Telco says in the announcement that it is currently working on interconnection with the other two mobile network operators, Telecel and NetOne, and that updates will be provided once this has been achieved.
Here’s an extract from the announcement:
Telco management and Econet management have finally agreed that the Interconnect Product is a business partnership between the two companies, resulting in a win-win business relationship. Telco appreciates POTRAZ’s [the telecoms regulator] support and encouragement during these lengthy negotiations.
Telco was able, immediately after launch last year, to interconnect with the country’s sate owned fixed telecoms operator, TelOne. Interconnection with the mobile operators however has not been easy. And it’s not just them; reports from all new IAPs making efforts to deploy voice services confirm interconnection is no walk in the park. From what we gather, it’s due both to the technical and commercial processes involved as well as a significant part what some IAPs we’ve talked to say is collusion on the part of the existing mobile operators to delay interconnection as much as they can.
Voice tariffs by the new entrants, Africom, Spiritage Business and Telco are at least half of what the traditional three mobile operators charge. The lack of interconnection (and other reasons) however has prevented potential customers from migrating to these new providers.
Truly speaking guys I hate chi company chinonzi Telco ichi. It is a tribal company full of ndebele crooks. It’s more of like a family business being run like a tuckshop. Everyone knows this especially those who once worked there. For your information, be careful when considering Telco. It’s one of those oldest comapnies on the market but still has achieved nothing bcoz of poor management. Zimwana racho riye riye ndiro zi boss, mai vacho ndivo HR, mwana vasisi vacho ndivo ma managers and they are not educated to deserve such posts. I think an investigation needs to be done on this funny company.
Nonsense mhani Telco. What r u still doing on the market? I will never use your services. I would rather consider Brodacom or Africom for my VoIP services. Everyone wonders why u r still there. We know u and we hate you.