Now you can rent a Telecel Teletune for less than a dollar

Telecel Teletunes

Telecel TeletunesYesterday, we received an update from Telecel on their relatively new Teletunes service. The company is basically providing more subscription options to subscribers. Where subscribers could only buy (more like rent actually) a song for 30 days for US $1, it is now possible to rent a song for a shorter period and be charged only for that period. The rates are 35 cents for a week, 60 cents for two weeks and 80 cents for 3 weeks, whatever you airtime balance can afford . More pricing details in the full release below.

Telecel also used the opportunity to clarify the following:

  • You are charged for the voice call you make to the Telecel number to select the song you want to rent. The rate for voice is the normal POTRAZ approved 23 cents per minute. If you choose to rent the song using SMS, you are charged 15 cents for each SMS message you send. The usual SMS rate in Zimbabwe is 9 cents.
  • Once you subscribe for the service by renting a song for whatever period you get, renewal for the next period is automatic unless you opt out. Automatic renewal means the airtime will be automatically subtracted from your balance.
  • The codes for the various Teletunes songs you can choose from are listed on the Telecel Facebook page in the notes section here and the Telecel website. We couldn’t locate them on the website though.

Telecel launched the Caller Ring Back Tone (CRBT) service early last month and according to their technical partner, Pop Technologies, the impact on the market has “so far has been fantastic” and can only get better. We have been told that Econet is working to launch a similar offering.

Here’s a link to the full news release.


3 responses

  1. keith letters Avatar
    keith letters

    No link to the full news release..

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      thanks hey. fixed.

      1. That Telecel Guy Avatar

        Here is a link to where the file for the Teletunes is kept. It is advertised on the page.

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