Yes, in this era don’t bother trying to reinvent the wheel in hopes of stumbling upon a streak of serendipity. Rather customise the wheel, add some ‘bling’ to it in the form of practical modifications. A whole continent of one billion people and an even bigger globe of seven billion people are ready to reward pragmatic and entrepreneurial thinking.
ICTs are at the forefront of this revolution as knowledge and information has been democratised by the internet and mobile communications. This is all song and dance on paper but a massive, unconnected population still exists in the developing world and even pockets of developed nations. The world’s second biggest mobile operator, Vodafone PLC has been actively dedicated to help solving this problem (profitably).
We first came across the Vodafone Webbox when l was conducting research for the Africa’s Telecom’s Titans profile of its South African based subsidiary; Vodacom Group. The Webbox is basically an Android 2.1 powered keyboard that can connect to practically any television set. It has an SD memory slot and operates on ordinary data capable simcards (3G). It also uses Opera Mini to browse the net, and doubles as a picture, video and fm radio player.
This is basically a metamorphosis of a keyboard, bare bone tablet computer and 3G mobile technology. It is topped up using ordinary airtime or internet bundles to be more accurate. Perhaps more impressive than anything else is the price it is retailing at in South Africa and other Vodafone territories (Tanzania, Ghana, Egypt,and India among others). This unit costs R599 (USD $ 84) and comes with a 2gig SD card and 100mb worth of data every month for a year, totally free.
According to information published by the ITU, every 10% increase in broadband could result in a 2.5% growth in GDP. While mobile broadband is being championed as a second transformative wave after basic mobile services, consumers will want to upgrade their internet experience from mobile to bigger and better platforms. Devices like the Webbox have a very bright future ahead of them. If only consumers in Zimbabwe and booming markets like Nigeria could have access to them. Hopefully someone is pondering over this too…
Now that what Im talking abt, Samsung is currently working on producing an IP ready T.V! Exciting Moments!!
You see where this is going Right . . . . ZBC coming to your door and asking for your T.V. license and you try the old “i dont have a T.V. – Thats a 64″ computer monitor” excuse & it dont work, 100USD to not watch t.v. . . . Am not Keen
very very exciting product, keen to see our own zim geeks innovating on android platform. I mean an internet keyboard is so cost effective. Telecel, powertel, africom where are you? Go for this option. The other greedy guys could just pulverize us with their high 3G prices.
Exciting indeed ahead of us, for those not willing to wait, there already TV’s on the Zim market which have wireless receiver’s and network port/s on them for linking your home/office internet connection/s to them. Some have dedicated twitter & Facebook app’s pre-installed in them.