo thats missing – one would think it was deliberately ‘removed’ since logically, its supposed to be between the skype logo and the Eco chinyi logo.

    13. Hannibal Avatar

      its missing the “Facebook Logo”

    14. Kakomarara1 Avatar

      ooops I got it its Facebook logo,

    15. libho Avatar

      facebook people, no one really puts yahoo first to say the least 

    16. libho Avatar

      The blue and white FACEBOOK logo, I wonder what they were thinking

    17. Mr Happy Avatar
      Mr Happy

      well it depends who you are….if you travel with sirens pushing people off the road it is missing one logo, or if you are everyone else it is missing a wave “hello” 

    18. facebook missing Avatar
      facebook missing

      it has to be the mark zuckerberg creation!

    19.  Avatar

      Its the Facebook logo. 

      Has anyone noticed how the Telecomms companies are digging up the whole of CBD pavements laying out their fibre cables but after their work is done they forget to properly put back the concrete slabs as they were before. Most of the times they just cover the trenches with cement but doing  shoddy work.Witness this along Nelson Mandela Ave starting from the Parkade area.You wonder where will be the City council to check on these guys!

      1. Itai Zimwara Avatar
        Itai Zimwara

        Thanks for that my brother, everytime I walk along ZB Towers it feels like I almost fell into the their “dodgy traps” every step of the pavement.

        We could have a story about that too….

    20. Gedza Avatar

      Facebook, their website,

    21. Marko Motene Avatar
      Marko Motene

      facebook of course is missing

    22. J. P. G. Avatar
      J. P. G.

      the PRICE/CHARGE/FEE should have been indicated

      1.  Avatar

        read for details about the tablet.

        1. J. P. G. Avatar
          J. P. G.

          got it man

    23. facebook missing Avatar
      facebook missing

      “dis” is missing from the first line

    24. disillusioned Avatar

      “dis” is missing from the first line

    25. Arnold Moyo Avatar
      Arnold Moyo


    26. Rory Avatar

      The disclaimer allowing them to use copyrighted logos in their advertising effort

    27. Fchikwature Avatar

      i just knew it was fb and it seems every1 is getting it right lol

    28. Chiko Mukwenha Avatar

      i’d have to say Facebook man. Not necessarily the FIRST thing i’d expect
      to see but it has got to be there given how popular it is with their
      target market.

    29. Raymond Swart Avatar

      It’s obviously Facebook and considering their spaming of eTxT really bad of them to miss this one on their proofing of the billboard. Hahaha even okes at Econet are just human.

    30. Simon Gavi Avatar
      Simon Gavi

      facebook missing

    31. Reapers Avatar

      the lights on the top of the billboard, that should be on the end of the poles on the top

    32. Shumbaprince Avatar

      Facebook logo! (What … I also want in..)

    33. Lee Avatar

      it has to be the Facebook logo

    34. Privilege Mukwaira Avatar
      Privilege Mukwaira

      ko facebook is not there ka

    35. Zimbo Avatar

      Lights are missing

    36. mack Avatar

      There is no tablet

    37. Colleen Avatar

      Ummmmm lets see….FACEBOOK!!!!

    38. JamesM Avatar

      I don’t want your price! But where’s the USB Modem!!!

    39. Samtalent Avatar


    40. Tichawona Muzira Avatar
      Tichawona Muzira

      It’s the name of the advertising company

    41. Hon Ngole Avatar

      They are advertising their Broadband and the should be also on the advert to serve you more details. 

    42. Itai Zimwara Avatar
      Itai Zimwara

      Facebook of course, but they could add Nimbuzz, its way more familiar to the mobile internet community than Skype and Youtube.

      But why would I visit their website, it’s useless if not inaccessible..?

    43. Culture Avatar


    44. fishmonger Avatar

      for me it will have to be econet url/website.

    45. Christopher Avatar


    46. robasta Avatar


    47. Gro1 Avatar

      They’re missing the TechZim logo…. I mean dah, who on this earth is not visiting the TechZim site on an hourly basis??? This would have made their billboard more serious!!!

    48. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      It’s 1700hrs : the competition is closed. Thanks to everyone who participated. The correct answer we were looking for is Facebook. We’ll do the draw tomorrow morning and announce the winner. Check back for an update. 

      1. Gro1 Avatar

        you mean to tell me that facebook is bigger thank TechZim?????

        1.  Avatar

          Aaaah seriously??? That is not wat he mean’t dude!!!

    49. Shingaimakomichi Avatar

       Facebook and where to find the nearest econet outlet for visitors, detail of location!

    50.  Avatar

      Thanx to the techzim team, i am now a proud owner of a Cruz Reader… Now let me take the tour…

    51. Maumbile Moments Avatar
      Maumbile Moments

      its not facebook…facebook doesnt HAVE to be there….it’s their website address…how can they be ‘selling internet’ without their own ‘internet presence’…???? Where do we get more information then??? IT’S THE WEBSITE ADDRESS!!!

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