Telecel releases official mobile internet pricing. Introduces bundles

Since the launch of its mobile broadband internet services, Telecel has maintained that the pricing, US 10 cents per megabyte of data, was for pilot testing purposes only. Part of that is of course the fact that they commenced the commercial bit of rolling out their internet without seeking the regulator’s approval and they had to reimburse customers when POTRAZ directed them to. They decided to just leave it at that until today.

Telecel released its ‘commercial’ mobile broadband charges in an advert published in the print press today. We hope all is in order this time. The big change with the commercial pricing is that Telecel is introducing bundles as opposed to the flat rate price for all data. The advantage here for subscribers is that they can buy bigger bundles for less than the current  price per megabyte.

The bundle’s price per megabyte, like is standard on other networks, gets expensive as the bundle gets smaller. The smallest, a 55 megabytes bundle, is priced at US $5 (9 cents per megabyte) while the 3 gigabytes bundle, the largest, is going for $150 (just 5 cents an MB). In between is the 550MB and 1,25GB bundles priced at $45 and $85 respectively. The out-of-bundle rate per MB remains 10 cents.

You can compare that to Econet data prices on the Econet Broadband ‘On the Go’ page (we suspect that page needs some updating by the way, so we hope Econet will respond to our request for the latest price schedule).

Bundle prices aside, Telecel remains the mobile operator with the most attractive offer for mobile broadband as they provide free data for every voice credit purchase.

The Telecel website has not been updated with the current mobile broadband pricing information.


10 responses

  1. James Ritala Avatar
    James Ritala

    How do I purchase a telecel bundle?

  2. Lurker133 Avatar

    I’m a big fan of Telecel, but this is kinda disappointing.

  3. kthaker Avatar

    ok.. so let me get this straight…… either i can spend $150 for 3gb’s of data with Telecel, or i can spend $50 with Yoafrica (or $60 with ZOL) for best effort “unlimited” internet……hmm which one shall i choose??

    1. Madziva Avatar

      does Zol or YoAfrica sell $1us lines and do have coverage almost everywhere? just out of interest I think you should be comparing econet, netone and telecel.the zol or yoafrica setup and equipment cost more than e 50 us for a dongle.

      1. Itai Manyere Avatar

        if you are looking for affordability and a good price then Africom takes the cup. i have been using Telecel on my fone.. pathetic to say the least  so i never get to use the “free” internet. 

  4. Teekay Avatar

    i beg to differ. Telone has a better package. lowest package is $30 for 10 gig.and broadband on copper is still tops coz there are no fluctuations in speed.

  5. Chalenge Masekera Avatar

    I agree with Itai here, for home browsing checking mail and reading news, Africom has the best deal. On a phone, i dont think anyone would want to buy a bundle for $5 and i think they lost some of us there, well maybe on a PC or laptop it would make more sense.

  6. Guest Avatar

    To get Telone’s package its so difficult the paperwork. its as if you are trying to purchase the whole company let alone just bandwidth. But i think its the cheapest if only they could lesson their requirements. With Zol I only entered , gave them my ID and money next thing I walked out with my Wimax model and am on the net same day service. Not to be told maybe two or so weeks from now someone will come and then. Its a fast world

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