Seizing an opportunity: Telecel’s response to the Econet & NetOne fight

So what do you do when you two business rivals start fighting? No, you don’t sit back and watch! You seize the opportunity! You explain to the market why it’s a smart idea for them to just ditch your two rivals and join your network!

Gotta give it to them!

thanks KSPD.


15 responses

  1. Musa Ncube Avatar

    i have always liked Telecel’s marketing team, they are geniuses. Remember their response to Econet’s “night chat”? classic. & today? classic!

    1. curious Avatar

      what was their response to night chat?

  2. tendai Avatar

    In shona the correct term is muchekadzafa and in politics the correct term is “Julius Malema visiting Marikana soon after the shooting to spite Zuma ” and in business its seizing the moment and making money. I love it man , its cheap but it works. Viva telecel !!!

  3. Prosper Chikomo Avatar
    Prosper Chikomo

    Telecel must go further and launch a “Dollar a Day promotion” exactly like Netone’s, even for 30 days. It is not against the law.

    Now, that would be fun. Telecel would easily double its subscriber base in a matter of days.

    Don’t you just love fair competition?

    God bless Zimbabwe!!!!

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      keyword “fair”

  4. Blessing Dube Avatar
    Blessing Dube

    Telecel are really keeping their eye on the ball. It’s great to see such a large company being so agile and hungry for business

  5. Harlin Avatar

    Clearly their Marketing Company is on the Ball –

  6. tinm@n Avatar


  7. patie Avatar

    I just love this. It just shows that the marketing team at telecel has come of age. Now if they would direct some of the energy to improving the IT side of things then it would be be super

  8. Observer Avatar

    Why not? after all they are not lying.

  9. EntrepreneurCrunch Avatar

    Ya ya ya Telecel are on the ball for real. They probably have scooped some subscribers whilst the other two brothers are fighting.

  10. Richard Issa Avatar

    Hoping to cash in but that did not happen?

  11. Chris Mberi Avatar

    Mucheka dzafa and why not… love this

  12. Mdara Mdara Avatar
    Mdara Mdara

    has netone been paying telecel interconnection fees?

    1. Prosper Chikomo Avatar
      Prosper Chikomo

      ha ha. Good question.

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