So, do you talk the talk? We thought of putting together some of the trending internet vocabularies (mostly abbreviations actually) that are dominating conversations on the web, how much do you know?
Viral – A term used to describe a product or marketing campaign (usually YouTube videos) that rapidly gains popularity usually through social media (Likes, Retweets, +1s). An example of a viral video was that of the myth “Phones can pop popcorn”.
Parody – A parody imitates a work of art, literature, or music for the purpose of making playful fun or a joke of the original work. A parody may take an ironic or cynical approach to the work it is imitating or may just be for comedic relief. Most times, a parody involves a serious work that has been changed to make it seem absurd by mocking or pointing out shortcomings in the original work. A parody is similar to and may also be referred to as burlesque, lampoon or a spoof.
Stoked – to be “stoked” is to be completely and intensely enthusiastic, exhilarated, or excited about something. Those who are stoked all of the time know this; being stoked is the epitome of all being. When one is stoked, there is no limit to what one can do.
Pwn – step up of the word own. To “Pwn something” means to have complete control over it and to be “Pwned by something” means to be dominated by it.
Leetspeak – Replacing a letter by its closest figure’s llokalike or other various keyboard chatacters such as “+”, “(“, “[“. “/”, “_”. an example is the word sweet which on leetspeak becomes 5w337
woot – happiness
IMHO – In My Honest Opinion
FYI – For Your Own Information
FTW – For The Win
LOL – Laugh Out Loud
BTW – By The Way
IM me – IM meaning instant messaging as that we do using Facebook Chat or Talk
C|N>K – Used mostly by Linux users meaning “coffee through nose into keyboard” (usually when one’s made to laugh while on the PC, and is simultaneously drinking coffee)
ROFL(or ROTFL) – Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Which ones did we leave out?
You forgot noob, a noob is a newbie, a beginner at something.
KNK – Kufa nekuseka
PDN … Pidigu Dhi Nekuseka!
Link to a list of mostly local lingo posted on Tuesday 31 May 2011 through a local social blog.
Link to a list of mostly local lingo posted on Tuesday 31 May 2011 through a local social blog. more Zim internet and facebook lingo
BRB ~ Be Right Back
IRL ~ In Real Life
R.O.T.F.L.M.A.O – Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A@# Off.
ttyl – talk to you later
JCA- Juss a Click Away
Hurrah! In the end I got a weblog from where I can actually
get useful information concerning my study and knowledge.