Opera Mobile Report: Zimbabwe is Africa’s biggest growth market

According to a document known as The State of Mobile Report, published by Opera (the world’s leading mobile internet browser) and containing information for June 2010-June 2011; Zimbabwe was consistently ranked in the top 10 mobile internet users in key ranking categories along with Morocco. The report ranks the continent’s biggest mobile internet markets (for Opera) as follows:

  1. Nigeria
  2. South Africa
  3. Kenya
  4. Ghana
  5. Sudan
  6. Zimbabwe
  7. Tanzania
  8. Ethiopia
  9. Zambia
  10. Morocco

In terms of growth Zimbabwe was ranked as the fastest growing market in terms of page view growth, unique visitors, data transfer. The report’s biggest highlight for Zimbabwe is that the country is the biggest overall African market in terms of page views per user. Mobile internet users in Zimbabwe view 713 web pages on average per month. What this says for us here at Techzim is that there is a massive hunger for VAS (Value Added Services) and relevant content. Zimbabwe only has 12.5 million people (the lowest population among the top ten), and yet managed to beat Nigeria (156 million), South Africa (50 million) and other giants of Africa in terms of usage per user.

Update: As discussed below with Tapiwa; Zimbabwe’s leadership position as the leading page views per user market for Opera in Africa  is not directly significant in the context of population per se. It rather has more relevance where literacy and the hunger for information is concerned (quality of population). Zimbabwe beat all African markets and hot emerging markets around the world (Brazil,India,China) in this area. Only Russia ,Belarus and Ukraine( former USSR state) have higher page views per user in the report. They all have Russian sites dominating their top ten list . This clearly affirms Zimbabwe’s potential as an ICT and BPO services hub on a GLOBAL scale.


  1. Anonymous

    am stunned..great stuff

  2. promise

    Zimbabweans are very unproductive. all top 10 websites viewed in Zim are so unproductive. what are we using the web for.

  3. Anonymous

    @ClintonMutambo:twitter  – math misinformation in the last paragraph. Population size does not have a bearing on any per user metric (because you are dividing by the number of users). If anything, it makes comparison easier between countries with different populations.

    @ea6584721eb6620e29c57085e4dfe163:disqus Wikipedia(#3), Google(#2) and Yahoo(#5) seem productive to me

    • Anonymous

      I get you taps, usage per user and the size of the market are separate aspects. In this light l’d naturally expect users with more access options (in bigger markets), and cheaper rates to consume more. When users in the smallest market (and least competitive) with some of the highest access costs in the group consume more content than those with more options it should tell us something…Rather than population figures, it says something about the quality/literacy of the population.

  4. Anonymous

    What this means is Native apps can rule this market. WebApps can dominate this market at this point. Awsome information

  5. Timehits

    I bet we’d have way more “page views per user” if our internet was reliable and always on…but currently with what Im experiencing with econet and powertel my Internets full potential is not being realised.

  6. Flow4sure

    Is this then not a violation of privacy if you go on to assume big brother role and monitor ones activities on the web, vis a vi, what else are you not showing on these reports.

  7. Mashvee

    This is all good stuff, gives us indications on directions to take as we move towards entreprenuserhip, thanx, and please give us the updated info

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