Climate Challenge brainstorming session in Harare

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If you have been scratching your head struggling to come up with an idea or strategy for the Apps4Africa Climate Challenge, well the funders of challenge, The US embassy, have some good news for you; there’s going to be a brain storming session for the challenge in two weeks. The US embassy in Harare just made an announcement on its Facebook Page this morning.

The brain storming session not only provides a platform to understand the challenge more, it’s an opportunity to meet other developers, entrepreneurs and organisers of the challenge all under one roof ready to help you. In short if you want to have a good chance of winning this challenge, you can’t afford not to be there.

The brain storming session will be facilitated by Mariéme Jamme, president of an organization called Spot One Global Solutions.  You can read more about her organization here.

The brainstorming session will be held on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 from 9am to 2pm. Venue is the Media Centre at the Harare Club (that’s corner Nelson Mandela and 3rd Street).

Remember the challenge ends on 30 March 2012.


  1. Nerudo

    I’m interested to work with anyone with an idea for an App and needs UX/UI and a Deving partner.

    Was at the Capetown Brainstorming session just a few weeks ago and am Proud you guys are also in the loop of things.

    1. Masimba

      Do you live in Zimbabwe @Nerudo:disqus 

      1. Nerudo

        Im in Capetown but just as my name suggests Im from the house of stone. 

  2. Three Men On A Boat

    Why do they always have the most inconvenient times?